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  1. lwien

    Weed 3.........CNN.........this coming Sunday...

    Also, on CNN this Sunday.....
  2. lwien

    Boveda Packs......

    Just ran across this that some may find of interest as some have been searching for 54% packs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We released the 54% product due to requests for something lower than the 62%RH for cannabis, only when released to the public...
  3. lwien

    Lose Weight with Cannabis? Huh.....?
  4. lwien

    26 Recipes for Peanut Butter (ABV) Lovers......

    Peanut Butter and Bacon Samich:
  5. lwien

    Indoor Hydro or Outdoor Greenhouse....

    Ok, so my dispensary has two kinds of ChemDawg, one indoor hydro grown and the other is outdoor greenhouse grown. I've never had this classic strain before so I'm thinking' about getting' some but don't know which one to get. Thoughts?
  6. lwien

    Skinny Jeans....

    What some people will do to get into their skinny jeans......:lmao: (you ladies are gonna really enjoy
  7. lwien

    Taking 3D Printing to Another Level......Terminator Style !!

    Eiffel Tower born from liquid.....
  8. lwien

    Aqualab Sale.....

  9. lwien


    22 Maps That Show How Americans Speak English Totally Differently From One Another
  10. lwien

    Feel Good Video's......

    I vaguely remember that there was a thread on this but I searched and couldn't find it so I started this one. If there is one, I hope the mods delete this one and move it to that one. Soooooooo much negativity out there that I think we need a place like this thread to just visit everyone once...
  11. lwien

    The VA and Medical Marijuana

    "A Veterans Affairs official stated Wednesday that the department is trying to find a way to accommodate veterans who want medical marijuana, and VA physicians who want to recommend it."
  12. lwien

    RIP Spock.........

  13. lwien

    New Parent Idea......

    1. Take pictures of you pulling baby out of a spacecraft in the forest. 2. Hide pictures in attic for kid to find when he/she is 10.
  14. lwien

    Anyone here with intolerance to milk?

    I'm not just talking about lactose intolerance. I've been plagued by this for over a decade. I can't drink Lactaid either. If I drink any kind of milk, it really fucks with my digestive system but 3 days ago, I found a cure. I've also been diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency...
  15. lwien

    Jon Stewart, I'm really gonna miss you.

    He's leaving television. Could be next week, could be next month, but he's leaving. I will miss him dearly, especially when he uses Fox News as his favorite whipping boy which he does so often and sooooo well.
  16. lwien

    Steele Concepts Tube

    For those that need a backup for when you break that glass...... For more info on this >>> $125.00 shipped. Only Post Office Money Orders please. Price now reduced to $100 shipped. Final price. I've decided to keep it......
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