Well-Known Member
My problem is that I still have a high tolerance and need a certain high to not start using joints again.If you want to work at high temps right from the start then yes, you'll need some good cooling to tame the vapor. I agree that higher temps will give you the stony effect you're looking for but it depends how fast you want to get there.
You can get there quickly by ripping the S3 at temps >200C but you'll probably have to go through water or a nice long dry pipe with lots of cooling bends and dimples if your lungs are sensitive.
If you're willing to take your time, you can still get the stony effect by temp stepping as others have pointed out. Your final destination may still be >200C but you can start at lower temps and take your time getting there. It should be easier on your throat, as well as being a tastier journey.
I personally have never found the need to go over 200C with flower. Just concentrates. But hey, to each his own and it's nice to know the power is there if you want it.
I have smoked joints with tobacco for 28 years and I have only been vaping for 4 weeks.
I smoked 2-3 grams daily

Since I've been vaping, 1 gram is enough for me.
At first I started with Crafty+ but it wasn't enough for me and there was a big risk of rolling a joint again.
What saved me: Dynavap... Luckily I bought a Dynavao a few days after Crafty and so I was finally satisfied and high enough.
That's why I currently need high temperatures and enough to get high
I ordered Solo 3 as a supplement to Dynavap