

Well-Known Member


BTW Fear, do you know who made that icon, or should I say do you know who you took it from? I doubt it. :2c: Other than the LED it's a pixel for picel copy of the PD. It's Cherry wood.


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
Why do some people feel they have the right to tell Tom to get back to work? I don't think anyone of you lot would last a day in the employment of some arsehole that stood over you and was cracking a whip.

Also it's a home business, and he probably (like me) puts in shit more loads of hours than most people have experienced in their lives.


Thanks Tom for ignoring the Mods request to stay off this thread. There have been countless times I have had the urge to go on your thread to clarify negative comments you have made about AZ and me but refrained from doing so.
Wow, lets whine over another copy of something! Good job! I sure am glad you never copied anything, with your "diffuser" and all.
Thanks again for being you. YOU sure do keep ME busy making AND shipping lots of MZs.
Again, please stay away from the AZ/MZ thread as requested by the Mods.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
ok.... change of subject.
Rick... I know you tend too make your MZ's nice and slim, have you found there is a point when making the MZ that the body is too slender and doesn't hold heat well?


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
I will be honest and say I am really disappointed with Rick's response. I thought he was better than that.

I thought he would see the Icon thing, and actually want to create his own. Why would you want (looking for a better word) a PD 'castoff'?


I would expect you would be disappointed with my response. Sorry I am not "better" than that. I had nothing to do with the offending Icon. But yes, I would prefer an authentic MZ rather than what was used.
I will admit I got carried away asking my favorite competitor to stop ignoring the Mods.
2 3/8" is our minimum Zap diameter. 95% are over that, in the range of 2 7/16" to 2 9/16". The problem is not losing heat from the smaller diameter for vaping, but the baby gets a bit too warm for some folks to hold. Plus we just run out of room.


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
Well at heart i knew you would (want your own icon) , and i do think you are a decent person as well.


Well-Known Member
Alright folks. Made this FROM SCRATCH based on a photo of my MZ. Not the greatest at this type of thing, but here it is.

hold on.. background needs a tweak. Will get around to it later.. have to go to a meeting.


Well-Known Member
Why not just make a icon out of the myrtlezap from the site. Is it more than just shrinking the pic? I have no idea really.


Lost in Thought
Im for that as well (the NEW icon thingie)

In all honesty, one of the main reasons I went with an MZ is because of the BEAUTY of these things. They are definitely one of a kind in this department, and while some people are seeing Jesus or Wyatt Earp or Ben Stiller with a huge handlebar mustache in their other vapes, the MZ has a design all its own based on the neato patterns of the Myrtlewood.

Having an icon that definitely stands out gets my vote.


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
Why on Earth would a competitor come on this thread to complain about an icon? Takes all kinds, I guess...
What's funny is that the complaint is that the icon is based on a previously created icon.
Anyone else find this comically ironic?

But then, on the other hand, I really don't care that much about icons. hmm wink


Well-Known Member
28 posts about a friggin' icon. Too funny.
Here's 29. I wanna see a wooden 'Cano.............made from Ash.


Well-Known Member
Rick , do you still sell the 13.5v plug . I was looking on the Jameco site but I couldn't find it and I want to be sure its the exact one that you sell .


Yes we do have 13.5 volt transformers. They are $15 individually or $10 when added to an order. That is total delivered price. Plug is 5.5 x 2.1 mm female.
Sorry all that I am not good at pictures and such things. I do have a word out to a professional we have been working with lately on the Icon. We may come up with something too.
Thanks to all of you who are trying. We all appreciate your efforts.


Lost in Thought
Rick said:
Yes we do have 13.5 volt transformers. They are $15 individually or $10 when added to an order. That is total delivered price. Plug is 5.5 x 2.1 mm female.
Sorry all that I am not good at pictures and such things. I do have a word out to a professional we have been working with lately on the Icon. We may come up with something too.
Thanks to all of you who are trying. We all appreciate your efforts.
Maybe THAT is the solution - Make an icon of a 13.5v transformer!
Its brilliant because it seems that the other 2 similar manufacturers advise against higher rated xformers.

Or how about an icon that somehow incorporates Pammys DF/DF Bowl. (Dragonfly/Diffusion)


Well-Known Member
AGBeer said:
Rick said:
Yes we do have 13.5 volt transformers. They are $15 individually or $10 when added to an order. That is total delivered price. Plug is 5.5 x 2.1 mm female.
Sorry all that I am not good at pictures and such things. I do have a word out to a professional we have been working with lately on the Icon. We may come up with something too.
Thanks to all of you who are trying. We all appreciate your efforts.
Maybe THAT is the solution - Make an icon of a 13.5v transformer!
Its brilliant because it seems that the other 2 similar manufacturers advise against higher rated xformers.

Or how about an icon that somehow incorporates Pammys DF/DF Bowl. (Dragonfly/Diffusion)
Pammy's ?


Well-Known Member
This is not the greatest version, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging. Had a busy day, but it looks like I may have some time tomorrow to make another version. Just keep looking for updates. I think it might need more contrast, but I wanted it to have that slightly ashy look that my MZ has. Feedback welcome.



Well-Known Member
We should start a new thread for this so anybody with Graphic Design skills can get in on it. And I must say,yours is way better than what my friend came up with. :o
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