Arizer Solo


Ancient and opiniated inhaler
My understanding of "user replaceable battery" in consumer electronics is a battery that is easily installed/removed by the consumer, can be easily done with no experience, and can be done non- invasively (meaning either you don't need to take the unit apart, or if you do, it doesn't void the warranty.

The solo doesn't really it those.

It's not as hard to change as say the omicron v1.1, but I wouldn't consider it "user replaceable" from a consumer electronics context :2c:

Definitely not user replaceable like a flashlight battery, but it should work well for maybe 1000 cycles - that's about 3 years if you charge every day.
Not bad for a consumer gadget and definitely not soldered to the circuit board like some.

OTOH it's a beautifully engineered object, designed to easily disassemble and more importantly, reassemble if you're into pulling things apart like me.
Sliding the cover off for the first time made me appreciate how precise the aluminium machining is.
I'd say the battery could be safely replaced by most experienced hobbyists so battery changeover services will probably become available in time...


Well-Known Member
My understanding of "user replaceable battery" in consumer electronics is a battery that is easily installed/removed by the consumer, can be easily done with no experience, and can be done non- invasively (meaning either you don't need to take the unit apart, or if you do, it doesn't void the warranty.

The solo doesn't really it those.

It's not as hard to change as say the omicron v1.1, but I wouldn't consider it "user replaceable" from a consumer electronics context :2c:

Interesting. That means my Dell laptop doesn't have replacable battery or user replacable RAM then either, since I need the exact same screwdriver......somebody better call Dell and tell 'em.

My definition includes no 'funny security screws' or soldering.

Each guy gets to decide what he's comfortable doing, but IMO most can handle four simple screws.

Im not sending mine in mail for new battery. F that idea for more than one reason

Excellent point, I too favor using it. In the mean time you could buy a screwdriver and practice some so you'll be ready when the time comes?

I don't see a big deal here, really. If it dies soon, it's a warranty issue anyway. I bet by the time we start needing to replace them due to old age several sources will be available. At least two Members have built their own packs now AFAIK? Then again, I can solder too......

And even if it does die years down the road....consuming thousands of dollars in bud.....I think many guys would consider $160 for a new one a bargain? The 'dead' one will still run on a PA, right?

I sure wouldn't recommend missing out on Solo for this concern.



Interesting. I sure wouldn't recommend missing out on Solo for this concern.OF

I agree with you.
Mine are super functional.
For $160 next time I will just buy a 3rd one.
My FLOWERS last so much longer since I started using the SOLO.
SOLO"S are not expensive compared to the price of good Medicine!
It's just a means for medicating efficiently!



Active Member
I own this and while I love it I have to wonder what I am missing.

To release thc for euphoria, it's 314.6 or over 428 degrees F. Beside the adjustable plug ins? how can I get this low 314.6?
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Well-Known Member
I own this and while I love it I have to wonder what I am missing.

To release thc for euphoria, it's 314.6 or over 428 degrees F. Beside the adjustable plug ins? how can I get this low 314.6?

I assume you don't mean manually as a whole host of fine portable vapes will do this. But if you want to dial up 320F and have it regulate to that how about DiVinci? You can dial up 120F and have it hold that, I know, I just tried it....

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Singer Song Writer Stoner
I own this and while I love it I have to wonder what I am missing.

To release thc for euphoria, it's 314.6 or over 428 degrees F. Beside the adjustable plug ins? how can I get this low 314.6?

It doesn't mean you won't be getting the thc from the low temps its just that you will get CBD and CBN as well along with others as well...

Here is a list :

Chemical name: Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol AKA THC
Boiling point: 157 * C
Features: causes euphoria, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-vomiting

Chemical Name: Cannabidiol
Also known as: CBD
Boiling point: 160-180 * C
Features: anti-anxiety, analgesic, anti-psychotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-convulsive

Chemical name: Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol AKA Delta-8-THC
Boiling point: 175-178 * C
1. Similar to delta -9
2. Less Psychoactive
3. Anti-vomiting and more stable than Delta -9

Chemical Name: Cannabinol AKA CBN
Boiling point: 185 * C
Features: oxidation, is broken down, by-product, sedative, antibiotic

Chemical Name: cannabichromene AKA CBC
Boiling point : 220 * C
Features: anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-fungal

Chemical Name: Cannabigerol AKA CBG
Boiling Point: MP52
Features: anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-fungal

Chemical Name: Tetrahydrocannabivarin AKA THCV
Boiling Point: <220 * C
Features: painkiller, causes euphoria


Well-Known Member
This stuff is kind of confusing TBH. While the boiling point of CBD and CBN are listed; isnt most of the CBD and CBN content in the plant material vs the tricones?


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
It doesn't mean you won't be getting the thc from the low temps its just that you will get CBD and CBN as well along with others as well...

It's even more complex than that. I wish lists of boiling points came with a proper explanation of what they mean. Many people conclude that the process is binary, so you don't get compound x until you reach some magic temperature. It doesn't work like that.

Think about this: if you measure the temperature of water as you bring it to a boil you will see vapour start to rise when it reaches about 55°C. By 85°C there is a steady stream of steam yet the boiling point is still 15°C away.

Cannabis actives are no different. You don't have to reach the boiling point of any of them, and you are always getting a mix. What changes with temperature are the ratios. You can get pretty stoned vapourizing as low as 160°C and almost certainly even lower. If you want more detail, you can read the article I wrote about Vapourizing by Temperature.


Singer Song Writer Stoner
This stuff is kind of confusing TBH. While the boiling point of CBD and CBN are listed; isnt most of the CBD and CBN content in the plant material vs the tricones?

I'm not quite sure what you mean, these are the cannabis vaporization boiling points ... cannabis is much more than just THC and we can't really separate it from other chemicals.

It's even more complex than that. I wish lists of boiling points came with a proper explanation of what they mean. Many people conclude that the process is binary, so you don't get compound x until you reach some magic temperature. It doesn't work like that.

Think about this: if you measure the temperature of water as you bring it to a boil you will see vapour start to rise when it reaches about 55°C. By 85°C there is a steady stream of steam yet the boiling point is still 15°C away.

Cannabis actives are no different. You don't have to reach the boiling point of any of them, and you are always getting a mix. What changes with temperature are the ratios. You can get pretty stoned vapourizing as low as 160°C and almost certainly even lower. If you want more detail, you can read the article I wrote about Vapourizing by Temperature.

Just seen this now: thanks, I will read this.

If you look closely at what I wrote - boiling point for flowers is usually stated at 180C or 185C... which is exactly what you're saying...vapor starts before that and in our case at 157C...


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite sure what you mean, these are the cannabis vaporization boiling points ... cannabis is much more than just THC and we can't really separate it from other chemicals.

Just seen this now: thanks, I will read this.

If you look closely at what I wrote - boiling point for flowers is usually stated at 180C or 185C... which is exactly what you're saying...vapor starts before that and in our case at 157C...
I recently had a conversation where the guy said that most of the CBN and CBD are in the plant material vs the trichomes the implications of that seem to be you get less CBN and CBD vaping because your not really breaking down the plant material vs combustion. This is something I have been thinking about and would love to hear if you have a differing opinion.
I recently had a conversation where the guy said that most of the CBN and CBD are in the plant material vs the trichomes the implications of that seem to be you get less CBN and CBD vaping because your not really breaking down the plant material vs combustion. This is something I have been thinking about and would love to hear if you have a differing opinion.
That's why you munch on the ABV - then you'll know what's left!


Well-Known Member
1) 122°F ( 50°C)
2) 365°F (185°C)
3) 374°F (190°C)
4) 383°F (195°C)
5) 392°F (200°C)
6) 401°F (205°C)
7) 410°F (210°C)
Your point beeing?

My point was that I was in doubt about buying a vape that has 185°C as the lowest setting. Vaping at lower temps (160-170°C) gives you a more high and less stoned feeling which I enjoy from time to time. And this isn't possible with the solo. I did buy it because a) I need something more portable then my volcano and b)I couldn't wait for the ascent to arrive.

Don't get me wrong I like the solo and use it on daily basis. But I'll prolly buy the ascent when it arrives. Time will tell if the solo will still be used after that, or if it'll hits the classies.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Which one would be better with the solo? This will be my first glass piece so im still trying to figure out which will perform better when paired with the solo?


Either one will perform well. Personally I would go with the stemline. Great diffusion while not killing the flavor. And both pieces are stemless so less to clean - I don't think either one would be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where on this thread, which number page do they explain & have the pictures about the solo battery? i don't want to go through 535 pages, that's painful & will take forever.

My solo seems to be charging in about 1 hour 30 mins & i get about a hours use on the that normal? i thought the battery lasts for longer. i start off at 3 then go to 4,5 & end it off at 7 & my sessions lasts about half hour.
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That sounds very wrong to me, I have a M-102 solo that is quite old, very often used, and has much better battery life than what you are describing. E-mail Arizer, they do warranty the batteries for up to one year I believe.
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Well-Known Member
Since i am new on here i thought i should contribute to the community. if anyone is interested is purchasing a solo power adapter, i found the best price on the internet for $35.99 free shipping from they have it listed for $39.99 but if you order through one of their agents on their website they will provide you a coupon to knock it down to $35.99 final cost. hope everyone else is enjoying the solo as much as i am :tup::science:


Well-Known Member
My solo seems to be charging in about 1 hour 30 mins & i get about a hours use on the that normal? i thought the battery lasts for longer. i start off at 3 then go to 4,5 & end it off at 7 & my sessions lasts about half hour.

The listing for the solo on Arizer's website states:

"High quality Lithium Ion Battery - 1 - 2 Hours of continous use!"

so one hour of use would be in the normal spec.


Well-Known Member
My solo seems to be charging in about 1 hour 30 mins & i get about a hours use on the that normal? i thought the battery lasts for longer. i start off at 3 then go to 4,5 & end it off at 7 & my sessions lasts about half hour.
That sounds very wrong to me, I have a M-102 solo that is quite old, very often used, and has much better battery life than what you are describing. E-mail Arizer, they do warranty the batteries for up to one year I believe.

Now here I'm going to disagree. I think that's pretty reasonable. Think about it, it draws a bit under two Amps when on. If it's on say half the time for that hour, that's one Amp hour, about half the total available under ideal conditions, although not recommended to drive it that far down. It charges at about 3/4 Amp so in an hour and a half it'll replace 1.1 Ah.....just about what you took out?

I get about the same, although I run a little longer at 3 and 4, not higher. There's a lot of confusion going around on the topic since the various models of Solo had different calibrations on battery life. The current shows no lights while there are still LOTS of hits left, before it didn't do that. So of course guys with older units report more sessions before the lights go out.....their lights are just staying on longer, it has noting to do with reality.

Part of the clue is you're using the top half of the capacity, you could probably safely use half again more (say 1.5 hours) but you'd need to recharge longer to make it up.

I'm not going to dig for the photos for you, sorry, besides half the time they seem to be no longer on the hosting service when I get there. But it's super easy. Take out the four screws in the bottom and slide the cover (complete with cap if you wish) off upward. The base and front panel stay with the unit, the cover comes off. The battery is behind the panel, you can snap the battery cover off easily and unplug it. You can see the plug through the slots in the side with the battery cover on.

Good luck, but IMO you don't have a problem, aside from believing what you read on the web perhaps.

The listing for the solo on Arizer's website states:

"High quality Lithium Ion Battery - 1 - 2 Hours of continous use!"

so one hour of use would be in the normal spec.

Excellent point. Somehow the 'up to four hours battery life' got started, and it sure sells more Solos than a more honest answer does. Every place that sell them (aside from the maker) seems to prefer the four hours story...... You've got to decide who to trust, perhaps, the guy who makes 'em and stands behind the claims with Customer Service or the guy trying to get your money.

Your call.



Well-Known Member
ahh takes me back!
but let me know when you guys grasp the pronunciation of these words,
oregano, yogurt, aluminum, jaguar, buoy, route and vitamins haha, no i'm only joking,
but seriously it's called the ground floor not the first!

that elementalwellnesscenter, looks awesome, you guys are lucky,
I'm thinking we all owe a lot to the guys in Amsterdam for strain development

also here are some pics of the shorty turbo (middle)

kinda hard to see, but it is basically just as described,
a single bore hole, the screen just wedges in,
the turbo does offer the least resistance, it's easier to clean, it fits the tightest (on mine at least) though it could be weaker due to indented rim

thanks a lot man! that kinda looks like you get some pieces sucked into your mouth?
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