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  1. wilf789

    Vape alone or with others?

    Just read through that as well and she certainly makes some insightful points about why people use marijuana. She also makes a lot of fairly sweeping generalisations and seems to drop in scientific terms rather randomly. While I wholeheartedly agree with the main thrust of the content, and I...
  2. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Anyone know where I can pick up a mini-whip online please? Vaporbros/vaporwarehouse site where I got one before seems to be on backorder, and has been for a while now. Mine literally just cracked 5 minutes ago, the whole top half of the actual wand-bowl just snapped off when my glass...
  3. wilf789

    Any serious beer drinkers in forum?

    This week's selections: Badger - Golden Champion Joseph Holt - Humdinger Honey Brakspear - Oxford Gold Organic Bath Ales - Golden Hare You might see a theme developing here... Did come across a nice strong cask ale the other day with a fantastic name too, Phoenix Brewery's 'Wobbly Bob' -...
  4. wilf789

    Vape alone or with others?

    I know what you mean about this - since I got my mflb and have been taking it with me when I go out with friends I've had to teach so many people. I'd say it was slightly harder to teach them to use it than my SSV anyway, but trying to do it in a bar/club with loud music and a lot of drunk...
  5. wilf789

    Synthetic Cocaine

    Mephedrone caused a massive stir here a year or so ago after the same kind of media-hype stories started to appear about people being poisoned and killed by it - when later it would emerge that the deaths were caused by a variety of factors including a cocktail of different drugs that would have...
  6. wilf789

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Went round to a friend's house party the other day after being informed of some nice Haze they had just gotten their hands on, only to discover that the herb was really wet still, almost like it had just been harvested a day or so before, i.e. unsmokeable to all my combusting mates "Never...
  7. wilf789

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    Just heard this for the first time in a while on a soundtrack and it's just too much of a classic not to post: Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth (Stop Hey What's That Sound)
  8. wilf789

    Doug Stanhope on Nationalism

    On medicinal marijuana:
  9. wilf789

    What causes a high or low tolerance ?

    Just finished a two week tolerance break myself and experienced all of the above, but was expecting to do so having taken many breaks before. The irritability is next to nothing and easily psychologically overcome if you just recognise it's a natural reaction for some and lasts about two days if...
  10. wilf789

    Looks like the DEA is on another propaganda campaign

    A lot of the problems they highlight to do with the medical marijuana system seem to me to just support an argument for fuller legalisation. In the documentary The Union they make a good point about how decriminalisation, although a step in the right direction in many senses, can actually fail...
  11. wilf789

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    For anyone who's a fan of trip-hop, chilled house and the like here's one from Bonobo's latest album It's 4:20 long as well which I think just says it all :cool:
  12. wilf789

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Just downloaded a crack of the latest Worms for my laptop. Forget how much pure, unadulterated fun this game is!
  13. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Welcome and let me say excellent choices on your purchases! I have the same two vapes and have been incredibly happy ever since I got them. Re. painting the SSV: If you go a number of pages back you'll see that someone had great success drawing on their SSV with special coloured pens I think...
  14. wilf789

    Vaporizing just isn't my sorta thing? give me ur opinion, please?

    Another UK blazer here raised on tobacco-mixed spliffs (but not a cigarette smoker): When I first started vaping nearly a year ago I also found the high to be different at first, not that it wasn't as 'strong', but certainly missing something. Since then I've grown to love my vapes and the high...
  15. wilf789

    Vapor Spam Thread

    This forum is keeping me sane at the moment. Been in hardcore study-mode for imminent exams, library since 6am today for example, researching the construction of parks in 19th Century Worcester, Massachusetts :( Not allowing myself to blaze till the exams are over on Wednesday either... hurry...
  16. wilf789

    Vaporizer and heart rate

    A recent documentary on Cannabis on the BBC discussed the effects of THC in lowering blood pressure whilst simultaneously increasing heart rate, they also stated that during this period you're more likely to suffer some form of stroke or heart attack. In my experience vaping has much less of an...
  17. wilf789

    Arizona Congresswoman Shot

    I agree this is a wholly shocking event to happen to someone in the US, it would be even more so if it happened here, and I wish the best to everyone affected. However - Also in the news today was a story about 15 decapitated bodies all being found together in Acapulco, bringing the total...
  18. wilf789

    Any serious beer drinkers in forum?

    Haven't had much by the Brooklyn Brewery myself but I remember trying the Brooklyn Lager and it was bloody disgusting! If you ever need to find good beer in NYC, one of the best places you could ever hope to come across is in Park Slope. See here: Rented a room in BK...
  19. wilf789

    SUPER high CBD ratio.

    Not the greatest scientific source I'm sure but I read in High Times last month in their medical Q&A section (run by a Dr of Psychology rather than Pharmacology/Physiology) that: "CBN doesn't create subjective effects on its own and seems to enhance THC's effects only slightly." That's...
  20. wilf789

    Any serious beer drinkers in forum?

    Glad to see this thread up and running! I've only been getting past the teenager lager stage for the last 3 years and have thus not had huge amounts of experience with real ales and the like, but staying a summer with a few guys in Brooklyn who brewed in their own back garden changed my...
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