Arizer Solo


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
What is meh

I keep reading that the solo will not be so great next to my exhale - that maybe I will be disappointed.

I started with the pax and the exhale but I do feel like the solo may perform like a mini exhale

Am I reaching too high lol because these devices are really fun but really expensive. I do like the ideA of backups becuz rite now my pax is getting fixed and I had no option but to use the beast last weekend.
IMO. The Solo blows the Pax out of the water. The Pax is cute, small and all but the flavor wasn't to my expectations. Stealth isn't my main objective. Besides the Solo and a McDonald's cup works great. Make sure you have vent holes in the bottom. Nobody would know there is a Solo in there except you guys.
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Well-Known Member
Go my intuition. Forget number values in this case find your sweet spot.
For me it's 3 dry and 4 wet.
Were all different!

I would take a thermo coupler and a computerized device to obtain a accurate reading (around $7,500 however were talking about a $140 device for medicating!

naw I'm pretty sure those are at lowes for like $20. bought one for my gas fireplace last winter. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I have a Solo on the way and a watertool waiting for it. In the mean time I've been looking for a 14mm gong, but I can't find one in stock. Does anyone know how often Planet Vape has the PVHEGonG in stock? I have been checking for weeks, still nothing. Are there any other websites currently carrying something similar, besides Ed's TnT? I've been checking VapeFiend, Planet Vape, and Verdampft Nochmal. Thanks!
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Opus, You may want to go through JoDa Glass on FC or Eds TnT wood mouthpiece/stems/dugouts he's also an FC member. Go to the vaporization discussion section you'll find both under there. Joda is under Glass.
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Gray Area

Well-Known Member
Are there any of you that are crazy like me and load up a gong and rip a full bowl as long as you can through water, on temp 7 with a 1 min. pre soak?? That thick milk easily rivals if not surpasses my Cloud+ and Nano.

What. An. Experience. :whoa:

All the time... that's pretty much my modus operandi at the moment. The second bowl is always nicer ;)


Well-Known Member
Are there any of you that are crazy like me and load up a gong and rip a full bowl as long as you can through water, on temp 7 with a 1 min. pre soak?? That thick milk easily rivals if not surpasses my Cloud+ and Nano.

What. An. Experience. :whoa:

So if you load the cloud to about 1/2 and let it heat soak on high temp, you dont get bigger hits than the solo on 7? Im on a self induced T-break. I will have to test when I get a chance
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Anyone have an opinion on the top 2 or 3 water attachments for the solo that will fit one of those short wong's Ed sells?



Well-Known Member
I have a Solo on the way and a watertool waiting for it. In the mean time I've been looking for a 14mm gong, but I can't find one in stock. Does anyone know how often Planet Vape has the PVHEGonG in stock? I have been checking for weeks, still nothing. Are there any other websites currently carrying something similar, besides Ed's TnT? I've been checking VapeFiend, Planet Vape, and Verdampft Nochmal. Thanks!
They have both the 14mm and 18mm shorty PVHEGonG's in stock right now, but they sell out quickly.


So if you load the cloud to about 1/2 and let it heat soak on high temp, you dont get bigger hits than the solo on 7? Im on a self induced T-break. I will have to test when I get a chance

Honestly, the hits are massive I can't differentiate, splitting hairs IMO. The advantage of the Cloud over the Solo is that heak soak isn't really needed. I suppose it's also important to note that I use an Epic Vape E-Nano GonG, which is basically open bore turbo style and I can adjust the bowl to any size I choose, meaning I can load bigger bowls than stock. I can get massive clouds off of using the screen for smaller amounts as well. Maybe the THICKER heat soaked glass makes a big difference? Lotsa variables at play here.

Huge props for the T-break. It takes a strong, brave soul.

POST #420! :leaf:


Well-Known Member

leafs ,really ???

If I could get high off of trim/"leafs" I would be vaping that, as it is 1/10th the cost of flower! I have one friend who only uses trim, as flower is too potent for him.

Thinking about it, I think tonight I may try vaping a gongful of half trim and half flower. I have some super frosty trim which has naturally decarbed over the past year, so it probably won't produce a very nice concentrate in any case.

When you guys "heat soak", do you leave weed in the gong/stem? Or do you just heat the glass only? Usually I let the whole thing sit with weed inside and heat up, maybe I am wasting some. I tried heating the glass only and it is difficult not to burn myself trying to suck up the herb and tamp it down. I'm not the most co-ordinated person on the planet.

The highest I like to go off the bat is 6, I still get some flavor. But at 7 I think by the time I take my hit a lot of terpenes are already cooked off and the herb is fairly decarbed already, it seems. Most of the time now I am liking just setting it to 5, and taking two pulls, then 6 for 2 pulls, and it usually shuts off towards the end of my fourth pull.

A few nights ago I saved some of the herb after a 12 minute session and vaped it after I got home from work. I barely got any more vapor out, and what little effect I got, I don't like it. Hopefully the abv doesn't have that same effect when eaten, although I suspect it will? That's kind of like the effect I got with AC/DC, it's kind of unpleasant and feels unusual, like taking a nasty muscle relaxer or something. So with my current manner of vaping herb, I definitely am getting everything extracted to just shy of it's full potential in the 12 minutes, generally about .15 grams of sativa leaning hybrids on average about 22% thc, .2% CBD.


Well-Known Member
That's kind of like the effect I got with AC/DC, it's kind of unpleasant and feels unusual, like taking a nasty muscle relaxer or something.

Fun world, this. That exact deal, heavy physical effects without getting stoned out of your head is, of course, exactly what some of us MMJ types crave. Or should that be '...we MMJ types'? At times CBD without a lot of THC is golden.........

I get it it's not high on at least some recreational user's lists. It makes sense.

Just shows to go ya how true the old saw, "It takes all kinds to make a horse race" really is.



When you guys "heat soak", do you leave weed in the gong/stem?

Ofcourse, it's about heat soaking the biomass. The greater conduction makes a huge difference.

A few nights ago I saved some of the herb after a 12 minute session and vaped it after I got home from work. I barely got any more vapor out, and what little effect I got, I don't like it. Hopefully the abv doesn't have that same effect when eaten, although I suspect it will?

I don't like it either. I can't stand the effects of abv edibles, it's just not for me. I've been throwing out my ABV for years now.
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Now that I have the hang of this, find it an incredible vap! Using it about 1/4 time and volcano the rest. Going away soon and so excited I can vape as up until now I have either gone without, made brownies (gets me way too stoned and using loads compared to vaping), or smoking pure, which as now I only vape I dont enjoy and gives me a massive cough as no longer used to it.

The new o-ring makes all the difference, so easy to get the right draw. Want both a 14.4 and 18.8 Gong attachment as want to attach to my glass bongs, the turbo ones but seemed sold out everywhere, time to join the thread on here about it.


Well-Known Member
Hello Fellow Soloists,

I just found a soft camera lens case that is the perfect size for the Solo.
I keep my portables neatly arranged in a drawer and all have their own cases so I can just grab the whole case if necessary. All but my beloved Solo which lived in an unceremonious cocoon of bubble wrap,.. until now.
$15.01 with shipping.

ikan SBS-L25 5in Soft Lens Bag System - 2.5in Diam
Soft Lens Bag


Well-Known Member


Its Just Temporary
So in the mere three months ive owned my solo,I find myself with a growing inventory of stuff,as of now I have collected
1 PVHES straight turbo stem
1 PVHES bent stem
1PVHES bent shorty stem
1 SOLO 18mm gong
1 EDS custom 18mm wong 3"
1 JODA GLASS custom 18mm gong
1 D020 bubbler
plus the 2 original solo stems.....Do I need a support group?
I know I need a stand for all this stuff,anyone out there make them?
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