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  1. lwien

    Kids that move us to tears, to laughter, and sometimes, to just think.

    So I'll start out with one that moved me to tears. Here's a girl in Charlotte, North Carolina making her plea at the City Council meeting at City Hall. THIS is one brave little girl.
  2. lwien

    GREAT new study......

    I have no idea if this has been posted here before. If so, would the mods please delete. If not, I suggest that everyone read this. Most studies are pretty old but this one has just recently been published. Gotta...
  3. lwien


    So the FDA is going to approve Ketamine for treating depression but they're going to keep cannabis as a schedule 1 drug? WTF ?!?!?!
  4. lwien

    Do You Like Honey??? If so, these links are a must read..... And if you want to find out a but more along with where to buy or not to buy your honey, read this.... Fortunately...
  5. lwien


    Over in the Presidential Race thread, there are many posts that are so long that they can't be viewed on one screen and to finish reading them, you need to scroll down the............wall-o-text. Now granted, some of these posts are super informative and very well written. For me, the...
  6. lwien

    Great Television Shows That you Wish Were Never Canceled..

    Thread names (unless someone asks)..........just clips !!
  7. lwien

    What's it like being a black cop.....??

    So there's been a LOT of shit that's gone down lately. We all know what's been going on. Blacks being killed when they shouldn't have and cops being killed when they shouldn't have been. Kinda interesting that there hasn't been any posts on this subject yet but I totally understand why...
  8. lwien

    Can Certain Members be Banned from Posting in Certain Threads ??

    The title of this thread is addressed to the mods...... To put it another way, if a thread starts getting out of hand, can mods ban certain members of posting in that thread rather than shutting the whole thread down?
  9. lwien

    Dispensary of choice......

    This is mine: Pay special attention to the links at the top of their home page. Some GREAT info there in regards to addressing specific medical issues especially in their "blog" link. Been a customer of theirs for over 6 years now. Not only great product...
  10. lwien

    Going from medical to recreational.......

    In November, a vote for recreational marijuana will be on the ballot in California. To those who live in states where recreational use is legal, how long did it take from the time the ballot measure was passed before shops began to open up.
  11. lwien

    Brexit / Trump Poll ONLY for UK FC'rs who support Brexit.

    Ok, a few things going on here. First off, I've heard arguments from both side of this debate with one side stating that what is happening in the UK is nothing like what is happening here in the US in regards to our presidential election and with the other side drawing very concrete...
  12. lwien

    Non-ABV Edibles..........YUM !!!!!

    FireBall French Toast !!!!
  13. lwien


    .....versus the cassette.
  14. lwien

    Music from the mid 60's to late 70's (when creative genius reigned..)

    You will NEVER see these guys play together on stage again. While this was performed in the 90's, the song and it's original flavor was from 1964 and these guys performing it are some of the best from an era when songwriting reigned supreme. Enjoy.....and please add to this thread as I am...
  15. lwien

    Everything We Eat Both Causes and Prevents Cancer

    So...........the next time you hear of a medical study that claims that a certain food helps to prevent or cure cancer, check this little graph (pic) out for a reality check: Edit: To the mods, I was torn in putting this up here or starting a thread over in the Medical forum. Don't know...
  16. lwien


    Hmmmm.........I wonder how long it will take before this thread gets shut down but lets see if we can keep it civil, k? I know I'm opening up a major can of worms here but it is a subject that is important enough to discuss. Anyway, what started this thread originated with @Farid 's post in...
  17. lwien

    This brings up ALL kinds of questions......

    Questions like: Will this ever catch on in the US? (never mind..........see edit) Is the crowd reacting to the performance of the band or more to the performance of the hologram (is it a hologram or some other form of animation). Do you find this kind of odd..........or not? Has the audience...
  18. lwien

    Chinese made products......

    What prompted this this thread was the recent discussion in the SideKick thread in regards to the SideKick being made in China. So..........I have a question for ya but I need to put it into the right context. We all know that China is king for producing inferior knock-offs of name brand...
  19. lwien

    "The Nuns Who Grow Medical Marijuana"

    Check out the slide show in the link below:
  20. lwien

    If you HAD to pick just one favorite musical recording, what would it be?

    Here's mine. Best duet ever that has absolutely nothing to do with technical vocal abilities but rather........everything else:
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