Planet Vape makes great GonGs! But as someone who was know for vaping through water, I must confess I haven't bonged in 2-3 years. The reason is, water dilutes vapor and requires more herb to obtain the same high. In addition, bongs were invented to curb the harshness of smoking. But vaping is far less harsh. Although I have a first rate bong collection I came to the conclusion that bonging with a vape is overkill.
I had this releavtion a while ago.
so i went on to dry vape only for a few months and got a bad case of dehydration on my air paths, lmao.
So I went back to investigate my bong vape situation... no flavor no matter whta i did!
the problem: all my stuff was high dilution! many percs, fancy ashcatchers, all sorts of shit meant to smoothen out combustion hits!
my favorite piece to vape out of bar none is an ABG banger hanger i bought from a fellow FC'er. it is a beak design and kicks ass. minimal diffusion. just one buiilt in downstem with two tiny slits.
it doesn't accomodate much water and rocks hard for vapor rips.
it's perfect for me because you don't need much water to filtrrate out whatever it is that irritates you, and is little enough water the flavor and fulleffect still stines through.
i break out the bigger bongs for shit like when i'm trying to do something dumb like rip a full bowl at once with my LSV on high.