2ZM by Herbaltherm


Well-Known Member
I do have an opinion about this situation but at this stage I'm keeping it to myself.

$50 isn't an exorbitant amount of cash, I've certainly wasted much much more on dumber things sowing my wild oats in my youth.

I'm good to stick around and see what happens with this project.


Misleading from the jump. "$ tied up in merch that isn't selling". That's not how it was initially presented iirc. Disappointed but not surprised. Wish him the best but refund requested and executed.


Well-Known Member
If the 3tm had a proper adapter, it could be used on any device with say, a 14mm wpa on it, making it more universal.
I am not sure if they are still available for purchase but the Dotleaf WPAs work with the provided drip tips. I got both the 14mm and the 19mm (now lost). It is plastic but it works.
Edit - Connection does not need the drip tip actually.


Old & In the Way
I am not sure if they are still available for purchase but the Dotleaf WPAs work with the provided drip tips. I got both the 14mm and the 19mm (now lost). It is plastic but it works.
Edit - Connection does not need the drip tip actually.
Interesting, but I was musing about an adapter for the other end! The input side of the 3tm, so you could then use it as cooling unit for a variety of vapes.


Well-Known Member
Anyone see the new pre order for the 5DT that's meant to open this week? Here's the link, it's an induction heater powered glass vape that Ryan's claiming can vape 0.5g without stirring. I think it's a cool looking idea, fingers crossed it comes out when he's claiming it will because I'd much sooner get one of these over the other glass devices. Might also help make the 2ZM happen now that he has something unique you can't really get elsewhere, a macro dosing alternative to the tempest and other portable ball vapes?
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Well-Known Member
Anyone see the new pre order for the 5DT that's meant to open this week? Here's the link, it's an induction heater powered glass vape that Ryan's claiming can vape 0.5g without stirring. I think it's a cool looking idea, fingers crossed it comes out when he's claiming it will because I'd much sooner get one of these over the other glass devices. Might also help make the 2ZM happen now that he has something unique you can't really get elsewhere, a macro dosing alternative to the tempest and other portable ball vapes?
I think there is a dude from Australia that already released something that looks very similar to that. I’ll have to do some digging to find the link but I’ll edit and add to this post.
Edit it’s called verdavap


Well-Known Member
I think there is a dude from Australia that already released something that looks very similar to that. I’ll have to do some digging to find the link but I’ll edit and add to this post.
Oh yeah the verdavap is it? If I'm right I think that's a torch powered metal ball vape where as the 5DT is meant to be a glass vape with a metal heater similar to the tinymight's inside. If the verdvap works well with the wand it pretty much would be the same as this then I'd agree


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah the verdavap is it? If I'm right I think that's a torch powered metal ball vape where as the 5DT is meant to be a glass vape with a metal heater similar to the tinymight's inside. If the verdvap works well with the wand it pretty much would be the same as this then I'd agree
Yeah one would be metal outside beads inside the other is glass outside metal inside. It depends on what the verdavap is made out of if it would work with the wand.


Oh yeah the verdavap is it? If I'm right I think that's a torch powered metal ball vape where as the 5DT is meant to be a glass vape with a metal heater similar to the tinymight's inside. If the verdvap works well with the wand it pretty much would be the same as this then I'd agree
My understanding is that the walls of the Verdavap are too thick so the first version won’t work with IH.


Well-Known Member
Ryan is a great designer for sure, but "intensely scrutinized standards" has never really been Ryan's thing.
Ryan holds to his standards pretty well. His standards may not match up to where you would have them, but he does have them. And intensely scrutinizing seems to be the guy's only mode. That and vape-maker mode. He's doing it all himself. I think that limits him, but he's very direct about how he'll do things. The plan changes on a dime, and it's emotional. I've backed out of these before for that reason, and now I feel I missed out. So I bought a ticket for this one. You are right that it can take its toll. I'm here thinking all he needs is a cheerleader squad and a mascot. It might take a little more than that.

ETA - his other devices on offer really are for explicit purposes. The 3TM fits so nice in the hand, and its weight and balance bring an underexplored joy in the dynaverse, which is not to mention it is so efficient at its designed purpose of cooling the vapor. I cleaned mine and put it in the freezer (w/o tip and mp) for a few minutes before use, and the hits tasted so clean, bright, and terpy. I told him it was like a terp smoothie. The rest of them right now look to be cloud performers.
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Well-Known Member
Ryan holds to his standards pretty well. His standards may not match up to where you would have them, but he does have them. And intensely scrutinizing seems to be the guy's only mode.
What does this even mean? Im not sure getting a milaana where the pick has to be totally unscrewed to get the battery in or out because he screwed the hole too close to the battery slot is "holding ro his standards" nor is the milaana i have with an obvious short in the path so it doesnt get hot enough and the button heats up from discharged electricity into it. These obvious errors would not have happened if he was intensely scrutinizing his production standards.

With all due respect, I have been on this ride before, and it seems like this is your first time, so let me tell you something: he relies on people like you just having faith in him to avoid accountability. If he didnt have this rogue-engineering genius in the desert-shtick that people bought into, and they took a sober assessment of all the times hes been less-than-honest with people and all the times he has failed to do something hes said he was gonna do, he wouldve been permanently out of the game a while ago. When its a year from now and you still dont have a 2zm and hes quit herbal therm again, dont say I didnt warn you.


Well-Known Member
What does this even mean? Im not sure getting a milaana where the pick has to be totally unscrewed to get the battery in or out because he screwed the hole too close to the battery slot is "holding ro his standards" nor is the milaana i have with an obvious short in the path so it doesnt get hot enough and the button heats up from discharged electricity into it. These obvious errors would not have happened if he was intensely scrutinizing his production standards.

With all due respect, I have been on this ride before, and it seems like this is your first time, so let me tell you something: he relies on people like you just having faith in him to avoid accountability. If he didnt have this rogue-engineering genius in the desert-shtick that people bought into, and they took a sober assessment of all the times hes been less-than-honest with people and all the times he has failed to do something hes said he was gonna do, he wouldve been permanently out of the game a while ago. When its a year from now and you still dont have a 2zm and hes quit herbal therm again, dont say I didnt warn you.
I don't find your tone as respectful as you may have meant it. And I don't think, as a user of unregulated vape technology, there ought to be flaws in the final product. I agree with you there. I am familiar with the ride, as I said, having experienced it. I fell off the ride, and I'm back on, because this guy deserves a following. He deserves a certain amount of support from some of us who don't necessarily feel entitled to sorting his priorities for him. That is to say, I don't think the "ride" he's taking us on has anything to do with a swindle, which is why I'm gonna trust him to make me a vape, whatever it looks like, whenever I get it. I think you said you had the same instinct, until his communication style got in the way. And here's where I agree with you too. It's unorthodox because it loses customers. It's not something I'm trying to convince you otherwise. He's bombastic, torpedoing himself at every chance. It's tragic. It's human. It's stoner glory.


Well-Known Member
Last update from Feb 22 in the forums, he might have scattered other information elsewhere on the internet.

Was hoping for a bit of a buzz about the 5DT. Figure simple, cost effective, novel, new, coat tailing the Wand???.. and it has outpaced the 1MT 3 to one... but not really a grand interest in either. Sold a few 3TMs and a few 19DXs too... put pent up demand is fading. Have an order for 50 5DTs and 24 1MTs and 1HH samples being made by FUTO so hopefully the initial units out into the wild develop a buzz to pop March. Will run a few sales... first to the 3TM members and then to the general public... also planning a get a free cap sale on the DXs which is like a 40% off sale of sorts. Still a few things up my sleeve but this old dog is just about outta tricks


Well-Known Member
Do you mean the email from February or has there been another one since that I missed?
I think so, he sent out 2 long ones within a few days of each other. Basically he didn't have enough money to fund it without stock of his other products selling, a bit misleading from the way he lead on about it. He was having some real life issues and it'll be a bit until anything else happens. I just let him keep the $50 and hope for the best in the future.
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Update from Ryan

Good news... It's time to get the 2ZM project going! Unfortunately FUTO will not be able to make the wood for the 2ZM due to health and business reasons but I have decided to make the wood myself with help from a CNC shop the same way the OG Zion was done. I will also be hand fabricating the heater and several other components as this will be a small batch and does not make sense to attempt to engage suppliers. This will take a bit more time to do but it really the only way that makes sense. This might be the last project that I do as demand is very low, so I will be asking that everyone buy the DIY repair kit to ensure that you can repair your 2ZM in the future if need be. The kit will include a heater glass assembly, 2 battery contacts and one button as these are the only components that might fail. The additional cost will be $40. There will no longer be an option to have multiple woods as that died with FUTO. The units will be made of solid wood with the choices most likely being OG maple, walnut and possibly one more. I might do a small batch of high end exotic that would be an additional $40 up charge.

The high-level plan is to finish design / prototyping in May / June, fabricate parts July / August and start delivering units in September with a November completion... but could move faster if all goes well.

I started with Zion and this all might end with the 2ZM but I am committed to making it happen as I believe you need to finish what you started and this will also give some time to see if there is any demand for the existing products as I believe the 1MT and 5DT make some amazing vapor and are a unique and affordible so if them dogs don't hunt, no dogs will.

I am excited to get home and get working on this project!

Thanks for your patience and support!


Well-Known Member
@Lozo I received the same email . I have been with very limited internet after seeing that post was finally able to check my email and have received the same email
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