Arizer Solo


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Right so as I understand it most newer solos lose charge slowly when in pa mode but so far I am yet to lose a light on my m1a had my pa for 3 or 4 days now I think and put my dB away soon as I go the pa also am I ok to just pull the solo out from the pa or wait for the solo to tern off

I have realized that it depends on how many sessions you do. Some people say this and I am like what...but I have realized I do way more sessions so I drop a light a day in general except maybe the two days. I do around eight full 12 min sessions on the solo a day sometimes more along with other vapes...yes I vape a lot.

If you do a few sessions a day it will be on 7 way longer. My guess would be a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Here's a little experiment, you might want to try with the Fbomb and the Solo....

Figured I'd try something new, so I put a "shot" of Mike's Hard lemonade in the FBomb instead of water... it was Super Cool!.... the bubbles were not as "loud", I swear I got another 1/2 dozen hits than with water, and the vapor had the sweet, tangy flavor of Mikes.
When done, I sipped the shot right of the FBomb, and it did not taste bad at all, it had the flavor of the flowers...

Next time, I will try some flavored rum.

funny I have not heard of flavoring the water. for me it was a nice change and am now Baked! he he he....

Oh one thing, I was careful to rinse off the outside of the FBomb after putting in the Mike's lemonade. it tends to be sweet and sticky and I don't want to get it on the solo...

Afterwards I rinsed the Fbomb right away throughly for the same reason, to get rid of any sugar left from the tasty lemonade....


Hi Very high
Take me out the oven please I am baked. I heated up the dab tool and the oil dripped nicely into a pile of erb. I am using a cheapo shitty jet lighter at the moment. Can someone recommend/PM me a jet torch type of thing, butane ran, handheld and stoner friendly please :) This current lighter just wont cut it in the long term, now back to the solo....

@Pipes brother pipes your zip tie mod if its my understanding I can do said mod to my Solo then just hold onto the Solo body whilst twisting the PNWT(f-bomb) to clear it? TIA...hope that made sense :ko:

@Vaporito I am also contemplating should I drink my vape water? Or is that just asking for trouble? I will track down some lemonade, yummy.
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Krizzle, it's not like it's old bong water, it's about a shot of vaped Mike's lemonade... not bad after a 12 min stint... I will try flavored rum next time... ;-)

Mind you this is just for a change of pace, I prefer the tasty flowers all by itself..
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Claiming to honor the manuf. warranty on his auctions, then refusing to do so, would be stupid for a dedicated eBay seller. He claims over 700 Solos sold and has very good feedback. He's clearly interested in being a long term reputable seller, vs. ripping a few people off.

The eBay seller I'd avoid is 'myrubberneck'. This guy has claimed to be an authorized seller for various models in the past when he wasn't, and in at least one case, he claimed to be an authorized seller and was advertising a model for sale that hadn't been released to any distributors yet.

I bought mine from myrubberneck with no problem. I'm not sure why they get such a bad rap. I spoke with Arizer and they are an authorized reseller of Arizer products so I feel confident with warranty issues should they arise.


Well-Known Member
Ok, getting creative with the Solo...
So I ordered the 3d printed stand with charge cable. in black.

Once it comes in, I plan to glue it to a small 6"x9" wood board\tray, then I'm getting 4 to 6 1/4" diameter Dowels, plan to cut them to about 1 1/2 to 2", drill holes on the wood tray and glue the dowels in place.

Once it's all done, I plan to paint it all black.

Basically this will give me a table stand for the Solo in the middle, (with charge cable), and dowels around it where I can place the various Glass stems and FBomb.

It should be a very easy job to put this together, yet very slick and functional.

I will post an update once it's done. Unfortunately I have no way of posting pics here, since they cannot be uploaded, but only hosted on other web sites...


Well-Known Member
Ok, getting creative with the Solo...
So I ordered the 3d printed stand with charge cable. in black.

Once it comes in, I plan to glue it to a small 6"x9" wood board\tray, then I'm getting 4 to 6 1/4" diameter Dowels, plan to cut them to about 1 1/2 to 2", drill holes on the wood tray and glue the dowels in place.

Once it's all done, I plan to paint it all black.

Basically this will give me a table stand for the Solo in the middle, (with charge cable), and dowels around it where I can place the various Glass stems and FBomb.

It should be a very easy job to put this together, yet very slick and functional.

I will post an update once it's done. Unfortunately I have no way of posting pics here, since they cannot be uploaded, but only hosted on other web sites...

Sounds interesting , Really would like to see a pic when it's done .
I have one of those 3d print stands .
Here's how you can post pics .


Well-Known Member
Thanks Poonman, I will try to post pics when I make the stand. It won't be until I get the 3d stand I ordered.


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My favorite way is to make a cup of coffee and drink through the stem using extra cream and milk (body can absorb the MJ goodies better).

I dont like extracting with iso since its more tedious and I dont like the idea of introducing iso to my MJ

Wow never thought , the stems could used as straws...I would love to try this method next time,,as I couldn't collect any resin(fuckin noob..I am)
I packed 2 stems with Iso in a plastic bag, seems like I put in a lot of Iso


Well-Known Member
I have no tubing around the shop. Can you suggest a common size or two to start with?
I use 3 (nesting) sizes myself, 1/4x3/8, 3/8x1/2, 1/2x5/8. Of them the middle is probably most useful, the largest is nice for mating up to GonG connectors. Given the low cost I'd suggest some of each? It should last you many years.



Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
Tim, that looks really good nice and low profile. It is also trying to stay the shape of the solo which is a huge plus.

Thank you!

Its meant for two main purposes, the first for people who want to stand up their Solo when its plugged it. For this there would just be an adhesive tape. The other would be for people who have damaged the base where the screw heads have nothing to hold onto. Then you would just use a longer set of screws and they would go through the entire base into the alum housing. Probably strengthen it quite a bit too.



I bought mine from myrubberneck with no problem. I'm not sure why they get such a bad rap. I spoke with Arizer and they are an authorized reseller of Arizer products so I feel confident with warranty issues should they arise.
If you were crossing the street with a friend that got hit by a hit and run driver -- but you weren't hit -- would you also post that in your opinion there was nothing wrong with the driver's driving?
Planet Vape sells custom stems to improve on this flow still further with grooves down the side and notches on the rim. There's also a Turbo version with the center of the glass screen drilled out.
If it wasn't for the folks in the Ascent thread singing the Solo's praises I might've overlooked this vape. You could say my Solo is the silver lining of my ho hum Ascent experience. Did some seshes with PV Turbo GonG adapter and I'm in love with the Solo! It's efficient, powerful, and really gets me blasted. 6 & 7 are my sweet spots. Each vape produces a distinct high and the Solo produces a clean buzz. I may dial back my XVC settings due to the kind of high lower temps produce. Didn't think a portable could ever give a desktop a run but I'm reassessing that. Solo isn't the tastiest vape I ever used but the taste isn't offensive or noxious, it's kind of neutral. At any rate happy to add this vape to my collection. Now I must get more PV adapters and accessories.


Well-Known Member
I just got my Solo today from the Massdrop and its M1B11, anyone else have a unit from this batch?


Well-Known Member
Hey Poonman, I found a great alternative. I had an old desk organizer lamp from Target, and I took it appart. its' a perfect organizer for my vapes and glassware at home...
YOu can find it at (although they don't have a listing for black) I bet your local store has them.

It's also on ebay here:

Thanks for the link, I uploaded an album showing, the setup I have from the lamp... also showing the vapecase with extended storage to hold the Fbomb when traveling...

it'sa sweet setup, even has room for my davinci.

There's a nice hole in the middle, I hope the 3D stand fits in it if not I will use it to keep my grinder, and pu the 3D stand next to it. Maybe a black tray to hold it all in.

See the Starwars cube, I might put the 3d stand in place of if, shoot, maybe it will look nice on top of it.


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New Member
Newbie here to vaping and its really working well. I'm using a PVHES turbo shorty, most of the time by myself, and I find that one stem lasts much longer than expected.

Two hits is about all I need to medicate and that happens once or twice an evening. I leave the stem in all the time and as a result, one load sees multiple heating/cooling cycles. I usually reload after 6 average sized hits thinking that there can't be much of anything left.

So the question is...If I want to keep vaping the stem till it's "done", how do I really tell? Also, how many average size hits would a stock solo stem provide on one load? I can factor that down to apply to the shorty I'm using.



Well-Known Member
You'll know it's done when the flavour starts to turn bad and you have a nice golden to light brown color


Well-Known Member
He he he, it gets even better, even though I'm pushing 52, the wife and I still keep a low profile at home wiht our 20+ year old kids...

So Here's the icing on the cake, how to keep a low profile even at home:

Start with a Rubik's Cube tissue box cover (as seen on the Big Bang).

Add my (cannibalized from desk lamp) setup and voila...

Now you see it now you don't!





Well-Known Member
@Vaporito that target lamp.. awesome how perfectly it fits the solo and da vinc

Does anybody have any tips on getting a more even heating on the contents? I start at 3/4 and work up to 6, but I find the bottom of the ABV is very dark while the top is still quite light yellow.

What I do is after 1 session, remove the stem/GonG and just tap out the dark brown on the 'bottom'. Then I remix the light ABV with my 'to-pack' mix and blow clouds.

The stainless steel bowl does conduction, especially on the exposed part of the pack, so it's a bit unavoidable to have uneven heating. The looser the pack the better, but I tend to pack kinda tight, especially with ABV and concentrate sammiches. I prefer the tighter ABV/concentrate pack and the sacrifice is the uneven ABV.

Pack loose, and it's nice and even, which is what I would be doing if I had more restraint.

Do most Solos form a vacuum making it hard to draw? I have to struggle to sip enough vapor to blow a cloud, is that the MO of this vape? It's very efficient due to the restricted airflow and it does produce clouds. Using about 1/4 of my typical VXC ELB, maybe .1 or .2 grams. Any technique to increase airflow producing heavier hits?

As others mentioned, yeah the stock stems are like that. Harder to draw than something free flowing like the DaVinci.

Once I switched to PVHE GonG and Fbomb, I haven't gone back to OEM stem. The only issue with the PVHE is as others stated, drawing too fast/hard which can overwhelm the solo heater. I had some nice new flowers and concentrates this weekend and got myself wrecked with 1.5 sessions of Solo.

The Fbomb was really put to the test and the downforced air bubbler really works great, even when I was intentionally over-hitting it to try and 'finish' the load, it was still pulling nice clouds.
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