

Well-Known Member
Hello forum peeps. This is my first post. :)

My question is for Rick. I have owned an Aromazap for about five years and I can vouch for its effectiveness and longevity in the face of some heavy vaping. It still works after all this time! A quality product indeed.

However, I have been in need of some replacement stems for a while now. I originally had my Aromazap shipped to the UK (when you were still shipping globally - yes, that long ago!). I've emailed you via your website a number of times regarding replacement stems, but have received no reply on any occasion (which is why I'm posting here). Can I please please PLEASE order some new stems to be shipped to the UK?? Otherwise my Aromazap is useless... :(



My apologies for not getting back. There is still a link or two on our outdated website with our old AOL email address. I never check the AOL stuff anymore so that is what is up with the no contact. Email us at and we will fix you up somehow. Glad your old softwood Aromazap is still going strong after all those years.
There will be no pics of Zaps to go out. I will say everything received so far this week should ship by the end of the week if all goes according to plan. I did get a new batch of wood in this week and it is very nice. Everybody gets a special beauty this week.

OK, I just rechecked "the list". AGbeer, you are the latest to order and we have a pretty good charge to get out if I get to all of them this week. Our "end of the week" is Saturday, meaning many could ship then so they will not arrive until Monday/Tuesday of next week. Lets put it this way. If I cant make it by Saturday with any current order, I will let you know via Email. So this is another "no news is good news" thing.


Lost in Thought
Rick said:
I will say everything received so far this week should ship by the end of the week if all goes according to plan. I did get a new batch of wood in this week and it is very nice. Everybody gets a special beauty this week.
(In my best John McEnroe voice)


Too friggin cool... Im even more excited. Good thing Im not at the beach or in a heavily crowded area right now. Im so friggin excited I may just put someones eye out. :p


Rick said:
I did get a new batch of wood in this week and it is very nice. Everybody gets a special beauty this week.
You have already made me a fan boy and I don't even have it yet! :D


Well-Known Member
You guys need to grab the lil MZ outta my sig. I had my friend fix it up for us today :D


Well-Known Member
Meh,they'll get by...

And you especially need to grab the micro MZ since it was your avatar that inspired it :brow:


Well-Known Member
hey Rick, I'm going to see my mz tomorrow, or friday, and I just want to say.....Thank you. haha


FEAR420 said:
Meh,they'll get by...

And you especially need to grab the micro MZ since it was your avatar that inspired it :brow:
I'm proudly sporting mine. Thanks dude!


Well-Known Member
vtac said:
Cr8z13 said:
FEAR420 said:
You guys need to grab the lil MZ outta my sig. I had my friend fix it up for us today :D
Cool, thanks.
Your friend does good work! :lol:
LMAO,I would hope so....Hes been a graphic designer for as long as I known him,and he owed me one for the LB I sent him ;)

Any chance at getting it added to the smilies list??? :D


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
I'm not trying to be funny, but I can't see much of a difference. Other than a slightly bigger led. I don't think it is really fair personally, as it was made for the PD first. Why not come up with something that is actually different. (And I don't have any thing against MZ at all) Even a different body colour would be a start.

Edit: actually there may be a tiny difference in shade, it is still too similar. Actually i think it is just the effect of a slightly bigger led, and there is no body colour change.


Well-Known Member
Ya know...Im just gonna leave that comment alone cuz I can take it a few diff ways if I wanted and Im not trying to stir shit @ 845am....But if you look closely,the "wood" is lighter and the LED is blue....yeah thats an MZ if you ask me.
Oh and,...lets just say the PD aint exactly "an original" either...kkthksbainow


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
Well lets just say the MZ isnt either, but as I said I don't have anything against it or the maker. You dont need much brain power to know this kind of thing stirs up shit that the makers of these items don't actually want either.


Well-Known Member
So the PD fanboys get to have all their cool shit and we dont?? That doesnt make sense... If the PD can have a lil icon/smilie so can the MZ. We love our vapes as much as you do and if thats how we choose to show our support,so be it. Im not the one trying to stir shit by making comments about it. You dont think its fair? Sorry man,life isnt fair... Like I said,whats good for the goose is good for the with it


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
You are completely not getting my point. To repeat again I have nothing against Rick or the MZ. The Mz should have an icon but not something that has been rehashed from the very same emote that is the PD. It looks the same (when in fact the two products do not in real life) and you have to actually write Myrtle zap so that people know it is not a PD.


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
I can tell that having conversations with you are like flogging a dead horse to be honest. I remeber your first posts here asking for advice on which vape to buy. (Which now you make a point of telling everyone else who asks to use the search button, double standards) Everyone said not to get a vapir and you did anyway and went against all advice. Then you said it was a P.O.S. But thats your look out i guess.


Well-Known Member
Happycamper said:
I can tell that having conversations with you are like flogging a dead horse to be honest. I remeber your first posts here asking for advice on which vape to buy. (Which now you make a point of telling everyone else who asks to use the search button, double standards) Everyone said not to get a vapir and you did anyway and went against all advice. Then you said it was a P.O.S. But thats your look out i guess.
Firstly - I DID search before I posted,and I couldnt find a clear cut answer,so I posted a thread.Maybe you should go back & reread it....

Secondly - Yeah I was told not to buy a Vapir,and I was also told to buy a PD...did I listen to either?? Nope...ya know why?? I got my advice,and did my research and bought what I could AFFORD. Since you seem to know so much about me,you should also know that Im currently disabled and living off a check every 2 weeks. The vapir was what I could AFFORD at the time since it was used and I got a great price on it. It also properly introduced me to the world of vaping.In the 3 weeks that I owned the vapir I managed to save up to buy my DBV and sold the Vapir for $60,recouping my initial investment on it. So yeah,if I had listened to what I was told...I STILL wouldnt be vaping right now. Id still be waiting another month.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
I think the issue happycamper has with the Icon is yes it might be lighter and have a different colored LED... but you can tell someone used the PD icon because the wood pattern is exactly the same... they are the same Icon just one was lightened and the LED's color was changed.
You cannot say that the original PD icon was not used too make the MZ icon.
Except for tint and color, the design is exact the same
should at least redesign the wood grain in the icon so they at least look different

the only reason I say this is everyone knows there is a rift that surfaces every now and then between Users of this type of vape... This could potentially bring that rift back too the surface again
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