Let me clarify. Most if not all box mods I've used are solid as hell performers. They are also great for diy modders. I vape a nicotineEcig. Carry it in my pocket at work where I'm up and down ladders, in attics and crawl spaces, shit like that all day. A box mod is inconvenient and uncomfortable for me to carry around and use all day. Wouldn't mind one for at home use. In fact I've been kicking around the idea of picking up a DNA 30 box for around the house.
osnap, nice on the DNA30, methinks it will start a whole new addiction :-p there's already a hana DNA 20 that will probably be my home rig, I rarely go over 10 watts. I vape nicotine myself, and this habbit got me a slew of new hobbies.
How does the ReadyXwick compare to the solid FC-2000 ceramic rods? If you were to rebuild a KISS cart, what ceramic wick type would be preferred?
People from ECF threads say that FC ceramic wick is more brittle than XC.