So I finally got my glass flowers and am FINALLY seeing some decent sessions out of the ascent dropping 2 or 3 flowers on the top. Has anyone managed to source a bigger, less fiddly glass spacer yet?
poking the last few 'stem down' (like thumbtacks) into the load
Can anyone post a pic of those glass flowers? I seriously have no idea what everyone is referring too.
Would smoking the silecon make me drop dead?
Maybe i can melt i and remold it to fitt?
i am looking for the same thing cause i have trouble too
and that is the part i am having the most trouble with!!! after i drop two in the empty bowl (stems up) i load my herbs, pack it down with the glass oil can..... now the bowl is half full (as i am trying to not use alot), trying to put the last two in on top with the stems down and poking them in like thumbtacks with my fat fingers is difficult!!!
don't take my post wrong @OF i like the flowers and they really make a HUGE difference for sure... i just have trouble getting them in the correct place with my fat fingers and even when i do get the flowers in correctly... i can still get the puck "rising" after a few pulls. it does not rise as fast as when i do not use them... thats for sure.
trying to put the last two in on top with the stems down and poking them in like thumbtacks with my fat fingers is difficult!!!
So the flowers have a dual purpose if I am understanding this correctly. Weigh down the weed so it doesn't just float around when inhaled AND increasing the surface area to maximize weed that is caped.
So the flowers have a dual purpose if I am understanding this correctly. Weigh down the weed so it doesn't just float around when inhaled AND increasing the surface area to maximize weed that is caped. Am I correct in this assumption?
Also could you shake it around to also provide a stirring of the product?
In response to all the glass bead/flower questions. I've posted this before but, here it is again. With this bead I get amazing (desktop like) vapor production, I'm able to do very small loads, and my puck never lifts even a little.
Know your small amount, how are you keeping from floating the jar upwards when you hit, which in turn would block off the stem hole from the vapor path AROUND the jar?I just used the oil can without the lid. Worked good.
Pre-cursor - I've been reading this since post 1 (as much as possible. Y'all are super chatty) so if this info exists forgive me. I must've missed it.
I requested by email, from Davinci, about where I was on the wait list and never received a response back. Today I received the email saying "Hey! one now or no freebies for joo!" Curious I roll over to the site and am able to order one as a guest, or by signing in to my account. My questions are these...
I seriously love this. One day..I've always said my ascent performed like a desktop so I retro-fit a piece if ssv tubing and a 14 mm connector to my pn wt. It hits even harder now!!!
It takes away from the whole glass on glass aspect but it's great for lazy time. Just turn it on, set it on the night stand and go to town.
It came in a glass crafts kit my daughter got for Christmas 1 year. I believe that it was @OF that found them on eBay once and posted a link. I may be wrong tho. I had to dig through a few hundred to find the 2 square ones like mine. The link was to packs of only square ones like mine tho.
actually it wasn't OF that posted the link it was someone else... it took me awhile to find it the last time so i had to add it to my wish list for the next time i place an order at amazon. here's the link
actually it wasn't OF that posted the link it was someone else...
This bead, in 15mm, is a very good match for the bowl. I mash the load down with an oil jar and then set this bead on top. It fills the space and keeps the puck from moving.i am looking for the same thing cause i have trouble too
and that is the part i am having the most trouble with!!! after i drop two in the empty bowl (stems up) i load my herbs, pack it down with the glass oil can..... now the bowl is half full (as i am trying to not use alot), trying to put the last two in on top with the stems down and poking them in like thumbtacks with my fat fingers is difficult!!!