Well-Known Member
I would like to caution anyone who is considering ordering one of these or anything from Ryan. You may get the vape after all or you might get swindled. I'm surprised none of the other early adopters has chimed in but Ryan is not a stand up person as some have already said in the past. He pitched the 2zm early crowd fund as a buy in, from my understanding, where at least the $50 would go toward the vape and first choice of woods. Well he decided that he's entitled to that money and pulled refunds off the table because it appears he failed to properly plan and over invested in materials and his time(my best guess and who knows how much he inflates the values). The final price of the vape was higher than initially pitched(not the most surprising thing and probably the most understandable) but when I emailed to ask about pricing he ignored all of my questions and asked where to send the refund. I replied and told him that this was a weird way to treat me asking questions but gave him the email for a refund. The next email I got was announcing that refunds were no longer an option and we should "resell" the unique 15% code because it has a value of $70. This is a code that gave me a maximum of $40 off a select wood unit I priced out, not even matching the initial $50 the early adopters paid. The first code he sent out, which was what sparked my pricing questions, was the same amount as the code above and gave me $27 off the unit, not even close to the initial 50. I also asked if it was regular public pricing and if I could just have my initial buy in applied to the unit I order, didn't respond to any of it.Hey everyone, just wanted to reach out as the new Company Rep for HerbalTherm. Some may recognize my avatar (FC has been my fave forum since 2013) but I've mainly lurked recently. I love these forums and consider them my home. When I saw Ryan was back with new devices I reached out to offer my help. I love my Milaana, Zion, and Splinter and I miss having more unique vapes like that in our community. Ryan said yes so now I'll be running the front end while he focuses on building vapes nonstop. This will work out best for everyone as Ryan will be able to pump out vapes quicker, and I'll be here to provide customer service 24/7. All communications/service/everything will be provided by me. Ryan's a master vape maker but the customer service requires different skills which I've developed managing vape/smoke shops. I love helping people and there's nothing I like talking about more than vapes/TEDS/thermal liberators--whatever you call them! If anyone needs help or has questions on Herbaltherm or RBT please reach out!
Thanks to everyone who showed up to the Instagram Live tonight, it was great to chat with you all. You guys are so passionate I love itThanks for the warm welcome. I'll be taking over the Lives every Monday to show off the vapes and whatever else everyone wants to see. I can get a youtube/twitch going too-- whatever the community wants. I want it to be a safe space to chat about any and all vapes. I do have VAS after all lol
I'll be releasing discount codes too! Today's code is HT10 for 10% off everything
Thanks, I look forward to everyone's reviews on the 2ZM!
This guy is something else and I'd rather be out a small amount of money than give more to someone who is dishonest at best. Just know that he could have a meltdown at any moment and you could be out some money or receive something that's not what was agreed upon. In his final email he claimed that each 2ZM is worth $500 because 50k(the hole he claims he's in, materials + time invested) divided by 100(early crowd fund participants). Proceed with caution and just know that you're dealing with someone who has a history of this kind of behavior and volatility.
I hear the FW9 is a lovely device from a maker with an excellent track record, just set it to unregulated mode and save the headaches.