I'm also looking forward to this "winter solstice special" Christmas seems like a good enough excuse for me to buy a log vape 

momofthegoons said:Oh, buying Zaps is like a freakin addiction, once you get one, use it for a while, and then see what else Rick is turning out, you got to have another, and then you got to turn everyone you know on to it. It just aint right!
Shit, I need more to people to burn, not vape!
As you know, I happen to have this particular addiction. Every time Rick, or anyone for that matter, shows a new beauty, I want another one. It's because they are usually all so different.
Such a problem.....
We're just going to have to get a few more people turned on to your tubes Ed. I had a bonding session with my walnut Zap and my myrtle stem a few moments ago. Pure bliss.
Rick said:OK, announcement:
The Aromazap 2010 Winter Solstice Special is here. Complete Zap kit, your choice of hardwood, 2 vapor stems, copper cup(no Aroma flower or oil), 12 volt transformer(no car adapter), ZaPolish and a clear Tooty glass stem with two removable tips, carbed or not for $150 delivered.
edit for:
I am open to suggestions on making the item clearer on our website or adding more accessories as an option. Remember to read the entire page for product details.
Rick said:Spacenstein
Stem holders are close to 2 inches in diameter and the Zaps are right at 2 1/2". No hollow wood stash box or whatever from me. I only do the stuff that does not have Chinese or other world competition.
pinoy said:The winter solstice special looks to be an amazing deal. I'm almost ready to purchase but I still haven't seen this vape in action.I checked there website and I didn't see any videos. Could someone film a tutorial or post a link. Thanks in advance.
SmokingElectricity said:i just put a bunch of shit on ebay to buy one of these bad boys...
how long is the sale????
do i turn into a robot if i puff all three at the same time LOL...
Spacenstein said:
(this one doesn't actually show the unit in use, but you can spy it out in the background. it's an older aromazap if i'm correct.)
I wish there were more videos of some Zaps out there but these are literally the only ones I can find.
AGBeer said:Oh noes! All 3 of them have their place!
The Zap is normally reserved for the top shelf buds, and when I am running a bit low or just in general. I just love the way they taste through it. The SSV is used for a moon sesh. And the LB is used for travel and quick seshes.
SmokingElectricity said:AGBeer said:Oh noes! All 3 of them have their place!
The Zap is normally reserved for the top shelf buds, and when I am running a bit low or just in general. I just love the way they taste through it. The SSV is used for a moon sesh. And the LB is used for travel and quick seshes.
thats what i'm saying. DBV is great for water filtration. LB is good for when i'm on the go or laying in bed. the zap looks like it will be perfect for rest of the time.
is there a waiting period [like with other log vapes?]
PanicFreak said:Zaps are the shit. Why would anyone need a video tutorial, 1. Plug It up. 2. Warm it up 3. Grind it up 4. Vape it up. My zap has been good to me and I think every honest person deserves one.peace ppls.