vapor accessory addict
Flash, you got a beauty! 
A lot of us have trouble in the beginning with the stem draw. Firstly, your herb needs to be dry and ground to the consistency of coarse ground pepper.
The stem pack takes some practice. At first, it can be hard to figure out the right way so that the air flows through the stem properly. There are a couple of techniques. One is to use the straw method; sucking up the herb with the stem. I find that this method produces a firmer stem pack and can sometimes be harder to draw. The other method is to push the stem down through some ground herb to fill. I do this right in the grinder. In the beginning, this method worked best for me as it didn't compress the herb as much. I've found that having the stem warm up slightly works well since the herb sticks in there better. Also, you might want to tilt the Zap on it's side for your first hit so that any loose herb seats itself in the stem with your first hit.
Part of this is also getting used to the draw, or perfecting your own technique. There is less air flow in the stem than in other styles of vape (i.e. whip style). Try to loosen up your lip lock on the stem and let a little air in while you hit. Or, use more of a "puffing" style, taking little continuous hits.
I'm confident that with practice, you will get this down.

A lot of us have trouble in the beginning with the stem draw. Firstly, your herb needs to be dry and ground to the consistency of coarse ground pepper.
The stem pack takes some practice. At first, it can be hard to figure out the right way so that the air flows through the stem properly. There are a couple of techniques. One is to use the straw method; sucking up the herb with the stem. I find that this method produces a firmer stem pack and can sometimes be harder to draw. The other method is to push the stem down through some ground herb to fill. I do this right in the grinder. In the beginning, this method worked best for me as it didn't compress the herb as much. I've found that having the stem warm up slightly works well since the herb sticks in there better. Also, you might want to tilt the Zap on it's side for your first hit so that any loose herb seats itself in the stem with your first hit.
Part of this is also getting used to the draw, or perfecting your own technique. There is less air flow in the stem than in other styles of vape (i.e. whip style). Try to loosen up your lip lock on the stem and let a little air in while you hit. Or, use more of a "puffing" style, taking little continuous hits.
I'm confident that with practice, you will get this down.