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  1. Gray Area

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    @Ed's TnT going to be sending you a PM next few days as I've a beautiful Afzelia Burl blank from snappo that I'd like you to do something with. Apparently it's a bit longer than normal, so I'm hoping ther's enough for both a nano stem and 14mm GonG... I'll give you more details when I shoot you...
  2. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    @tokien take a look at the beautiful wooden stems that @Ed's TnT makes for the nano... No more broken glass...
  3. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Awww man, stop it you'll make me blush... Either that or my head'll get so big I won't be able to log out.
  4. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Dunno about the worry part, but it's not the way it normally charges... It should display the yellow LED's to the level that the battery is charged... eg, if mine gets to one light and I decide to charge it, when I plug it in it'll show that one light + the green flashing charge light. As the...
  5. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Flat screen in the stem is fine, you don't need one in the oven... The domed screen takes the place of the one you have, just it reduces the load size some (depending on how domed) and allows a more open airflow into the four holes, like this...
  6. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Tell me about it, mine was shipped at the same time as those that everyone's receiving now (it might even have been the first unit in the line up that Andy posted as I got an Amboyna Burl blank) - only mine has to make it across to the UK before I can play Come on mr postman... :goon:
  7. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    @FlyingLow I think @Ratchett meant a shell for the temp/power dial that's on the cord (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong ;) )... Btw, your nano is sweet. It really kept the pattern of the wood after working. Nice one :tup:
  8. Gray Area

    Help my purge

    Shouldn't you have left it on the glass and spread real thin?? Looks a bit like a lump from the pic. Idk to be honest only done QWISO personally, so that's just a guess...
  9. Gray Area

    Pocket size torch lighters

    ^^ classy :brow:
  10. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    All the time... that's pretty much my modus operandi at the moment. The second bowl is always nicer ;)
  11. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    It was: ... I've been doing my homework ;)
  12. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I wondered if that first one was the Amboyna Burl..? Looks like this pic is now the main homepage banner on the EpicVape site... :tup:
  13. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    ^^^ possibly last 2 too...
  14. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    It's a stunner... I'd looks like it's the end result of this blank to me:
  15. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Beautiful... truly.
  16. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    You're on :rofl:
  17. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Thanks :tup: I'm sure I'll love it too... I've had my eye on one for a while now, can't wait! Actually, not too long to wait now, as I've had a lovely mail telling me that my nano has shipped :rockon::party: :cheers: :clap:... now see how long it takes to get to the UK. Been through the thread...
  18. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Music to my ears... that's the exact reason that I decided to go for one of these things :tup: ... "water beast" :mmmm:
  19. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    You guys are killing me with all this nano>solo talk ;) I love my solo and all that, and have been using it pretty much exclusively as a home vape though water for the last 12 months... but I truly can't wait to get my hands on my new toy now...
  20. Gray Area

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    He's not wrong I reckon :tup:
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