Update to post above:I only have done one half bowl so far, so I am sure there are more differences that what I've noticed so far (compared to my M107):
- Looser fitting stem (Using PVHEGonG. But maybe my tight fitting M107 wore the glass down?)
- Warm up time seems faster
- The "slight delay + beep noise" now takes half the time.
I have no idea about battery indicator, which I hear is suppose to be more accurate and encourage recharging.
Turns out the stem fits fine, not wobbly at all unless you're offroading. The fit is not loose enough to eject stem. With the Planet Vape thin o-rings, the fit is amazing with no wobble and it helps prevent loose herb from escaping past teflon ring in heat chamber.
Battery indicator has definitely been optimized in the M1T0. It will no longer lie to you. On an M107, a person could do a couple bowls and still be on 7/7. This new model will tell you more accurately when you're at e.g. 4/7 or 5/7 before you accidentally discharge the battery too much.
There was lessened electronics smell with this unit. Less flux/PCB flavor

Loving the accessories, you can activate God mode cheat via following combo: Solo + PVHEGonG + f-Bomb or PNWT + ice water.