Onward Thru the Fog
That's what we're here for.It seems you have uninformed me of the "sweet spot." Nice cloudy hits and no coughing. Perfect!

That's what we're here for.It seems you have uninformed me of the "sweet spot." Nice cloudy hits and no coughing. Perfect!
check these out!
pyrex caps for your favorite RDA
nice, double AFC. Are you using mesh and dabbing (no liquid or chimney stem) with the protank?
Nice, very pro, I'm on week 4/gram 4 on my ecowool 30g build. I have no idea what ohms its running but Im guessing 2.5ish by how long it takes to glow red. The snoop dogg pen is seeing more time than any of my mmj pieces.I have been using the same coil (dual ribbons 1.2ohmish iirc on a slightly u shaped piece of eko wool) setup for weeks now and it's been working great.
Anyone have suggestions on a unit to rebuild?
Nice, very pro, I'm on week 4/gram 4 on my ecowool 30g build. I have no idea what ohms its running but Im guessing 2.5ish by how long it takes to glow red. The snoop dogg pen is seeing more time than any of my mmj pieces.
Don't get that huge atty unless you're ready for serious building. You'll pretty much make a mess lol. You'll also need wick and wire to rebuild the atomizer, and maybe some way of checking the resistance to make sure its safe. If you tell me what you're looking to build I can make some educated suggestions. My favorite concentrate pen is honestly my rebuilt snoop pen. Its got a small chamber, theoretically you don't need wick because of the ceramic dish, and its easy to load. Maybe try looking at something small and easy to scrape like the igo-s or smoketech dripper.
I really want to try some ceramic braided wick, but that'll be in next week's report or something.
edit: $30 setup, 2 week shipping time.
I would personally buy kanthal from temco industries in SoCal, and wick you can choose just dont try and vape on cotton.
This dude on reddit rebuilt his kanger aerotank and it looks like a beast.![]()
I was eyeing the innokin VV the other day pretty hard. I am torn between that or the MVP. Basically I want to drop around $30 right now and I can either get a new ego twist battery (my current one has stripped threading on the inside connector)
This dude on reddit rebuilt his kanger aerotank and it looks like a beast.
Good sir, with vv pen-style I can't stress buying authentic devices. Your ego stripped more than likely because it was a clone that used aluminum instead of steel for threading.
As for the protank rebuild, you can see he only loaded about 1-2 hits of really HQ stuff. Its not enough to get runny, but mesh concerns me as it tastes oh so nasty with a hint of dry burn. You can definately try to rebuild your kanger this way, I saw that picture and wanted to try it on my old protank 2 as well. Actually the mesh in the picture is why I just spent $12/ft for cermic wick hahaha.
btw heres a shot of the snoop rebuild
hopefully you can see my coil and wick are physically touching the ceramic deck. Im using a chubby 30g wire that stays warm and keeps itself wicked. 28g would be too slow for the 3.3-3.7v snoop pen. Right now im trying to mount a g-pen connector on a new project box so I can vape with a 18650+ sigelie kick lol.
i have rebuilt my kanger coil heads with 3mm ceramic braided wick and it works every bit as good as my igo-w. i have been considering getting an aerotank myself, but right now i am eyeing up one of those Halo caps for my igo-w.
I've settled on using cotton for wicking, quite easy to manage, makes replacing it a breeze, and it's so cheap a ball lasts me quite a while even changing my wicks daily to every three days max. I just find cotton so much easier to manipulate which is always nice when your hands don't always agree with what you want them to do. I'm not sure how Pure Gold will work with cotton, I know it's a bit thick? My igo-w3 does fine with the ejuice blends (from 100% pg to 100% vg).A little update. Almost 2 weeks now with the PG + Aerotank Mini and everything is working great. No leaks, no wicking issues (thanks to the adjustable airflow), very happy with this setup. The best part is now I have a tank I can screw on whenever I want and it's ready to go. At the rate I am using it, I won't need to refill for at least a month or more, and take it wherever I want, anytime I want. Utter convenience.
As a side note, today I did my first RTA build ever. 28ga Kanthal, 10 wraps, on a Russian 91%. Came out to 1.9ohm. Running it on my ZNA at 9 watts (around 4.2v). Using sterile cotton for a wick. Took a few tries to perfect the coil wrapping, but not too bad. Very satisfying vape when you know you built it yourself! And the flavor can't be beat.
Was thinking of trying the PG using Ekowool on a RDA dripper next. Thoughts?
@Quetzalcoatl Cotton works great for regular ecig juice, but the braided ceramic from rba supplies out performs it IMO. I suppose cotton would work ok for pg or liquidized concentrates as long as you let it soak in well before initial use. I doubt it would do anything but burn if used in dabbing coils like this thread was initially about though. I've touted the braided ceramic that @mystikalghost linked above a few times in this thread, and that recommendation still stands. It works excellently in all types of builds on rdas, tank systems, protanks, etc. It's great for ejuice, liquid concentrates, and dabbing. It's a bit pricey but it is very durable and it lasts and lasts. It can be dry burned back to like new over and over again. A short piece can even be taken out entirely and recoiled over and over again. The wick in my Trident right now has been recoiled at least 5 times. I prefer it to cotton, silica, ekowool, ss mesh,etc. I've tried them all and keep coming back to the ceramic Readywick.
I am probably gonna pull the trigger on this iTaste MVP and extra protank coil heads in my ebay cart and get some of that wick and start experimenting! No point in buying more ego twist knockoffs.
Don't like box mods huh? I dunno what to finish this with, a usb charging circuit, a vamo pcb, or solder in a kick for safety/regulation. The expoxy is drying as we speak
This is my almost complete, but still working, one hit-and-quit dab box... made mostly from hand me downs and spare parts.
If you were going to rebuild a kanger tank, what gauge wire would you use? 28, correct?
Is this the stuff you used? http://www.rbasupplies.com/READYxWICK.html (don't click the youtube play button, this is a screenshot)
Thanks. My MVP is on it's way so I better get some of this stuff and some kanthal! So excited!yep thats the stuff. i have recoiled the same small peice of wick a few times now. my current coil is going on 3 weeks and still working great. and i actually like 32ga kanthal over the 28. i like a little more resistence. my ideal coil is at about 2.5ohms for solids. i like 1.5ohms for liquids.
Beautiful. I can't wait to try some of this stuff out.my favorite part about this wick is that it allows you to clean it by letting the coil get red hot. basically like if you were trying to burn a silica wick. just lay on the button long enough and the wick goes from dirty brown to clean white. i only do this every so often cuz it taxes my batteries, but i do it to show off the wick. i really like this stuff. i have two wicks im using both about 3/8" long. i dont see these ever wearing out, but maybe they will...? i bought a foot of the stuff and can see it lasting me well over a year.
ready x wick for the W