No, what I tried to say is this is a conduction vape, the only way (for practical purposes) heat gets into the load is by contact with the hotter surfaces. Over time heat builds up in the load as it spread though it, eventually reaching a uniform temperature (basically the one displayed). I did a series of experiments that demonstrated this (and eventually led to the glass flower idea):
This showed that useful energy transfer basically stops when you start to hit it, temperature drops like the proverbial rock. Any vapor to be made has to come from energy already in the load for the most part. Over time all the load does extract without stirring, this is why. But to get into the load to start with the load has to be in solid contact with the hot walls or the rate goes WAY down and you have to wait long times between hits.
This was the understanding that led to the idea of the flowers which add more hot glass in contact with herb.
It's one of those thermodynamics know, 'heat flows from hot to cold' and all that?
Another insight is actually making the vapor takes a LOT of energy. Much more than it takes to raise temperature. As it evaporates in the hit, the THC and other good stuff robs the heat from the load causing the temperature there to drop rapidly, too rapidly to be replaced in a useful time unless the hot surfaces are spread throughout the load....back to the flowers idea.
FWIW other vapes work differently, at least some do. Convection vapes (like HA, Cera, etc) heat the air drawn in so the load temperature goes up in the hit (not down like here). Hit them harder and you get more vapor, not less.
Anyway, I hope this helps? You might read the posts above (and look at the photos), perhaps that will help?