TEAM... the 2ZM is at Risk (Summary and detail below)
Summary: Lack of sales of current products is not producing enough revenue to fund the 2ZM project at the moment so it is on hold. The viability of the project will be assessed again in April.. I apologize if you find this disappointing but I do not have the additional $10k+ required to fund the project (dont worry your money is safe) as it is tied up in inventory that is not selling. Read on if you would like more detail or a refund. Please do not respond to this other than to ask for refund with REFUND in the subject line with your verified PayPal email and your name and order number as I do not have anymore information to offer other than what is below as I definitely do not need any arm chair CEOs at the moment so I respectfully ask that you keep your opinions to yourself (said with Love).
Detail: (Caution long rambling run-on sentences ahead making little sense to most)
SOOoooo as many of you know, I have attempted to start up HerbalTherm over the last year. First was the release of the 3TM, a VapCap cooling mouthpiece resurrected from 2021. Took some time to get that one together but it dropped with some rave reviews. The stainless steel an machining quality are top notch and it was nice to see the logo physically manifest. However, today the vapcap is somewhat old news with much of the community moving over to the 9 mm gear like the Dani and Anvil heavy hitters. Next I dropped the 14DE which is the revision of the 5DD that had the "twist lock" that didn't work so sell so it was nice to give anyone who bought a 5DD a new 14DE at 80% off to say thanks. The glass gap heater tech is delicious! However, other than the close followers there really wasn't much traction and quality issues rendered 30% of the inventory unusable. There really was no appreciable sales at 25% off... and some sales at 50% off (which is break-even) but they soon dwindled as well. I am an engineer but have been learning about marketing. I learned a good conversion rate is like 5 - 10% so ... if you have 500 followers on IG then your sales will be about 50 lifetime give or take for any given "decent" product... makes sense as I hit a well there with any of the products so far and stalled there with the 2ZM until some hype and a grand prize give-away pushed us over the hump. If ya do the math... well it is pretty pathetic.
No surprise that the 2ZM was an act of desperation as the 3TM and 14DE went off like a fart in church. My thinking was if 100 people signed up on the quick and we could get a team spirit brewing that it might ignite some sales of the 3TM and 14DE which is did do to some degree. However, without sales of the current gear I was not going to be able to bank roll the other $10k+ that is needed to make it a reality.
SOooooo, in a Hail Mary attempt to get something going and went home for a month and worked 12 hours days with only 2 day off through the holiday to make the 19DX and the 8RD. A pre-order for them had me selling about the same number that I gave away and manufacturing issues had me make less than half of what was planned... head still up I mailed all the glass back to Cali and headed back to grind the caps and fabricate the screens for the 19DX and ship the few items that sold as the www store was shut down for a month while I was back in NY.
After some quick beta testing of the 19DX with the critical few customers ... thanks guys!... I was just about ready to populate the store and Shopify shut down my credit card processor causing me to spend another few weeks down to locate, apply and secure a high risk bank to allow me once again to take money. In another act of desperation I have started to do auctions on the Instagram but do not expect that to garner much interest.
So, as that as the back story... unless I sell a bunch of 19DX, 3TM, and 8RDs I will not have the cash needed to bank roll the 2ZM effort and honestly given the weak demand for HerbalTherm gear I really don't want to take another risk on a Major undertaking like the 2ZM as it really needs to be a full time job and well... I am broke and really need to liquidate my belongings here in Cali and get home and get a job lol.
This is my last ditch effort... I have samples being made of the 1MT, 1HH and the 5DT... you can read about them here on as they are kinda neat if you ask me. I should have 10 of each out into the world in the next month. If these show signs of life... if the 3TM, 19DX and 8RD sell then we are in business. If there continues to be near zero sales for what I have today and the same lack of interest for the 1MT and the 5DT then well... I will have no option other than to tap out.
So, for now, the 2ZM is on hold... please rest assured that your money is safe as all I have done so far is buy the magnetic stainless steel and get quotes to make the door and glass hold down plate out of. At anytime you can email me at with your order number, name and address and I can PayPal you a refund. I have a ton of work to do liquidate my belongings and get home to NY in the coming weeks so other than the handful of prototypes for the 1MT and 5DT to evaluate if there is any interest there and selling off what gear I have once the www is back up and running no work on HerbalTherm will happen.
I am not telling you this to pressure you into buying HerbalTherm gear in fact, there are about 4 of you that I feel guilty as you have been 50% of my sales so thanks for all that have supported and please, don't buy any more
I am just being honest with all of you so you can see if from my vantage point of working for the last 9 months full time to break even. I have a pretty big appetite for risk as I torched my life savings trying to get RBT off the ground but at a certain point ya need to pull back on the stick and this is it for me.
If in March you see 50% off sales again that will be the canary in the coal mine that you should soon expect a refund for your 2ZM membership. Miracles do happen but after a decade in knowing this space inside and out and seeing Troys videos from 50K views down to 500... yeh, it is what it is.
Not to say I will not continue HerbalTherm as a hobby again
Time Will Tell and Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.