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  1. lwien

    Best Of Thread?

    So after reading the following banner : "Interested in a popular vape? Short on time? Be sure to check out the Best Of threads for Plug-Ins and Portables." I thought, how cool would it be if we had another banner that read: "Interested in laughing your ass off? Short on time? Be sure to...
  2. lwien

    Pesticides Found in Dispensaries....

    I've just been diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension and then I just read this. Wonder if there is any connection? Considering all the coke, amphetamines and cigarettes I ingested back in the 60's and 70's, I would think that that is more the issue than the very small amounts of bud that I...
  3. lwien

    Non vaporizer classifieds?

    I may have asked this before but as with some things, I don't remember if I did or not. So.........if I didn't, what's you guys thoughts on this? I sure would like to offer up some stuff to sell here before I go to offer it up to people whom I don't know.
  4. lwien

    The VA and Cannabis....

    "Senate Passes Bill Letting Veterans Access Medical Marijuana" -----
  5. lwien

    If You Live or Have Lived in SoCal......

    ......especially in the LA area, you might find this list kinda interesting:
  6. lwien

    Do You Guys Have a "Final" Vape?

    For me, I always run my bud though my LSV for a final hit or two before I retire it to the ABV jar. It seems that no matter how spent the bud is though my MFLB or MiniVap, I'm always able to get another hit or two out if from the LSV...........without combusting.
  7. lwien

    Things to Start Your Sunday Morning With.......

    This little girl sure got her moneys worth:
  8. lwien

    Products that make you go...........hmmmmm...

    :hmm: So here's a work-out machine from Japan but the question is, is this REALLY a work out machine or is it something else? So, without further ado, I bring you..............RODEO BOY II !! (pick it up at 1:56)
  9. lwien

    Halloween Costume Thread...

    Themes are movie/TV/news/politician/artist characters........etc etc. So here's the deal. Before you can post a pic, you must guess who the people/animals are in the pic above. I'll start off with an easy one. Who are these three:
  10. lwien

    The "Why?" Thread......

  11. lwien

    Saved By GOD !!!!

    Do YOU want to be GOD !?!??! Then immediately stop doing whatever you are doing and call this number..........NOW !! 1-800-844-7475 (brought to you by John Oliver's ministry of "Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption". Don't hesitate. Call now and be SAVED for now and ever more...
  12. lwien

    Shakespeare smoked weed.......?

    Scientists Detect Traces of Cannabis on Pipes Found in William Shakespeare’s Garden --
  13. lwien

    Good Ways to Start Off Your Day.....

    Watch this vid:
  14. lwien

    Washington DC....the Red Headed Stepchild.

    First gotta see this. This is my most recent favorite clip: get a bit more background of what sparked this children's choir, here is the backstory..... And btw, check out representative Nortons response when someone asked her to yield the floor. I...
  15. lwien

    Age of the FC Community plus a lot of nostalgia

    I don't think this has been done before. old are you? Just trying to get a demographic make-up of who we are with this poll. Gotta add something here. Requesting that people make a few posts in this thread rather than just contributing to the poll. Reason being...
  16. lwien

    How Many Vaporizers Do You Own and Why?

    And in this survey, include ALL vaporizers, be they clones or not, that are "marketed" as vaporizers that can vaporize dry herbs. I'll start. I own 4. The LSV, the MFLB, a teflon core Minivap and a glass core MiniVap. And the reason that I own all four is that they are in constant...
  17. lwien

    How Many Vaporizers are There ???

    We've had a few members here claim that they own a massive amount of vaporizers. One claimed that they owned 50 portables and then another member chimed in that they own 85. I've been in this game for awhile now but I can't comprehend that there are that many on the market let alone why anyone...
  18. lwien

    On TV...........Tonight !

    MY DEPRESSION (THE UP AND DOWN AND UP OF IT)....HBO---9:00pm ET. Author Elizabeth Swados has written, candidly and sometimes humorously, of her long bout with depression. Tonight, those thoughts are collected in an animated short film, with voices provided by Sigourney Weaver, Steve Buscemi and...
  19. lwien


    Amazing. Serena can find a way to win even when she's losing and she's done this on more than just this one occasion. Hell, even she didn't realize that she won........:lol:
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