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  1. lwien

    Sex, Drugs and Silicone Valley.....

    .....a must see for all of us FC'rs.... Tripping with Steve Jobs is but one thing that's covered here.
  2. lwien

    If ANY of you want to run a short-term thread for a limited period of time...........

    ......please contact me in a PM, let me know what the subject is, and I will post it for you. ;)
  3. lwien

    Hard Water Stains.....

    Will filtered water such as the water that is filtered through a Brita or a Pur, eliminate these during use?
  4. lwien

    Major Storm....

    For all you guys in the northeast, my thoughts are with you. Time to batten down those hatches. They're saying that this could be worse than Sandy. 20 to 30 inches of snow with this. This one could be historical.
  5. lwien

    Discontinued Zion vaporizer

    This looks kinda interesting, eh?
  6. lwien

    Coach Suspended After 161-2 Win....

    So what do ya'll think about this? Me? I'm aligned with the guy in the clip.
  7. lwien

    Purple Days + Water Bubbler Stem.....

    SOLD !! Almost brand new PD. Used only 5 times. Comes with: AC Adapter (used) 6 Stems 4 tins of Buzz Butter A tin full of replace screens along with tools to replace them with 4 aromatherapy cups $165 shipped USPS Money Order only please Being that I was gifted the custom made bubbler...
  8. lwien

    Stupid Shit !!!

    Ok, so we a have a Fuck You thread. Seems to be pretty popular here, so I thought I'd follow that up with.........A Stupid Shit thread. It's kinda like the Fuck You thread but rather than expressing anger and frustration, this one is more of a "What the........?" kind of thread. So without...
  9. lwien

    Check out 60 Minutes Recent Segment Here.....

    Following link is a 60 Minutes segment analyzing the impact after a year of recreational marijuana laws being passed in Colorado.
  10. lwien

    Prescription Drugs CAN Negatively Affect the High...

    So here's the deal. About a year ago, every once in awhile, my gums would just be burning. I would also be salivating a lot. Dentist didn't have a clue as to what it was. Didn't happen all the time, maybe about once or twice a week. I then noticed that I was really putting a lot of...
  11. lwien

    Great Movies You've Seen Recently That Are NOT New Releases..

    Just saw Philomena (2013). Judi Dench is such a great actress. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that she wasn't in that I didn't like. If you haven't seen this one, it's definitely one to check out. The Catholic Church has definitely had some issues over the years and this...
  12. lwien

    Solution for the Homeless and...............FUCK FOX !!
  13. lwien

    RIP Joe Cocker

  14. lwien

    Early Adopter.......How Much of a Risk

    So I'm posting up this pole to try and get a handle on the percentages of those who are having issues with abrand new product that has just been released versus no issues at all. I'm not including the Air in this poll even though it is a new product and the reason is, is because it really is an...
  15. lwien

    Cuban Embargo May be Dropped......

    ..............and it's about fucking time. :tup:
  16. lwien

    How Do You Use Your Portable ???

    I never vape when I'm out of the house but I like to have a portable to use in the house, especially one that heats up instantly, strictly for the convenience factor of being able to walk up to it, take a hit and put it away, all in less than 10 seconds, plus not having to be tethered to an AC...
  17. lwien

    Is FC changing for the better, for the worse or is it changing at all..?

    So the catalyst for this thread is EDA's post in the Crafty thread where he stated: __________________________________________________ "S&B are the greatest vapes ever. Really. This is the moment where I pity the end of the legitimacy of FC. But hey, as long as it means the perpetualness, if...
  18. lwien

    A Must Read for Anyone Interested in Edibles....

    This is from my dispensaries blog. It's a good read.......
  19. lwien

    Beauty Even in the Darkest of Places.....

    Didn't know where to put this but I think this is moving enough that it deserves it's own thread, but I warn you, get out the tissues for this one. The melody is so hauntingly beautiful, especially when you see whose fingers are creating it. See the first vid first..............then the...
  20. lwien

    Aged weed is better.....

    Ok, I know absolutely nothing about growing or curing. I do know about storage though and know that light, heat and air are the things that degrade weed quality so my method of storing weed is to use the smallest Space Case container that I can, close it up tight and then put that container...
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