Any old Aromazap is made from soft wood, probably western hemlock unless you go way back. If your Zap heatport is way loose in the wood, I would rather make you some kind of deal on replacing it with one of our hardwood Zaps and re-designed heatport if you are serious about getting back into vapor again. Once the old soft wood Zaps get loose, other than a little rattle and some rotation in the hole, they are not worth fixing in my book. Get with me via Email. If you do not want to spend much money(or any), try getting a couple more 1 inch internal retaining rings to install over the original ring that holds the heatport assembly tight. That may help. Again, Email me if you have questions.
The charring is something we can only minimize with wood selection. Hardwoods do much better. The Zaps or PDs can be blown out regularly with compressed air to keep what little wood char material that drops to the bottom out of the unit. As for it being a concern, it is not for us as it is at the very bottom of the top cavity and would be real tough to suck into the airstream with the restricted log vape airflow. If you did get a particle to make it up the center tube and to the bottom of the stem tip load, the herb would stop it and the temp of the air at that point is cooler. I just think it is a stretch to worry about, especially if you keep the unit clean. But then my opinion is certainly biased. Now if that small particle makes it up the tube in the Zap, it will hit the screen in the heatport tube and go no further. I think some real charring may occur when the unit is on and not used as it gets hotter then. Also with koozies. The attempt to max out the heated air in a log vape does have some negative consequences.