Hi all, I've read quite a bit here in recent weeks and have sucked up as much info as possible across a few of the forums. What a great site! Anyhow, back in the fall, I converted almost solely to vaping using my old hot box. I wound up running that through a mason jar for water filtration and it worked great. I wanted to get my wife more into the vaping, as I'm a former cig smoker who now tells her that she smells like smoke after a smoking session ;-).
After much research, I decided to go with the Solo, as her complaint about the hot box was the cord/plug. She wanted something passable and untethered. Also considered the Pax (put off by what seemed to be the need for incessant cleaning) and the Firefly (too new, this was an xmas present and at the time of purchase, the very first reviews of the firefly were starting to hit this site).
Solo arrived Friday before xmas and of course I gave it immediately as an early present. After all, I'd sunk a lot of time into figuring this out and I was already emotionally attached to this wonderful device! After unboxing, I ran 2 burnoff cycles after charging fully with the stock charger as advised. I've since realized the holes in my research, and though I didn't think to look initially, I have an M1D2 model (notice how I've already assumed ownership of "my wife's" Solo). I purchased via a highly rated ebay seller advertising new 2013 models. I also purchased a PA (not realizing at the time that the new models allow for use while plugged in via stock charger). I have used the PA for every charge since the initial out-of-box charge. The PA seems to charge much faster than the stock charger did on that first charge, though I don't have numbers to support that. Purchase price of unit + PA was around 180 (buy it now pricing and free shipping).
I had high expectations for the Solo from what I'd read, and despite that, I still feel blown away. This is the first Solo I've tried, so I can't compare it to older models, sorry. The 4 hole stock stems seem to allow for good airflow with a little wiggle/lift here or there; I'm using 2 screens in the stem. I tried it once with no screens and that was enough! Initially, we just used the stock bent stem and I tend to use it inverted. As I continued reading here on FC and got more solo use under my belt, I realized my purchases weren't over. I wanted water filtration, so I hooked the solo up to the mason jar setup (an embarrassingly poor-man's setup - replaced the lid with a cutout from a Planters peanut jar, punched 2 holes in it and ran 2 tubes into it). I soon found the need to order some o-rings, as when I used the solo with the mason jar, I used the straight stem. Now when going back to the bent stem for non-filtered use, it is very loose and would fall out if I let it holding it inverted.
So I started looking at o-rings to solve the loose stem issue from planetvape. I also was sick of my mason jar setup and decided to find a better system. In all, I wound up going with one of the $40 three-piece bubblers from pipesdaddy, and I tacked on a PVHES GonG adapter and a PVHES bent shorty turbo. I don't really know if I need the PVHES stem, but I am curious about the difference vs. stock and I'm also thinking it may have a bigger impact when I've got the o-ring in place. The GonG adapter will be used with the bubbler, obviously, I guess.
I haven't received the PV order yet, but I did get the bubbler (using some 1/4" tubing as the connector) and it is awesome. I am very limited in my vape experience, but it is the best solution for consumption I've ever tried. My vape experience includes only a volcano type heat gun that was a pretty cool setup (used it once, not mine) and the hot box I mentioned earlier.
I honestly loved the hot box in conjunction with a whip/mason jar, but the solo has quickly won me over, especially with the bubbler attached. First of all, the specific temperature settings (hot box is one temp only and though I don't know what temp that is, it works) make a big difference with efficiency. I tend to use it at a 4, sometimes 5 when only on the stem and a 6 when using the bubbler. I never had a problem with the hot box, but in retrospect, it isn't as efficient as the solo is. The solo also cooks the load much more evenly; I have to stir the hot box load every couple of hits, while this is wholly unnecessary with the solo.
Now the only problem I've got is figuring how to best use this abv that is building up. I started by trying a gram uncooked (got down with yogurt), then cooked a gram in coconut oil, 2 grams in coconut oil and latest was 3 grams in whole milk on the double-boiler for 15 min. Not really doing much for me yet, so next time around I'll probably go back to the oil on a larger scale.
I would like to send a big thanks to everyone out there for all of the valuable info available here. I usually am not big into forums (especially contributing, lame, I know), but I figured posting here just in case I could provide some additional experience on the new M1D2 was the least I could do. Sorry if it dragged on a little (or a lot, apparently); as you might imagine, I was highly inspired when I started writing this