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  1. Gray Area

    Portable/Desktop Vaporizer Ratings

    I see your point, but I haven't tried all units to be able to vote across the board... Maybe some of the more expensive units; sublimator/herbie for example will score lower than they should due to less members owning or trying them. This would need to be taken into account I guess.
  2. Gray Area

    Portable/Desktop Vaporizer Ratings

    The longer threads tend to be a good indication of a popular unit... not always, but it's where I'd start.
  3. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    ^^ ah, it's all good... I can (will have to) wait... I'm just relieved to know it's made it and sitting safely waiting for me really :tup:
  4. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    So, got home from work today (yes I had to work a Sat :disgust: ) to find nice Mr Postman had popped a card through my door, telling me my nano was sitting at the PO waiting for me to go and pay the customs charges and pick it up... Well that's all very well and good, but the PO shuts at 14:30...
  5. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    :popcorn: Let me just clarify here, I wasn't complaining... it's been less than 2 weeks and I'm in the UK. I was kind of expecting (hoping) 2 weeks for my delivery. Dunno about yours, but I'm sure it's just an oversight, EpicVape are a small co, and I'm sure they're not going to piss you about...
  6. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    ...and I'm still waiting for Mr Postman... :cuss: :doh: :goon: ;)
  7. Gray Area

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    base - 12cm dia/1cm thick height of can - 15cm width of can - 6.5cm height to mp - 30cm 18mm female joint The one in the link I posted is slightly different to mine at...
  8. Gray Area

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    No, currently a Grace Glass bubbler is my only one, after I broke my other piece which was a weedstar one. This cost about the equivalent of $80: It's a good piece but I quite fancy the D020-D too (although like many would prefer a sidecar ver). DH Gate only recently seem to have put...
  9. Gray Area

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Ahh... that's how it fire's, couldn't get my head round it :clap: thanks. Looks pretty neat.
  10. Gray Area

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    These even gonna work??
  11. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    :rofl:Well... what else you gonna spend it on..? Hey, you can't take it with you eh?
  12. Gray Area

    TV Shows - General Discussion

    :rockon: ^^^ classic story... to be honest though, I'm not a big fan of Davros (although Michael Wisher and that scene are the best :tup:) felt that the Daleks themselves lost a bit of idividuality/intelligence and became dumb grunts (as it were) after Davros appeared. They've done quite a bit...
  13. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    :rofl:^^^ you got a back up for each vape :tup:
  14. Gray Area

    TV Shows - General Discussion

    Word :nod: :tup: What's wrong with Matt Smith? He may not be as pretty as Tennant :brow: with that big chin and all, but he played the part so much better (imo of course). He's by far my favourite "new" Doctor (however Tom Baker will always be my Doctor)... Looking forward with anticipation...
  15. Gray Area

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    D020 on the left... that's the old style perc on the D020-D, but afaik the rest (dimensions etc) are the same...
  16. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    ^^^ if you're wrapping in cotton yes...
  17. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    @Mr Mellish , if you're wrapping in cotton, I'd go with a normal bullet and not the concentrate FMJ... you'll get those clouds then and probably extract your product better - mine is dry when finished if I use a cotton wrap (prefer a bed of herb) :tup:
  18. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    @FlyingLow did you get this sorted..? From what you're sayimg, it very much sounds like you're trying to use a 14mm male gong in an 18mm female joint... that would give the problem you've got with it sliding all the way in (:brow:)... If you have you'd prob need an adapter for it to fit...
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