I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the MZap I ordered earlier this week..and its arrived!
Hastely I tore right in.
Got it plugged in and warming up.
As it warmed I put a couple drops of the lemon oil in the aromatherapy defuser. It was quite pleasant. NOTE: remove a 'warm' defuser by the flower petals, NOT the base.
I ground up some herb.
Filled a tip up w/ the simple inhale technique. Seems easy enough.
Then set the tip in place on the heater for a few mins.
I pulled a few draws, first couple I wasn't conciously "holding" my hits as long as I should have.
The third I held as long as I could.
And I was a goner.

Sitting there holding the stem in my hand and going...how the fuck long have I been sitting here with this in my hand. Its great.
I still need to learn or get a good feel for the draw speed and duration n such..but so far I'm very impressed.
On a personal level the blue LED is slightly annoying, but I'm also a person that has pieces of electrical tape on all his LEDs (monitor, CPU, speakers..) so I may be slightly anal about it. haha
Although it is kinda cool.
BTW, anyone know what the little wooden dowel piece is for included w/ the stems? I did notice it fits into the bottom of the stems into the bowl...is it for gently packing the herb in?
Oh, one other thing I noticed, flavor seems almost non existant (compared to smoking in my bubbler)..and thats kinda disapointing.
EDIT: after i learned how to properly hit it, the taste is actually amazing. sooo much cleaner than combusted material. granted its just the first 2 hits, then it turns into more of the vegetabley?? taste, then finally into the burnt taste.
I wanna send out a thanks to Rick, I sent a few emails back n forth and he was very patient with me. Definately gives the whole ordeal a personal touch. Not only in the product but the communication and person too.
Well, even tho I'm still feelin mighty fine, I'll just take another hit anyway.

I'd definately would have used a lot more in my bubbler to feel this good..so I do believe efficiency there, no matter high NON scientific my method is to determine that.