Hey all. So I passed out and fell asleep last night during testing

I still have more to do but here's my initial impressions...
-Quality of materials and the unit looks great.
-I did notice normal burnoff smells and did 3 burnoffs before using.
-Started with a full bowl coarse ground (no capsules) on level 2 with the side bubbler dry.
-Very very flavorful with plenty of terps coming through but I found it too hot even on level 2. Was a new strain so couldn't be sure if it was the terp blast but I had moments that were very irritating on the throat. Final roast was uniform and light caramel so confused about the power level.
- Tried a new bowl starting at level 1 and also moved to the WPA with a dry sherlock for more cooling - better - but I still feel like I'd like to start at even lower temps even though level 1 is 356F. Feeling dumb that I didn't fork out for the programming cable.
Managed to try another bowl with torn nuggets instead of coarse ground to compensate for the heat and it was flavorful but not much vapor. I'm seeing differences here with respect to the S3 as the Angus is really pure convection so not much assistance from conduction when dealing with torn nuggets.
I think the unit has promise but I need to dial it in more. Will try using the capsules and need to think on getting the programming cable.