Well-Known Member
Wow! What a cool idea! I bet it beats my scheme of sanding it down all hollow? What sort of cutter did you use? A steel burr? How did you hold the ring? I usually stick the ring to Gorilla Tape (heavy duct tape) to hold on to sand it down......I'm thinking you could just lay it flat and take passes at the upper (exposed) side?
Great suggestion, please clue me into the cutter you used, I want to give it a try.
Hey, is this a great place or what?
Good point, but I'm not sure the major factor is we're looking for trouble? I mean before I started messing with this good stuff I don't recall anyone posting about cracked tabs? My guess is it was pretty rare and not really a fatal sort of issue for most even after they found it?
I'm sure I'm not the only guy that's read this thread from the start and I didn't recall anyone posting before I brought it up a year or so back?
The net has a way of distorting stuff, maybe we're looking an another instance?
Hey @OF I did the heavy duct tape and the small sanding wheels that you can get work fine. I also used a small piece of flat sheet steel, and layed that on top of one half and took it down, moved the steel over to the other side and hit that side too. The flat piece of sheet steel was kind of like tweezers in the aspect of holding it down even though it was stuck to the tape. I also have taken an x-acto knife and held it down with the tape and have a huge lamp/w magnifying glass attached to a fluorescent light so you can see very well and have basically sliced the ring like a cold cut and took enough down to fit under a friends new 2014 version. I found both methods not too tuff for an old fart like me to perform. Might be redneck engineered but it works bro. Hope my directions you can decipher, you dont strike me as an ALL THUMBS TYPE, more engineer type and know your way around mechanical parameters