Mine dose not go off but just down to one and i have to re set temp
Mine dose not go off but just down to one and i have to re set temp
I dont have alot of experience but I can say this. I had a 12" reverse shower head pipe and I enjoyed it; but for me personally when I bought the pinnacle WT (very small if you havent seen it) I noticed how the hit felt just as smooth as the bigger pipe but kept alot more flavor and had less resistance.After i purchased this solo vaporizer and using it for about 3 weeks now.. Gotta say it taste really great.
But the hits are becoming so dry it really irritates my throat. So i decided to buy a bubbler to use with my solo any advice is welcome i live in europe so we don't have alot of american glass here. I really don't have any experience in buying this sort of glass so if somebody could help me out here.
lower airflow should actually give you denser hits. the faster you pull air over the heater, the less time it has to heat up and the more likely you are to overpower the heater and reduce the temperature of the heater. Are you trying to "suck" to overcome the restriction? This can cause you to come up for air sooner because your lungs get tired so the hits seem less dense. If you slow your draw to match the natural restriction you should be able to pull huge cloudsAnyone notice a much tighter airflow with an oring installed. I almost feel like the hits are not as dense maybe because lack of airflow
I ve read that some had a funny smell and wont work quite fine after a while?They're all good! What are you looking for?
I'm hitting my Solo straight from a PVHEGonG right now on level 5 and blowing huge clouds
I also have an o-ring installed
HEGonG (or HE stem) + o-ring =![]()
Well it doesn't look like charcoal, but the smell and taste of burned weed obvious. There might have Been a flame.... the smoke was coming out of the stem visibly. Vapors pretty much stay in there until sucked out. Then my stem is dark brown now too like the glass of a fireplace... burnt. The stem in my photo is less lessan a week in use.buddies image of his super black weed says to me it DID combust. especially when looking at the stem colour. if you've ever put a flame through the thing, smoke turns it that dark color.
Check what OF suggested in post #21447 concerning the size and material for the o-ring...![]()
I am internet clueless! I searched avpost called called 21447 by OF and got noththing. Do you have a link? The o-ring discussion is a huge spawling monster! I had planned to order one from pv with mh olo... just in case I needed it, but they are out. Turns out they would havee been useful!
I think you were reading some out of date stuff. They worked out all the wrinkles quite a while ago.I ve read that some had a funny smell and wont work quite fine after a while?
hey dude, maybe you could be more specific. i cannot find it on radioshack, might be me or unavailable i dont know yetRadio Shack?
Ok I just ordered my solo from vapornation and I wanted to know what you guys think I should buy extra to make my vaping better. Any help will be greatly appreciated thanks again