Adhesives, Insulation and Vape Safety


I understand that Mom, the point I'm making is that we have made an assumption that the MSDS given does not apply to this brand. If that assumption is true then there would be a flouting of the law by the supplier. It's fine to question that, but BDV has continued on the assumption that the MSDS is invalid or misleading, and is clamouring for 'the truth'. I don't think it's fair to continue on that basis- we have to assume that MSDS laws are upheld, otherwise they're useless and pointless and we'll argue forever about everything.

Because mom is the one, that supplied the MSDS. From a search on the material, not the specific brand.

If you know OSHA and MSDS, every individual product made, that requires HAZMAT consideration, or is under the control of OSHA... must comply with a detailed MSDS for their particular product. Elmer's Wood Glue MSDS is not the same as say GG's Wood Glue MSDS.

If Dave has supplied a particular MSDS to the product he is using, then we must have all missed it... because we wouldn't be talking about generic ones.

BDV, with respect, if there's any vendetta it's yours; you're responsible for almost 15% of the posts in this thread, many of them repeating the same things.

Gosh, I wonder why? Wouldn't be because 2 or 3 or you have been baiting? Sorry Wat, I'm not that naive. I spent 10+ years moderating a forum, much larger and much more intense than this. But 15%, really? Does that include the last couple hours of your repeated harassment, over me asking an ON-TOPIC question?

Why don't you go back, before this and bring me a more accurate number, instead of one you made up?

I know how to walk that line. Judging from your responses, you don't.


Master JedHI
Rick is saying exactly what I have been saying. You can't pull air from the space below the core because there is no place for air to get in to replace it. The power socket does provide a seal.

If there is a material in the lower space that produces any kind of fumes or extra gas molecules into the air when it is heated, then air / gasses must move from the space since it is not a sealed. If the space was sealed, then the pressure would build up due to the extra molecules going into the air. Since the space cannot be sealed, the gasses will travel out of the space. The gasses will move through the wood fibers, around the outside of the core and through the resistor hole. These are all ways the gasses can move from the space below up to the air intake.


Well-Known Member
Post #192, Dave supplied the MSDS that he received for the material he is using. That is as specific as he is able to get.

People who still have concerns should simply avoid anything containing that material, because you aren't going to find a document guaranteeing that it is 100% safe, and digging up other MSDS for similar materials from different manufacturers is completely irrelevant to UD vapes.


Revolting Peasant
Save the "respect", we both know its insincere. I'm not as naive as you seem to think I am, Wat. I moderated a forum much larger and much more inflammatory than this for over 10 years. I know baiting when I see it. 2 or 3 of you, have been actively engaging in it. It hasn't gone unnoticed, nor unreported.

Unfortunately for the conversation, you crossed the line, I haven't.

By the way, I'm curious how you came up with that 15% number? Was that before or after the active baiting began?
The respect was sincere, but it's evaporating fast due to your belligerent attitude. Report me all you like.

I don't care how big your dick credentials are BDV, so you can stop giving your resumé in every second post.

At the time I posted it was something like 35 posts in a 245 or so thread. Just simple mathmatics. You can do it too.

Just take a chill break from this thread and vape a bowl or three. Not baiting- a genuine and positive suggestion.

Mod Note: Please review the rules.

  • All members must be treated in a respectful and adult manner. All members should respect and adhere to the promotion of harmony within the community. Do not attempt to disrupt the community in any way.
  • No flaming. Please do not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member. Be nice to newbies.


The respect was sincere, but it's evaporating fast due to your belligerent attitude. Report me all you like.

I don't care how big your dick credentials are BDV, so you can stop giving your resumé in every second post.

At the time I posted it was something like 33 posts in a 245 or so thread. Just simple mathmatics.

Just take a chill break from this thread and vape a bowl or three. Not baiting- a genuine and positive suggestion.

I'll let that one, stand all on its own.


Revolting Peasant

yeah, after you've gone and edited out all the vitriol that you had already posted.

Readers, that post that says "answered above" was nothing to do with vapes before it was edited and was not answered by alan. Just Big Daddy flaming, the same as the deleted post above it.
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yeah, after you've gone and edited out all the vitriol that you had already posted.

Readers, that post that says "answered above" was nothing to do with vapes before it was edited and was not answered by alan. Just Big Daddy flaming, the same as the deleted post above it.

Actually, I was combining posts, Einstein.

I replied twice to the same post. I deleted the 2nd response, and moved the 1st one up because it was a double post.

BDV, with respect, if there's any vendetta it's yours; you're responsible for almost 15% of the posts in this thread, many of them repeating the same things.

Gosh, I wonder why? Wouldn't be because 2 or 3 or you have been baiting? Sorry Wat, I'm not that naive. I spent 10+ years moderating a forum, much larger and much more intense than this. But 15%, really? Does that include the last couple hours of your repeated harassment, over me asking an ON-TOPIC question?

Why don't you go back, before this and bring me a more accurate number, instead of one you made up?

I know how to walk that line. Judging from your responses, you don't.

So... you were saying?

Mod Note: Please review the rules.

  • All members must be treated in a respectful and adult manner. All members should respect and adhere to the promotion of harmony within the community. Do not attempt to disrupt the community in any way.
  • No flaming. Please do not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member. Be nice to newbies.


Revolting Peasant
No, you're rewriting history.

And fuck off with the name calling.

I've added my report to what I'm sure is a mountain of your tattling. I'm sure I'll get a mod note too, as they generally just fall down the middle, but some one needs to put a stop to this. You just smart arse answer back to anyone else. You're really confrontational.

Mod Note: Please review the rules.

  • All members must be treated in a respectful and adult manner. All members should respect and adhere to the promotion of harmony within the community. Do not attempt to disrupt the community in any way.
  • No flaming. Please do not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member. Be nice to newbies.


Oh wow, thankfully you responded to my 2nd reply. So we can see for ourselves, exactly what history I'm rewriting!

My 2nd response, which I deleted and moved the 1st one up because of a double-post.

Save the "respect", we both know its insincere. I'm not as naive as you seem to think I am, Wat. I moderated a forum much larger and much more inflammatory than this for over 10 years. I know baiting when I see it. 2 or 3 of you, have been actively engaging in it. It hasn't gone unnoticed, nor unreported.

Unfortunately for the conversation, you crossed the line, I haven't.

By the way, I'm curious how you came up with that 15% number? Was that before or after the active baiting began?

This is the one that still remains.

Gosh, I wonder why? Wouldn't be because 2 or 3 or you have been baiting? Sorry Wat, I'm not that naive. I spent 10+ years moderating a forum, much larger and much more intense than this. But 15%, really? Does that include the last couple hours of your repeated harassment, over me asking an ON-TOPIC question?

Why don't you go back, before this and bring me a more accurate number, instead of one you made up?

I know how to walk that line. Judging from your responses, you don't.

Your response to me deleting and moving...

No, you're rewriting history.

And fuck off with the name calling.

I've added my report to what I'm sure is a mountain of yours. I'm sure I'll get a mod note too, as they generally just fall down the middle, but some one needs to put a stop to this. You just smart arse answer back to anyone else.


just give it up BDV and get on with your life.

No, I'm not going to give up, asking for the specific MSDS for the specific insulation being used in the UD.

Though, moving on... since you haven't added anything to the discussion, other than attacking me, calling me names (I apologize for "Einstein" it was a low blow... sigh), cursing at me, accusing me of rewriting history and then refusing to acknowledge, you got proven wrong on that point. Even letting your acknowledgement of calling me a liar and telling me to "fuck off" stand.

No, Wat. You give it up and you can move on.
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Revolting Peasant

Though, moving on... since you haven't added anything to the discussion, other than attacking me, calling me names (I apologize for "Einstein" it was a low blow... sigh), cursing at me, accusing me of rewriting history and then refusing to acknowledge, you got proven wrong on that point. Even letting your acknowledgement of calling me a liar and telling me to "fuck off" stand.
Yawn, zzzzzzz

No, Wat. You give it up and you can move on.

Someone must show some maturity.


Herbal Alchemist
I don't understand why it is so hard for people to get that people want and NEED answers about this. If you can't get that, don't badger people who do want answers. Geez....

Because of this thread, I have decided not to buy anymore vaporizers, except maybe an exotic MFLB. Since I am also sick, this is very disturbing to me, and I am watching this thread carefully. Am looking forward to reading more about materials! :)


zmurder, I was not referring to you in the above quote. Thanks for your further explanation.
Alan, thank you for your comment on two chamber airflow, etc. Thanks for also explaining that IF gases are somehow produced in the bottom chamber, they could migrate to the top chamber and elsewhere because of possible increased air pressure in the bottom chamber if any gases are produced.
How about particles, flakes, fibers, etc? If they did exist in the lower chamber how would we get them to the top chamber and then inhaled, through the load, by the human?

Vicki, there are answers offered to questions. Some folks accept the answers as answers and some folks do not feel questions are answered properly. That is life. There is no way to please everybody in a situation like this. One persons answer is another persons question.....and on and on.


Great Scott!
So 100% serious question here. I'm assuming that every single person who doesn't like the Underdog would be 100% opposed to every single electronic vaporizer on the market correct? Because I would imagine that if glue or silicone being out of the airpath is a huge problem to you, then all those wires and circuit boards CERTAINLY are much worse for you. And out of the airpath is clearly not a valid answer to the people who think the UD is a safety concern. So any of you anti-underdogs use any electronic vapes? What does it do to inspire confidence in the out of the air path materials that the Underdog doesn't?

I got shit all over for saying that I don't like the smells and odors from the solo and when I was talking about it being a potential health hazard I was basically told to shut up by mods and was warned many times. How is this whole thread any different besides the fact that a mod brought it up? Where is the solo MSDS now that we are apparently allowed to question things once again? Can someone please list EVERY material in the solo? Where is Arizer? Oh wait they aren't here at all? Interesting...we can't hold them responsible but because Dave takes the time to answer we are going to jump on that band wagon? What about the materials used in the Herbalaire I owned? MSDS please for EVERY SINGLE VAPE. By the time this gets going the gn0me is going to be the only vaporizer fit for use. I genuinely want to see 100% of the materials used in the solo listed here for everyone to decide if it is safe...and I REALLY want anyone to tell me why their electronic vapes are safer than the underdog. Please someone.



Combustion free since '09
Seriously.... take it down a notch here folks! This is getting out of hand again :(
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