

Well-Known Member
mintberrycrunch said:
Is there much difference between this and the PD?

Minor diferences. Brass in Zap. Stainless in PD. Warranty a bit longer on PD than Zap, but Rick has been known to stand behind his product even after the warranty has expiried. Different options offered with each.
LED light on Zap. No LED on PD. Quicker deliver with Zap. Design of PD's heat exchanger arguably allows it to retain heat better between hits. PD's do have a tendency to run warmer. With a Zap, you get Rick and with a PD, you get Tom and Pammy.

With all that being said though, they are a lot more similar than different.

If one is looking for a very efficient, personal vape that is used to administer small measured doses, either of these vapes would fill the bill..............and do it very well.


Well-Known Member
lwien said:
tc1 said:
lwien said:

I've read that thread and I have indeed had charring in my Zap. The bottom where the metal "rod" comes through even has some blackened char. I figured it's inevitable in such a design. Heck, to this very day you can turn it upside and have brown "vaped wood" shake out due to the heating element being so loose.

I'm just wondering if I can get this thing stop to rattling. lol It's pretty loose.

Yeah, and as I stated in that thread, I'm still a bit concerned about breathing in the resulting fumes from wood that is being charred. Not overly concerned, mind you, but a bit and I do wonder if that concern is valid.

I would consider it a valid concern and is one of the reasons mine ended up being retired. I only re-used it because I was inspired by this thread and am waiting on the LB. Just needed to vape ...
I felt secure in using it when reading other peoples comments on the charring. Your thread pretty much reflects my own questioning.

I'll probably retire it again anways if I cant get it to stop rattling around.


New Member
DevoTheStrange said:
not much difference. Most of the difference depends really on what wood is being used. Each species of wood retains heat differently.

This will result on one vape made out of a certain wood either running warmer or colder compared to one of these vapes made using a different wood

Since you've used a SSV and a PD. I'm assuming you like the PD more? Got any input on this?


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
I prefer the Log style vapes over the huge desktops in terms of how much herb I use. I would rip through my stash when I used the SSV. I also tend to drastically over medicate with the SSV. With these kind of vapes I can actually dial in my high with the exact amount herb needed. with the SSV I always overshot that amount.
With me, I would find that I can only get so high, so anything beyond that was a waste to me. With the SSV I tended to hit that level much earlier in the day.
With the MZ and similar type vapes i usually don't ever hit that ceiling.


mintberrycrunch said:
Is there much difference between this and the PD?

The Myrtle wood that Rick offers tends to look better than the Myrtle wood that Tom offers. The stems that come packaged with the MZ are of much higher quality than the ones used on the PD's. There are screens on the MZ's heating unit whereas there is none on the PD. This means that you can very lightly pack your stems with no worry that the plant material will fall outside of the stem. The PD units have much more "girth" to the bodies, making them seem more bulky than the MZ. I have found that MZ's are more comfortable to hold than PD's.

IMO, the MZ is a much better choice than a PD.


Any old Aromazap is made from soft wood, probably western hemlock unless you go way back. If your Zap heatport is way loose in the wood, I would rather make you some kind of deal on replacing it with one of our hardwood Zaps and re-designed heatport if you are serious about getting back into vapor again. Once the old soft wood Zaps get loose, other than a little rattle and some rotation in the hole, they are not worth fixing in my book. Get with me via Email. If you do not want to spend much money(or any), try getting a couple more 1 inch internal retaining rings to install over the original ring that holds the heatport assembly tight. That may help. Again, Email me if you have questions.

The charring is something we can only minimize with wood selection. Hardwoods do much better. The Zaps or PDs can be blown out regularly with compressed air to keep what little wood char material that drops to the bottom out of the unit. As for it being a concern, it is not for us as it is at the very bottom of the top cavity and would be real tough to suck into the airstream with the restricted log vape airflow. If you did get a particle to make it up the center tube and to the bottom of the stem tip load, the herb would stop it and the temp of the air at that point is cooler. I just think it is a stretch to worry about, especially if you keep the unit clean. But then my opinion is certainly biased. Now if that small particle makes it up the tube in the Zap, it will hit the screen in the heatport tube and go no further. I think some real charring may occur when the unit is on and not used as it gets hotter then. Also with koozies. The attempt to max out the heated air in a log vape does have some negative consequences.


vapor accessory addict
Wow, take a little nap and look what happens! :p Good to see another Aromazap user posting here, tc1.

Lwien, did you ever use a wooden pipe? I would have to think that if the wood fumes were so dangerous to inhale, that this information would have been broadly made public considering the multitudes using a variety of wood pipes to smoke with. Our wood vapes don't get nearly as hot as the wood does in pipes used for combustion.
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Well-Known Member
momofthegoons said:
Wow, take a little nap and look what happens! :p Good to see another Aromazap user posting here, tc1.

Lwien, did you ever use a wooden pipe? I would have to think that if the wood fumes were so dangerous to inhale, that this information would have been broadly made public considering the multitudes using a variety of wood pipes to smoke with. Our wood vapes don't get nearly as hot as the wood does in pipes used for combustion.

Not only did I use wood pipes, I used a ProtoPipe for years. There are lots of things I did a long time ago that I no longer want to do today.


Well-Known Member
Well Hello Rick!

If I remember right ... When I bought my Aromazap you were offering different wood types. (I could be wrong) I think Golden Oak wood was your most expensive vape upgrade at the time. Don't have that one ... but I *think* I have the Walnut one.

Again .. it's been so long ago so I'm not sure.

As far as an upgrade ... not sure if I wanna spend much more money this holiday seasons. lol (Xmas OI!) That certainly would have been an option before I bought the LB as a "me" gift this year. :D
I know the wood casing wouldn't be all that refurbishable, especially since it's the old square type.


Well-Known Member
momofthegoons said:
There are lots of things I did a long time ago that I no longer want to do today.

I agree wholeheartedly about that. But do you see my point at all?

Yes I do, but I don't necessarily agree with you when you say, "I would have to think that if the wood fumes were so dangerous to inhale, that this information would have been broadly made public considering the multitudes using a variety of wood pipes to smoke with. "

What is broadly made public is that smoke from burning wood, like in a fireplace, is carcinogenic, and it's not just the visible smoke and yet, people burn wood in their fireplaces all the time.

Also, while we all know that smoke is bad for you, there are still relatively few who use vaporizers, and yet vaporizers are not made "broadly public".

I realize that the risk is small, but I'm just exploring the thought of any increased risk at all from using vapes of this type of design versus vapes that don't have charring wood in their air path.

I LOVE my PD, and it is still my daily driver, but it doesn't really stop me from investigating some possible issues that may be inherent in this design.


vapor accessory addict
Don't mean to sound as if I'm jumping on your case. Not at all. I'm just wondering. One would think with all of the pipe smoking that has been done through the ages, tobacco included, that the material being used to manufacture the pipes might have been brought up as hazardous, if it indeed was in any way. But, that could be my naivety talking. :)
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Well-Known Member
momofthegoons said:
Don't mean to sound as if I'm jumping on your case. Not at all. I'm just wondering. One would think with all of the pipe smoking that has been done through the ages, tobacco included, that the material being used to manufacture the pipes might have been brought up as hazardous, if it indeed was in any way. But, that could be my naivety talking. :)

I know you're not jumping on my case. As a matter of fact, I welcome being challenged. Hell, I do it all the time, eh?

Regarding tobacco smoking from wooden pipes, my thought is, if one is not concerned about the tobacco itself, than the method of how it is ingested is of little consequence, if that makes any sense.


New Member
aero18 said:
mintberrycrunch said:
Is there much difference between this and the PD?

The Myrtle wood that Rick offers tends to look better than the Myrtle wood that Tom offers. The stems that come packaged with the MZ are of much higher quality than the ones used on the PD's. There are screens on the MZ's heating unit whereas there is none on the PD. This means that you can very lightly pack your stems with no worry that the plant material will fall outside of the stem. The PD units have much more "girth" to the bodies, making them seem more bulky than the MZ. I have found that MZ's are more comfortable to hold than PD's.

IMO, the MZ is a much better choice than a PD.

Thanks you've pretty much made up my mind. I'm prob gonna check out the MZ after I sell my Ion.


Well-Known Member
Iwein is simply expressing his concern that any wood combusting into the lungs defeats the "healthy" quality of a vaporizer.

Not saying that it is indeed harmful, but that he'd feel better with an explanation. Perhaps the charring is done over time, with minimal exposure to lungs? People concerned simply didn't know and were looking for an explanation.


Well-Known Member
Here's the old lady ....


She's a loose one but she still knows how to work it. :D
And yes, I have electrical tape sealing the bottom piece of wood I added after removing the original "leather" material. Ghetto ... I know. lol


vapor accessory addict
Some of us older gals get a little jiggle going in the caboose. Or do I mean we know how to jiggle our caboose....

Well, either way.
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Well-Known Member
Man ... listening to Slightly Stoopid and trying to remember why I haven't vaped in so long.
This has been a wonderful vape weekend. :cool:

1 Stem: "Oh"
2 Stem: "Woah"
3 Stem: "Holy Mofo"


OK tc1, send me your address and I will send you a tite kit that may help you get some more miles out of the old girl as she is a classic for sure. There was no premium wood in those days. Everything was priced the same. For a long time that wood was western hemlock(and still is for the softwood Aromazap) It is often used in industry for trim because it is almost white and takes stain very well, has relatively no pitch in the wood. A nice neutral softwood we have growing around the place.
Hardwoods work much better for the log vape application without a doubt, as long as the hardwood is not too dense.
I do appreciate everyones objective comparison of the two main log vapes. aero 18, yours was pretty fucking subjective and I totally loved it. lwein, you have come a long way. Thank you for your words. I do want to add though that it is Rick and Pat, aka Zaplady when one does the Zap experience. She is in the background at Zapville but does much of the finish work, all of the bottom end soldering and the packaging besides the cool aroma flower. We have been two peas in a pod since Sept '64.

My god in heaven. Our so sweet Golden Retriever(Sophie aka Sochee) is laying by the heater right next to the computer room door and she is farting like never before. Her tail base is even fluttering now and then. Gotta get out of here.
How cool when you're a dog. Fart anywhere and people just laugh. Get to public..............oh never mind. I should not post at this hour.


Well-Known Member
my zap has developed a rattle but still operates as it should. when should I be concerned about it? or should I not be?
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