Actually, the PTFE tape goes in the threaded area only. Wrap a few turns on the male part and try it for fit. Wrap 'with the threads (CW from the open end) so it stays put as it's threaded together. No adhesive. Keep it tight, especially the last turn. Most guy tear it off rather than messing with cutting.
A hard reset would have also happened when you substituted batteries, right? It didn't fix it then? I'm still kind of lost as to what might have been're confident the battery you substituted was good? The one from this Solo ran the other one fine?
Thanks for the pointers. I've clearly worked with PTFE tape very much in the past

Also yeah i thought a hard reset should have occurred after removing the battery and turning it on with just the charger. I haven't inspected the PCB to find out what components are what but I wouldn't be surprised if something got stuck in RAM and never got cleared. Even if you hold down both buttons for a long time the Solo starts back up really fast. If a "hard reset" actually exists and my theory on it being garbage in the memory is accurate, then plugging in a PA is the only way I know how to trigger it.
I'm confident both batteries are fine. Not only did I use both battery packs in my known good Solo and let it get a couple cycles in and recharge, this Solo always acted the same way up until I gave it the ol' shock of its life with the 9V power adapter without any battery. As soon as I plugged it in and it reset it was able to heat. (i figured the PA might do it since it does a longer reset when you hook it up with PA voltage for some reason?)
It is a bit of a mystery how it broke how it did, but at least getting it to do a "full reset" (if that's what it even is when you plug in a PA) seemed to have solved whatever messed it up?
Either way, time to vaporize!
I have some GDP and some BLUE DREAM!
I've been using my stock stems more and my PVHES less. weird!