Alright, been off the grid for about a week-ish. Only catching up now.
if it was designed with the idea that everyone was going to fill the bowl to the max. Either way, it's kinda odd, eh?
It was designed so one could share. Not odd in the least.
It is easy to make a large bowl smaller (reducer). It is nigh on impossible to make a small bowl larger.
Thanks, nice page. Everything except the bowl dimensions. I know it is an oval. How W, L , D?
I've updated the page. But pulling out the digital Caliper gives me about 17mm (the top gets a tad in the way) by 9.28mm.
thank you for all the help. last question is what is the second hole on the bottom next to the grill?
What's the hole for? Symmetry.
Inserting screen is hit or miss, and I don't like metal possibly scratching ceramic..
Glass. Scratching glass. No exposed ceramic.
You are the only other one reporting in with holes in jar.
A few other people tried making holes back in Aug/Sept. (don't recall if one of them was jive). A few people destroyed oil cans in the process. Think samr might have also damaged oil cans.
EDIT: Not suggesting not to try drilling holes, but be aware of previous attempts and exercise care.
very similar to the Solo`s only difference being Solo`s clouds are thicker in my opinion.
Keep in mind @
OF's posts in both this thread and in the Solo thread regarding actual measured temperature under draw load. The Solo actually *RAISED* the temp of the product by IIRC 30°. One would suspect one WOULD have larger clouds if one were to raise temps.
I use a beer bottle cozy with a zipper as my carrier. Slip the straw out the top and take a sip. Also has room for stash and a few cleaning/packing tools.
The concern here would be the batteries. Heat is not their friend.
I would imagine everything else won't be as temp sensitive.
I am not sure that the inside of the inner stem is fully cleanable and will eventually become a consumable. An alcohol bath gets most, but the walls down in the wider bottom are unreachable. Any ideas?
I always clean with a a coarse (ie, not table) salt when I want things perfectly clean. I fill a container with a coarse salt, then top off with ISO. Then stick the stems in the salt.
dreamerr actually complained/commented about "mystery crystals" in the Ascent screen-stem I sent her, until I explained it was salt.

Might be a little difficult to get every crystal out, but NaCl becomes volatile at VERY high temps. I would be that concerned about it, but what other impurities (depending on the kind you use) might be in there.