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  1. wilf789


    Been looking to get a portable for a while now to compliment my SSV but also because being able to just walk about and sneakily vape here and there sounds truly wonderful! Was on the verge of getting a MFLB until I saw that Arizer and some other companies are planning on releasing their own...
  2. wilf789

    Official Vaporizer Rap Song!

    It's a shame this song couldn't be a bit better...! There's almost no bassline and the melody sounds like it was rustled up on a cracked copy of logic in about 5 minutes. Also those two bell-end rappers who do that little duo verse have less lyrical flow than Helen Keller. The girls in the video...
  3. wilf789

    7th Floor Rep. Q & A

    Hey I know this has been mentioned a few times but I seriously think you guys should look at investing more in producing mini-whips than the extra-large ones if possible. I'm sure the fattys give out beautiful hits, but many people using vapourisers are interested in efficiency, and the...
  4. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Thanks for the link, shame there's only one available though, and it's one that the seller seems to have bought from 7th floor himself. This mouthpiece he has for sale is pretty bloody sweet however...
  5. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Looking to buy a new custom wand as a little present to myself but the new SSV website doesn't list any it seems. Can find the custom ice-chambers and mouthpieces etc but no wands apart from the standard choices. Hopefully they're just making up a load of new ones or something, but can anyone...
  6. wilf789

    ways to use wand hash

    Same here. Adding a little wand-hash from the SSV back into the bud-mix makes the weed last twice as long with half the material. It's really the icing on the cake for such a great machine!
  7. wilf789

    Official Dream Car Thread.

    We might make shitty cars now as a nation, but we have put out some of the most beautiful cars in history IMO My dream car since I was a boy has been this badboy: Goldeneye was the best of the modern James Bond films, and that DB5 race down the Monaco mountains sealed the deal with this car...
  8. wilf789

    Some bud shots.....

    This thread gives me a semi! Just picked up a quarter of Amnesia haze, which for those of you who've tried it smells like God's vagina. Tastes even better in the vape! Will post pics shortly... Edit: Also loving the Cornerstone pics lwien put up. That blue cheese looks truly delicious!
  9. wilf789

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    Harvested a huge load of wand hash this afternoon... holy shit this stuff hits for hours! The vape is simply the ultimate recycling machine.
  10. wilf789

    Watercure - A journey from schwag to 'not bad'?

    About a year ago I picked up some of what we call 'sprayed' bud here thanks to a previously unknown wanker of a dealer. Smoked one spliff of it and the ash was all hard and wouldn't break off, just making the joint go out every 5 seconds instead. After that one the security came in and took...
  11. wilf789


    Haven't watched this in a few years but the Mary-Louise Parker used to live the floor below one of my best mates in New York. Would see her in the elevator all the time, blazed out of our minds usually, fighting very hard to resist the urge to invite her for a session too! We never did :(
  12. wilf789

    Favorite hip-hop/rap to listen to while smoking?

    Massively agree with the posts about the underground jazzy style suiting blazing so well. Acid raindrops is indeed one of the best tracks as other people have said. Binary Star are also really incredible, such a shame they only lasted for the one real album. Souls of Mischief are another in the...
  13. wilf789

    Will b in NYC, any advise?

    Amazing gourmet burgers and milkshakes at Stand on 12th and university place. Also if you're gonna go to a park, central is fine but prospect park in brooklyn is much nicer to chill out in. Plus every park has free movies and concerts on pretty much every day at this time of year, you can find...
  14. wilf789

    Fooootball, Soccer, whatever........

    Well it depends. People who go to watch their club team play every week, with season tickets and travelling to away games all over the country, may well say that they'd rather their club won the Champions League than England win the World Cup. When you see the same players and fans...
  15. wilf789


    Literally got back from a driving trip to Amstedam yesterday. There are a fair few new buds around since I went last year, such as the 100% pure sativa Dr Grinspoon in Barney's, but at 17 it's a little expensive. Thankfully Dampkring now do Kali Mist too, as the Grasshopper used to be the only...
  16. wilf789

    Fooootball, Soccer, whatever........

    Yeah I hear football (soccer) is actually infiltrating America via a Kenyan communist who wants to force people to be healthy and enjoy world sports like the evil meglomaniac he is! Run for the hills! There is, and has for as long as I can remember, a rule against diving. You get a yellow-card...
  17. wilf789

    Fooootball, Soccer, whatever........

    Thanks for playing rest of the world, but us Europeans will take this one again ta! ;)
  18. wilf789

    Fooootball, Soccer, whatever........

    Thanks to the amazing Dutch win last night over Brazil, and due to their (hopefully) imminent semi-final victory over Uruguay, my friends and I are going to drive to Amsterdam next weekend to watch the Dutch beat the Germans/Argentinians/Spanish in the final. The atmosphere in the city will be...
  19. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    With the mini-wand the screen spins around quite easily when moved by the pick I find, but you definitely get a lot more through with it, so perhaps that's normal? I wish there were custom mini-wands, 7th floor needs to get on that.
  20. wilf789

    philosophy thread

    Philosophy of Religion was such an interesting class. Most of my classes are History-based so each time I came out of the Philosophy one I felt like I'd just had my mind blown! All philosophy really does though is just pose more questions rather than really solving anything. Is there a God? Is...
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