It was never said it was all M1C1s but they definitely seem to be more temperamental than most other models.
Telling people blindly that they have no problems with their unit won't help matters. If they have no reference point then they will be thinking that a Solo that heats up in 30 secs and produces wispy vapour is normal?!
I don't think we should assume that all units coming out of Arizer are fault free...
Good points in places, but IMO not all.
The only provable fact here, I think, is all the chatter has made guys fear buying "Model M1C1s" even though we're told
no such model really exists. We're told this is simply a production number, there is no engineered change in play.
In counter to you I see no reason to assume new units are any more fault prone than others?
Consider also that we've had a number of guys change their minds and report expected performance in terms of heat up time and ABV condition after all? I'm thinking there's a lot of new guys with new expectations in the mix? We may be looking at a series of 'statistics of small groups' (one guy each time)?
Not that problems can't happen, but that they're not routine and are easily resolved if you've bought through approved vendors with solid histories of promptly fixing problems. In general, PV an PIU customers report excellent Customer Service (I could add my positive experiences here, and have posted of them when they happened for the most part, so no need to repeat them). Guys who buy from lower cost sources like Ebay or Massdrop can find themselves on their own.
Perhaps the take away message here is something like 'you really don't have a choice what serial number you get, but if you buy from 'the right' dealer any problem you might have will be quickly and effectively corrected'?
also - is there any proof that arizer changed something in the production of the solo besides the letters in the serial number?
to me it seems like a combination of suggestion and confusion tbh

just check whether the unit works or not - that's what matters right?
Exactly so.
I think it's too bad if a guy who would otherwise enjoy his Solo like so many of us do misses out because of some random advice from guys off the net who aren't even using their real names?
Come on in guys, the water's fine! If you get a dud from a stand up guy, he'll make it right. No need to fear......or miss out on the Solo.