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  1. lwien

    YOU are not being threatened....

    There's an interesting dynamic that happens around here and at other sites that becomes really apparent and it's really pretty silly with the most recent examples here being the GrassHopper and the new S&B portables threads. What happens is that those who are being exposed to this product and...
  2. lwien

    RIP Jack Bruce.........

    and again, fuck Fox News for stating........ "Jack Bruce, famous guitarist for the band, Cream, dies at 71" I must be a masochist for watching Fox being that periodically, I want to throw my shoe through the TV.
  3. lwien

    Steel Cut Oatmeal ABV...

    Firecrackers used to be my favorite way of consuming ABV, but not anymore. Don't really need all that fat and sugar. Yesterday, I found out that just by sprinkling some on my oatmeal works just as well if not better and it comes on faster. Recipe: Bring to boil 1 cup of either soy milk...
  4. lwien

    CNN announces 420-friendly series 'High Profits'
  5. lwien

    Did You Know.........

    A thread for posting up off the wall shit that you think very few people know about. The caveat here is that it MUST be true. I'll start it off......... Did you know that you can't talk while inhaling through your nose?
  6. lwien

    Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Nominees...

    So I tried to post up a poll but it didn't allow me to put up all of the nominees so I guess I'll ask it here. The following are the 2014 nominees. Pick one whom you would like to see inducted and state why. One thing to keep in mind though. Rather than pick your favorite band or...
  7. lwien

    Nano Robots to Fight Cancer.....

    How cool is this? : Also, if ya haven't seen it, try to watch last nights episode of 60 Minutes. They did a bit on the high cost of cancer medication and exposed that doctors actually get paid a...
  8. lwien

    Can Babies Feel Complex Emotions...??

    I've never seen anything like this. I know babies cry when they are distressed but this baby is obviously not crying at all, but rather has tears welling up from pure emotion from a song being sung by her mother. Joyful tears? ...........At 10 months old?
  9. lwien

    The MASSIVE Rips Video Thread...

  10. lwien

    Go Go Go..........Turkey.

  11. lwien

    Your Very First Car....

    I know that there's a car thread but this one is different. This one is reserved for ONLY your very first set of wheels that you owned. Please don't post up your 2nd, or 3rd or what you would like to have had. Just post up the first car you actually had. Stock photo's are ok. Try and...
  12. lwien

    So this is kinda fun. Don't forget to turn up the sound.

    Don't know if any of you have seen this before, but I kinda like it.
  13. lwien

    Transplant Recipients.......

    Just got this email from my dispensary. Don't know if this would apply to anyone here, but it may, so here it is: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Cornerstone Family, ASA (Americans for Safe Access) needs our help. They are forming a committee of...
  14. lwien

    Alibaba !!!

    So most of us know about Alibaba because of all of the vape knock-offs and clones that they spew into the market place so for those that are familiar with this company, you WILL enjoy this:
  15. lwien

    Pot Moms....

    NightLine on ABC had a segment on this but what's kinda interesting is that some vaporizers made an appearance there: The Pax, the Herbalizer and the FireFly.
  16. lwien

    Huffingtons Post Best Portable Vaporizer

    So Huffington Post had an article titled, "9 Mind Blowing Weed Gadgets" and in this article they had but one vaporizer and this is the one they picked and called it, "A vast improvement over existing pocket vaporizers".................LOL !!!
  17. lwien

    We NEED a contest !!!

    It's been wayyyyyy too long. How can I pitch this to manufacturers that are active here? And don't get on my case that I'm a contest junkie 'cause if you do, I'll fucking haiku you the fuck out. :goon:
  18. lwien

    Raw..........young..........and SUPER TALENTED !!

    Ok, here's a thread for child phenoms that defy explanation. The following is a 7 year old girl from Norway's Got Talent. Now I'm not a religious person by any means, but if there was ever an argument for reincarnation, this is it for I am now convinced that Amy Winehouse or possibly Billie...
  19. lwien

    Papa Johns and Pot.....
  20. lwien

    Ice Cream Addiction........

    I know. To some of you, this may sound insane, but to me, it's not. I AM addicted to ice cream. I was addicted to cigarettes in the past (3 packs a day). I was also addicted to cocaine during the same time period. I quit both of them cold turkey about 30 years ago, but I vividly...
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