Bad Dog
Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
well I had the night to digest and the morning to think this over and I'm not fully satisfied with John's response which did not seem fully truthful, at times and he even contradicted himself. planet haze created the list some time ago and its hard to believe it was not discussed as part of the launch strategy, how else was planet haze to fill those orders other then receiving units from Vestratto? seems like it would be poor planing to spring this on the manufacture last second and expect everything to work out. but at the same time planet haze should have known something was up when he wasn't receiving updates specifically about his preorder units. maybe mistakes were made on both sides? it seems clear somewhere along the line things got broken while each was involved in what they were doing and they did not pay enough attention to each other and what they were saying. I know Both of you have said the house has been burned down but that ash can be gathered up and forged into a diamond given enough heat, pressure and time, that diamond could very well exceed the value of that house!!!! nothing is so broken that it can't be fixed and I believe John when he said
I also feel like @PlanetHaze should be proud of the work they did in the thread, they offered good information and content.
as for me I'm still holding off on the anvil........ at least until some really good reviews come along, then we'll see if my vas flares up
sorry for the double post but I could not edit in the quotes
I'm sure if you both come back to this with open minds and respect you can work through thisIts clear I've cocked up here but see it through my bias. Robert sees it through his. The truth is likely someplace in the middle.
I believe this to be a important olive branch and think its a important first step. took a lot of guts to come here a face a mob.Its pretty clear that lines have been drawn in the sand and I recognize that as a new-comer its up to me to smooth them over.
I also feel like @PlanetHaze should be proud of the work they did in the thread, they offered good information and content.
as for me I'm still holding off on the anvil........ at least until some really good reviews come along, then we'll see if my vas flares up

sorry for the double post but I could not edit in the quotes