the stems will loosen up with usage .
for now , try twisting or unscrewing when removing the stem .
hope that helps .
This one's easy, don't pull it that way.......
You need more control. Instead grab it up close 'monkey fist' style (all fingers, no thumb). Then, pressing your thumb tip onto the top of the cap nxet to the stem hole push against the top to slide the Solo up and off the stem. Don't pull on anything. It's easy to stop part way off then gently ease the last bit off with no drama.
Pulling it normally uses lots of muscles (your entire upper body for the most part), 'overshooting' when it lets go is gonna happen, the fix is to not use muscles with such range of motion.
I surrender! Just dumped bud everywhere again. My days of tying monkey's fists are over. Lol I Don't have feeling in All my fingers and thought it was me... the friends did the same.... we could all be ham fisted monkeys, but I think my solo stem Just needs breaking in. The other is easier to remove.
Twisting does help. So did pushing up.

) The stem is just catching both ways and pops off. Time?
I'm afraid I'll break it off while removing ...

I already knocked My solo over on the granite counter. The stem hit a banana or it would be toast. I'm hesitant to handle any glass items. Lol :-/
Do you tap/lightly pack the herb before use?
I sometimes use a glass honeycomb screen which helps reduce ABV mess
Planet Vape HE GonG - Shorty 18mm is my frequent flyer. The non-shorty has a bigger bowl, but I can barely get through a shorty bowl in 20 minutes.
I just take the stem and suck the herb into it. I kinda pack in the loose ends. Is too much? I use a dental pick to get out all the old bud that I'm not already wearing.

I've seen pics of glass and ceramic screens Are these to put in after the herb? I have a metal screen the four holes, but it is amazing ask funk already stuck inside my stem after just 3 the days! Is there an easy way to clean this?
Hi folks,
I have a simple question about "aftermarket" stems for the solo. I just ordered Ed's Blackwood Wooden Solo Vapor Stem. I wanted something a little nicer than the stock glass stems.
Anyway, how exactly do you use one of these stems? Specifically, how do you line up the notches on the stem with the holes in Solo oven? Do you just make a best guess when inserting it or is this some sort of visual clue to it?
LMK if you like the wood stem! I am looking for anything not fragile but affordable and functional! I Don't have a single surface in My home not covered in glass or made of granite. Plan bye bye glass.
I'm trying Agent 99 now. Now I get the flavors! I love the two setting... My friend with the pen is sold on solo too if I find a stem that isn't glass. As is the solo is too fragile to even leave My nightstand. .. a contractor would destroy it! He breaks the tractor often enough. Lol Make this baby more indestructible and we'll both retire or volcanoes! :-)