

Well-Known Member
Good idea. Thanks!

So, a general noob vaping question that I will post here. When I take a big hit, or any sizable one and hold it in, my heart pounds pretty hard after I exhale. Now, I guess I've noticed this when I take a really large hit while smoking, but I could never tell how much of it was a result of holding one's breath and even carbon monoxide factors. Now, it seems to go hand in hand with getting high with a vape. Is this generally how it effects people?


Well-Known Member
mnmlh said:
Good idea. Thanks!

So, a general noob vaping question that I will post here. When I take a big hit, or any sizable one and hold it in, my heart pounds pretty hard after I exhale. Now, I guess I've noticed this when I take a really large hit while smoking, but I could never tell how much of it was a result of holding one's breath and even carbon monoxide factors. Now, it seems to go hand in hand with getting high with a vape. Is this generally how it effects people?
The pounding heart is lack of oxygen and your body reacting to it.


mnmlh said:
This is not the greatest version, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging. Had a busy day, but it looks like I may have some time tomorrow to make another version. Just keep looking for updates. I think it might need more contrast, but I wanted it to have that slightly ashy look that my MZ has. Feedback welcome.
Contrast is definitely needed. Thanks for the design! Looks awesome!


Well-Known Member
question, say i was to leave the MZ plugging in for a few hours then was to unplug it and immediatly use it in a different room with no plug would it work? I mean using it within 1 minute of unplugging it. Also, is is a bad thing to use the diffuser with the 13.5v? Gracias senors


We do not need a new thread on the icon. I will have one soon that will be nice. Plus mnmlh is working on his. Lets see what comes up in a day or two.

As soon as the Zap is unplugged, the heat will start to go down. We have had power outages and hit the Zap in way less that a minute but it was not hot enough. I would only use the 13.5 when you want the heavy vapor hit and leave it on 12 volts the rest of the time. I would also give it a good try again on 12 volts after having it on the 13.5 for awhile.
Not sure about the pounding heart. Never heard that before.


Lost in Thought
I guess I am confusing wives
I feel like an idiot... :(


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone can refer some pages with pictures of a myrtlezap, and the difference between a aromazap. I currently recieved a "myrtlezap" but looks pretty plain to the pictures I've seen, if I;m wrong than im wrong..


jofroxp said:
I was wondering if anyone can refer some pages with pictures of a myrtlezap, and the difference between a aromazap. I currently recieved a "myrtlezap" but looks pretty plain to the pictures I've seen, if I;m wrong than im wrong..
The myrtle wood varies a lot. Some look like blonde cherry wood whereas others look insane with dark patches and swirls... it just has a lot of variance.


It is a MyrtleZap. They are not all spectacular, as I have said before. I answered your Email for your option if you are not happy with it.


Well-Known Member
no no RICK! I AM ZAPPY AS CAN BE1. this myrtlezap+purplehaze (song)=:ko::ko::ko::ko:=]]

Sorry for the hasty remarks, as I or you? can see it works very nicely. =] loving it. ooh ah.


Well-Known Member
FEAR420 said:
The pounding heart is lack of oxygen and your body reacting to it.
Yeah, that would make sense. Doesn't happen when I hold my breath for as long as I can though. Hmm.. well, I have really low blood pressure and generally have strange heart problems like this, but so do others in my family. I hope it's not a sign of something serious, as I am a cigg smoker, which may also be a factor in the pounding heart thing. Happens more when the material is really dry (read: big ass hits.) Not getting any combustion in my stems though. When I started out a few weeks ago, I thought I'd want the 13v and all that, and now, this is plenty enough for me. Had to adjust to it, but one hit and I'm pretty effected now. I'd like to try it for more of a stoney feel though.


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
jofroxp said:
I was wondering if anyone can refer some pages with pictures of a myrtlezap, and the difference between a aromazap. I currently recieved a "myrtlezap" but looks pretty plain to the pictures I've seen, if I;m wrong than im wrong..
Some of the members paid extra to get nicer chunks of wood. Otherwise, each piece of myrtlewood is different.


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
mnmlh said:
FEAR420 said:
The pounding heart is lack of oxygen and your body reacting to it.
Yeah, that would make sense. Doesn't happen when I hold my breath for as long as I can though. Hmm.. well, I have really low blood pressure and generally have strange heart problems like this, but so do others in my family. I hope it's not a sign of something serious, as I am a cigg smoker, which may also be a factor in the pounding heart thing. Happens more when the material is really dry (read: big ass hits.) Not getting any combustion in my stems though. When I started out a few weeks ago, I thought I'd want the 13v and all that, and now, this is plenty enough for me. Had to adjust to it, but one hit and I'm pretty effected now. I'd like to try it for more of a stoney feel though.
I think I get the same thing, sometimes. If I take a big slow hit and hold it, I get a weird feeling sometimes. Not sure if it's my heart beating but something feels a little weird, and I have blood pressure on the low side, too.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when I stand up I almost black out most of the time, always have. As a note - in no way do I believe this has anything to do with my MZ vs. other vapes, or anything. Just thought I'd ask my fellow zappers.

Zap on!


Well-Known Member
Happycamper said:
I'm not trying to be funny, but I can't see much of a difference. Other than a slightly bigger led. I don't think it is really fair personally, as it was made for the PD first. Why not come up with something that is actually different. (And I don't have any thing against MZ at all) Even a different body colour would be a start.

Edit: actually there may be a tiny difference in shade, it is still too similar. Actually i think it is just the effect of a slightly bigger led, and there is no body colour change.
I have to agree. I don't know if the PD icon was taken, and the led changed, or if it was made from scratch but it is too similar. However, considering these vapes are the same style, Any icon made to represent the Zap will look similar. And it is understandable that an owner would want that type of icon. Any design that is not a visual representation would have to have the words "myrtlezap" so people would know what it was (same as now to differentiate from the PD). I think adding the diffuser or the vapor stem is something to consider. The picture may have to be at an angle to see the diffuser flower.


Well-Known Member
AGBeer said:
I guess I am confusing wives
I feel like an idiot... :(
As long as you don't mistake someone else for your wife you should be OK.:lol:

mnmlh said:
I thought I'd want the 13v and all that, and now, this is plenty enough for me. Had to adjust to it, but one hit and I'm pretty effected now. I'd like to try it for more of a stoney feel though.
You can always use a can koozie to kick up the temperature for the more stoney feeling. Just don't leave it on when not vaping. Or, get the higher voltage transformer so you don't have to hide your wood.


Well-Known Member
reece said:
You can always use a can koozie to kick up the temperature for the more stoney feeling. Just don't leave it on when not vaping. Or, get the higher voltage transformer so you don't have to hide your wood.
I'm going to try this soon. I need to go get a koozie, but I am still trying to decide between the model with the confederate flag on it, the large breasted edition, or the one with a clever phrase about how drunk I am. Thinking about the LBE, but I am curious if anyone has used it? Does it produce thick clouds? Could always get the tried and true CF, but I don't think FC would be down (and neither would I.)



Lost in Thought
lwien said:
:lol: Confederate flag koozie. A match made in heaven. :/
I think that would be the real health concern there. People are getting all hung up over the innards of the different vapes and what not. But I think in this case, its whats on the OUTSIDE that will affect you the most.
*WARNING* Using a Confederate flag koozie may cause changes in your DNA and cause your teeth to fall out.

But dont take my word for it... Im not a doctor, and I didnt stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But I was raised in a trailer... :p


Vapor concierge
Great logo! How does it look when you crop out the surrounding environment?

I was wondering if a lightning bolt across it (for zap) wouldn't make it more distinguishable.
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