

Humanist & Discgolfer
Heya Panic, welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of vaping. I recently got into vaping a few months ago, starting with a portable and almost instantly getting myself a myrtlezap, which I love. I rarely even combust anymore, it's that great.

At any rate, you've made a great mom said, read up on the forum...I know I sure did as I was waiting for my zap to arrive and it only makes the excitement that much greater. You may have questions, even after arrival...feel free to post in the forum and people around here generally do a great job of replying, judging from past experience.

Finally, enjoy the 'zap,'ll be like Christmas mornings of yesteryear!
Thanks mudstar, I have already got my gameplan for when it comes. I got some mmm mmm good put away so I know I will break it in just right. I am hoping to enjoy vapin an cut back on the combusting. I have a shit ton of eds tokes I use now, but for my superb I currently use the quartz bat.

Is vapin really that much better, I hear alot of ppl say I don't hardly combust anymore. What is it that makes it so much better.


Well-Known Member
PanicFreak said:
Is vapin really that much better, I hear alot of ppl say I don't hardly combust anymore. What is it that makes it so much better.

Your bud tastes better.
Your bud lasts longer.
You bud doesn't cause your room to smell like bud
It's healthier.
It has a more energetic clear head high rather than a couch lock narcotic high.
Well that is good It tastes better cause I was worried about the taste. I usually keep somethin worth tasting, that's great if it even tastes better. Thanks for the heads up Iwien.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I need your help, about 2 and a half months ago I bought a zap. I loved it from the beginning and it just kept getting better. Then about two weeks ago I started noticing it was getting cooler, then I was starting to only get 2 hits from each stem I packed. Now I am only getting one hit of not that thick vapor and the zap leaves my bud somewhat green. I am grinding up my herb well and it is quality stuff. I am also using the 12 volt that was sent with the zap. What could be the problem with my zap? Thanks for all help.


Lost in Thought
Have you tried the coozie/sock/otherwiseinsulated methods to help boost the temp of your zap? This (and/or a 13.5v) would help greatly.


vapor accessory addict
Dirtydan, this sounds like there might be a problem. Could be with the wall adaptor; could be the unit. Ambient temperature and extra load on the circuit can make a difference in the temp your Zap runs, but it shouldn't be that extreme. The only one who can tell you for sure is the Zapman. Shoot Rick an email.
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Thanks much Panic for taking the Zap leap. You will be happy for doing so.
Anudder problem came up yesterday actually. Went over to see Tim in the Spokane Valley, my glass guy, to pick up another wad of Tooties. The fucking stoner fucked up again. I ordered 2/3 non-carbed Tooties and 1/3 carbed out of a 20 unit batch. He gave me 2/3 carbed instead. Anyway, some of you will get a carbed Tootie with your Primo orders rather than non-carbed. Oh well, what can I say. I love those fuck-ups that make our customers happier.
Did pretty good saying that considering I am a goner already from celebrating our last piggee in the cooler finished about an hour ago. Reminiscing about 25 years ago with our oldest son made the booze go down quick. I ain't used to that shit mon. It is Friday though.

Ed's TnT

Hello all and good morning, I see you joined Panic, thats a good start, there is a wealth of knowledge here that will make using your Zap very enjoyable.

I have been doing alot lately getting all the wood worked and just got back from the photographer the other day, so be on the lookout for the pics of the new stuff I have to offer, these are the rarest of the rare and the best of the best!

Welcome Panic and I hope you find this forum very helpful.
Ed's TnT,


Head of Pot
Pics after some coats of zap polish.....





vapor accessory addict
Oh JD! That's a beauty. Really nice and trippy. And I love the "eye."

I'll tell you, every time I see a new one, I get the itch. They are all so unique. Glad to see you showing your Zap pride! :D
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Head of Pot
momofthegoons said:
Oh JD! That's a beauty. Really nice and trippy. And I love the "eye."

I'll tell you, every time I see a new one, I get the itch. They are all so unique. Glad to see you showing your Zap pride! :D

Did you see "the owl" (first pic) below the wood simulated vapor trail coming off the light :)

And yes its a dark myrtlewood primo (40 year old wood)

Thx again Rick I love it!


Thanks for showing us your wood JD. Nice shots of another beauty.
I do remember yours as it was necessary for another toke break before I drilled that led hole and picked the front. Then the dividing wave hit me, with the seeming vapor trail up to the top. That spot also divided nicely the two other "fronts" of the unit. Glad you are happy.
That piece is from the lighter slab of old Myrtle just popped open a couple weeks ago. It does have some incredible stuff in it. Perfect Zap density too, even with a knot on the lower end.
Think we had a few bad transformers right out of the box as I have heard back from a customer or two they are having those damn intermittent heat problems. Be sure to contact us if that happens. We will get another transformer out to you right away. I have no problem with anybody bringing up Zap problems here on the forum but you will get quicker action with an Email to us as I do not check this forum near as often as our Email.
Big bunch of stuff out yesterday for an expected Monday arrival. I will do my best to get another bunch out tomorrow/Tuesday for a Wednesday/Thursday arrival. Got a good start on the next bunch yesterday after the Veterans Day shipping snafu last week. I had Thanksgiving here a week early so thought I had another short shipping week ahead. Sometimes it is fun getting old when you screw up in the right direction.


Darth Vapor
Nice looking Zap JD. I love it when people don't want to unplug their wood long enough to snap a pic. But, i guess you need to get the LED light in the picture. There is a lot of showcases pieces in the old old myrtle batch Rick has. Kindof tempting I admit.


Well-Known Member
Hey gang! I've been a lurker from time to time and should have a MFLB in my possession tomorrow ...

I also have one of the very first produced Aromazap models. (Back when they were under $100) And was one of the first reviewers of it on OG back in the day.

Anywhoo ... My Zap started rattling around and the heating element "sunk in" a few years ago so I messed with it a little and simply retired it for the most part.

I now notice that they sell "Tite kits" and was wondering if this would solve my issue? Anyone have pics of what the kit looks like or what comes in the kit?

Couldn't resist to vape once again so I decided to pull her out and use her. What a joy! And now I'm beginning to think I should try to fix her the right way if possible. She's got some ware and tare but even in her current shape ... she has put a sativa smile on my face. :D

Thanks for anyone who might reply.

(p.s) When I opened her up, I noticed a bit of "brown ashes" if you will. And given the tobacco-looking vape poop that I get when I'm done with a stem ... perhaps it runs a bit too hot?

Just doesn't look like the type of vape poop that you could make cannabutter from. :(


Well-Known Member
lwien said:

I've read that thread and I have indeed had charring in my Zap. The bottom where the metal "rod" comes through even has some blackened char. I figured it's inevitable in such a design. Heck, to this very day you can turn it upside and have brown "vaped wood" shake out due to the heating element being so loose.

I'm just wondering if I can get this thing stop to rattling. lol It's pretty loose.


Well-Known Member
tc1 said:
lwien said:

I've read that thread and I have indeed had charring in my Zap. The bottom where the metal "rod" comes through even has some blackened char. I figured it's inevitable in such a design. Heck, to this very day you can turn it upside and have brown "vaped wood" shake out due to the heating element being so loose.

I'm just wondering if I can get this thing stop to rattling. lol It's pretty loose.

Yeah, and as I stated in that thread, I'm still a bit concerned about breathing in the resulting fumes from wood that is being charred. Not overly concerned, mind you, but a bit and I do wonder if that concern is valid.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
not much difference. Most of the difference depends really on what wood is being used. Each species of wood retains heat differently.

This will result on one vape made out of a certain wood either running warmer or colder compared to one of these vapes made using a different wood
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