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  1. lwien

    Distinctive Deaths by State......

  2. lwien

    To Those in the LGBT Community......

    :tup:...................:clap:.......................:rockon: It's been a long time commin'..... Between this and the Obamacare ruling, you can actually hear the Conservative Republican heads exploding, especially when you add to this the whole Confederate flag issue.....:o Next...
  3. lwien

    This is a "must see".

    I posted this link up in another thread but I think it's good enough to deserve a thread of it's own just so more members here can see this. You may want to have a box of tissues handy while at the same time, trying to keep your temper in check...
  4. lwien

    Drawing / Painting......

    So this vid is about 8 minutes long but I urge you not only to watch the whole thing, but don't cheat and fast forward. Just watch from beginning to end. If you're like me, as in one who has a tough time drawing stick figures, you gonna love this......To me, it's just mind bending how...
  5. lwien

    To LSV Owners..........Do you use a whip.....

    As the title says, do you use a whip at times with your LSV?
  6. lwien

    Child Phenoms...........

    Bad mix but take a listen and keep in mind..............this kid is only 14 years old.
  7. lwien

    Senators Approve Medical Marijuana for Veterans

    "In a brief debate before the vote, Merkley decried how the current V.A. policy forces many veterans who want to try medical marijuana to seek out “recommendation mills,” where patients sometimes see doctors only very briefly and don’t receive individualized, comprehensive care. Passing the...
  8. lwien

    For your kids........or, for the kid in you.

    Draw a Stickman
  9. lwien

    RIP BB King......

    Lenny Kravits said it best....."BB, anyone could play a thousand notes and never say what you said in one." And from Digital Underground: ""Oh I’m free, free, free now… I’m free from your spell" - Free indeed... go on home brotha... go on home. RIP""
  10. lwien

    Bud and Breakfast......
  11. lwien

    Some of the Best Commercials.........Ever !!!!

    Must not be spoofs but in fact, real commercials. Here's one...........:brow:
  12. lwien

    What's the Most Fun Car you Ever Drove (not necessarily owned) ??

    For me, it was an original 427 Cobra that I had a chance to drive back in '65. That car scared the shit outta me but that's where the fun was.....:o
  13. lwien

    Congress Considers Banking Access for Marijuana Businesses
  14. lwien

    You're Doing it Wrong !!!!

  15. lwien

    Fucking Crown Came Off........

    This happened once before and it still freaks me out. It's Sat. night now. Won't be able to get to the dentist till Monday. No pain. It's on a back molar. Just kinda freaky when something that is supposed to be attached to your body is no longer attached and that tooth, or what was once...
  16. lwien

    Embarrassing Moments....

    Not talking about your most embarrassing moments, but those embarrassing moments that have a tendency to repeat themselves every once in awhile: That moment when you are having a conversation in your head and you realize you are making faces that go along with the silent conversation. And then...
  17. lwien

    Brilliant Words to Add to your Vocabulary...

    bedgasm (n) feeling of euphoria experienced when climbing into bed at the end of a very long day (especially if that day included a long run or intense workout). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- destinesia (n) when you get to where you were...
  18. lwien


    The following is a pretty good comprehensive link for anyone just getting into edibles. Worth a look-see:
  19. lwien

    A Sub-Head for our Name and Logo......

    This man has single handedly done more for our cause than any other person I know and as such, I think it would be a good idea to honor him and spread the word by using his quote in a sub-head under our "FuckCombustion" logo in the title of our site. "We should legalize medical marijuana. We...
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