Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Oh @Zangano Cruel my solo guru, some of us don't like the screen in the bowl and you know I had a rough time getting used to the solo and now the draw is as easy as anything. It is very natural. We all have to find our way and many different ways to choose from. I personally don't rock the stem or lift it and I use a flat screen. I pack my stems tight as well and still have no issue but I have had lots of practice by now and you know it
Nice to see you around again and hope things are well
@extracrispy www.puffitup.com if in usa or www.planetvape.com if in Canada.

Nice to see you around again and hope things are well

@extracrispy www.puffitup.com if in usa or www.planetvape.com if in Canada.