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  1. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    If you haven't been selling them, then where have we all got ours from, as you haven't been swapping them?? I bought mine from somewhere (in the UK too lol). Anyway, I'm past caring tbh.
  2. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    TRVB... Let's put it bluntly. You promised to exchange all MPs/pongs for the new gong. The hasn't happened yet and we've all had to buy one. Simple. Let's be honest about this, you've been selling them through a number of outlets for months now and, frankly, who on this forum would be waiting...
  3. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Works for me... Pleased to say I'll soon be the proud owner of a Pipes stand for my Solo. Use it almost exclusively with a PA so expect it to be a real godsend :D
  4. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I don't use cotton, but would definitely recommend having the screen protruding from the glass a small bit. Not enough to fall out if course, just a bit.
  5. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I've run about 20-30 and haven't had to ISO soak yet. Every day it gets a vigorous brush down with the brush that was included (while cold) to clear debris, but that's it for now.
  6. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    If you're fine with a big old bong rip, then 7 through a WT/bubbler should be nothing. I'd say give it a go first, imo that'll give you the effect you're looking for. Remember the effect from the vape tends to have a bit more of a creeping up on you effect, so give it a couple of mins (although...
  7. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Struck gold there then... :tup:
  8. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Slide the O ring over the mouth end of the glass tube. Position it maybe 1/3 down the length of the tube then push the glass into the plastic... All done :tup:
  9. Gray Area

    Where are the Game of Throne fans?

    Lol, you trollin' us? ;) Tut tut. I too am now curious to know what you consider good writing..? And have you read the books out of curiosity? Or is it the writing style, rather than the outrageous storyline, that you don't like? Ta :tup:
  10. Gray Area

    camping trip vape

    Camping and no need for stealth?? I'd go with the Solo and an Ed's TnT wooden stem... or a Lotus
  11. Gray Area

    Where are the Game of Throne fans?

    In the book so, while I see what you're saying, I suspect most of your inconsistencies are just a bit of artistic license for TV. Anyway, that's just nitpicking lol And...
  12. Gray Area

    Where are the Game of Throne fans?

    @pakalolo Which inconsistencies?? I spotted none yet. They've done a few juggles with the books, but not too much... Both hold up well to scrutiny imo.
  13. Gray Area

    Vaping twice. The smoking / indica high ?

    I'll get me Lotus out :D
  14. Gray Area

    Vaping twice. The smoking / indica high ?

    You missed my point completely... On with the mission my man... although you're preaching to the converted here. I know you're not like me and also, out of curiosity, why on earth do you think I'm depressed? :rofl:Am at a very nice place atm and don't think life sucks when I have no weed...
  15. Gray Area

    Vaping twice. The smoking / indica high ?

    Yeah, I know... that's what I meant (cut and paste from your own identical threads on other forums). You're way over thinking all this stuff you know. It's very repetitive and generally stuff most of us considered for about ten minutes when we were 16 anyway...
  16. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    I'm going to have to get myself a stand for PA use... They look the business :clap:
  17. Gray Area

    Vaping twice. The smoking / indica high ?

    These threads are virtually cut and paste jobs from threads on another related forum I frequent... Gets the piss ripped out of him there too :doh: Guys either a troll or a rhino...
  18. Gray Area

    Where are the Game of Throne fans?

    It's (fantasy) fiction ;) outrageous things are supposed to happen... Plot weaknesses??
  19. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I too found this after my first use, but now push the screen down slightly so it is protruding from the bottom of the glass slightly (not enough to come out of course). It seems to do the trick... To clean I'd pop it out and soak it in ISO for an hour or so :tup:
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