No the .5 screens should fit perfect with a slight upper dome to it. Mine just snap in and fit perfect. Then it gets oiled up and they never move. 

I havent looked around for the cheapest solo deal for quite awhile, but I found this while browsing, thought someone might appreciate it.
$139.99 wow!
Why is that important? All you need for warranty work with Arizer is a receipt from your purchase. Or am I missing something here?That is a good price .
But I couldn't find out what version it is ?
It might be the older ceramic bowl ones .Older versions ?
Are they authorized dealers for Arizer , apparently that's important for warranty service !
I bought mine from for $160 last week . ( free shipping plus no taxes )
It is now going for $ 150 at PIU . Their latest versions
For a $ 10 difference , get yourself a good night sleep and order from PIU
Also go and read my short review of PIU in the retailers thread .
I've only made 1 purchase from them far
Hope this helps .
Couldn't agree more! This is no ROOR/Toro/SNOB etc etc, but hell, it's $8! That's two gallons of gas. If I or a friend happen to drop it, it's no heartbreak.You get what you pay for!
This bubbler already exists in the cheap bubbler thread but not at this price!!!
You'd be surprised how goddamn expensive exporting stuff from here is! Even if I wanted to just ship a box of these back to the U.S., I'd be spending at least $60 for sea mail (two-three months arrival), and hundreds for air mail. Pain in the ass.Better open up a small FC business and start sending us this unit for 15$
I'd give you 15![]()
Nice! $24 is not a bad price at all, assuming you got it in the U.S.! As I said, shipping and export/import taxes hike the price up quite a bit. I tried it out with some water and noticed that as well, quite hard to get water in my mouth. Can't wait to try pairing it up with my Solo! Let me know how it turns out for you.hahaha I'm using one of those as a portable oil rig with a cheap ti-pad and curve. But I paid $24 for mine from ioffer, which I still thought was cheap. I guess they made a fair profit! It works Ok- the slits don't really fire though- just kinda bubbles out of the bottom of the tree. The water doesn't seem to make it up the mouthpiece at all so it's a dry lips piece which was one of the concerns I had- IMO a piece is pretty useless if you get wet lips which I hate. I haven't tried it with my Solo yet though... going to now.
I bought mine from for $160 last week . ( free shipping plus no taxes ). It is now going for $ 150 at PIU . Their latest versions
For a $ 10 difference , get yourself a good night sleep and order from PIU![]()
I bought mine from for $160 last week . ( free shipping plus no taxes )
It is now going for $ 150 at PIU . Their latest versions![]()
Can you translate or read Chinese Mandarin or Cantonese for us??Haha, no typo guys, EIGHT bucks.
I'm living/interning in China, and found this beauty on Taobao, which is essentially Chinese eBay. Unfortunately I don't know if international shipping is possible.Here's the link if anyone is interested in finding out more information.
Excellent ZC ,
That's what I'm looking for as a new Solo owner , 3 days and counting
Are they the same size as normal pipe's screens ? ( wow , 1000 for $12 )
Do you have to trim around the edge of the screen to make it fit properly ?
I've been using normal screens in the bottom of my NO2 , which I have to trim .
But someone wrote that the NO2 screens fit perfectly in the Solo ...agreed . ( screens on ordered )
Currently I only have 1 NO2 screen left and is using it in the Solo .
I want to try using 2 and sandwich it in the stem .
I'm thinking it might help keep the SS bowl cleaner and less cleaning with iso ?
And Thanx for the very helpful post .
How did you score free shipping internationally?? I paid $10 shipping, and after the currency conversion came to $175. The silver is the m107 for $150.
Why is that important? All you need for warranty work with Arizer is a receipt from your purchase. Or am I missing something here?
Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you. I bought mine from PUI when it was $230.You may be correct V ,
I just meant it was good standard practice to purchase from an Authorized dealer, that's all .
I know that was important with the NO2 . Some warranties were not recognized from what I've read .
And now...Let's all Solo , together![]()
Newbie question...I have searched and did not have much luck. It seems that when you pack very small amounts, it often falls into the heat core easily without a 2nd screen. If I pack a fuller bowl so that it stays in place and only want a few drags, what is the best way to keep from wasting what is left? Pull of the hot stem and put to the side? Or if I just kill the power and wait till it cools, will I loose a bunch? Thanks and sorry if this has been answered.
I'd definitely pull it out (always good advice anyways lol), it will cache as it sits in there from conduction including as it cools down (takes some time).
Let's have a big FC Skype vape session!!!
I definitely notice a taste improvement if I hit this thing like a hamster the whole time.
I think he meant non-stop...hamster???? not sure i understand what that means
rhythm method it is! I figured as much. I typically load a duggout bats worth in my Underdog and run it till there is no more vapor. With the Solo, it just falls right out and a second screen seems like a hassle. It stays if I use a little more and pack it in there tight against the screen, but then it is hard to draw. Just trying to get it all dialed in. Seems like a great unit otherwise. Thanks for your help.