Ok, they can't interchange on my models and both are def metal. OF if you want me to be more specific I will as I did pay attention when I did it.
The PA doesn't give the battery charge, right? I swear the Solo went down to 5 when I was done last night, and now it's back to 6.
When speaking to PV they asked me if my solo top was plastic? I was like what do you mean?
Make a long story short supposedly some people have plastic tops while some have metal tops.
There seems to be difference in units but nothing worth marketing as a change or significant enough for us forum users to really need differentiation.
I see what you're saying, but really don't think that anything at all under the hood is getting heated to the point of off-gassing...not even close. Even when brand new and my heated bowl was empty, I sniffed around top to bottom and never detected even the slightest hint of anything. Though I've not taken it apart to see what it's made of and how it's put together, I doubt Arizer would've let the matter of heater insulation and off-gassing slip through the cracks, not this long into the game. I know however that some have reported burn-off odors when new, but that subsided/resolved soon thereafter with burn-off sessions. Don't have a clue what caused it.I did a little searching and couldn't find the answer in this thread, and it's probably a question that should be asked, but where exactly is the airflow coming from? If it comes through the crucibles, the holes on top of the lid(everyone's using this term so I will too) or even from the holes from the bottom of the solo, then wouldn't that mean there is a potential for inhaling off-gas from the heated materials (wires, plastic, circuitry).
If you look at the below pics, it's obvious that there isn't an airtight seal separating the wires, battery, and circuit boards from the air you are inhaling. I asked this very same question on the official arizer site and I'm still waiting for a response. Hopefully I can get some quick answers here.
this is the crucible i was talking about
Here you can see the red wire near the bottom
Also, what would be a good substitute for the arizer solo. With so much new shit coming out every so often, I can't decide which portable vape to stick with. Recommendations would be highly appreciated.
I see what you're saying, but really don't think that anything at all under the hood is getting heated to the point of off-gassing...not even close.
I got it mid July.That is a new one that I haven't seen, but let's wait for our other great members to chime in. To my eyes, I would warranty that solo.
Foldered paper didn't you just get your solo? If so slow and steady wins the race.
I recently got the Arizer Solo and while I thought it was okay, I have never been able to get virtually anything like what I've seen and heard other people getting with the device. I get piddly clouds from the very start and herbs stop vaping halfway through the session, barely even browned.
Last night, I took the screw-on cap off to inspect the unit for problems, and I discovered that the stainless steel bowl is completely warped and misaligned at the very top and bottom.
My solo is acting up again, the airflow is all weird again even with the new stem. I notice that if I push the stem down against the heating element I can not even draw air in. Is this normal?
How can you clean the element, im afraid to use much iso on it, but there is a discolored ring at the bottom.
I have never done that cause I don't like the cotton...ok I did do it but didn't like it but it was because of the cotton. You can just sandwich this way you get the best of both worlds.