lwien said:If we really look at this objectively, I'm not quite sure what to believe, realizing full well that my thoughts on this may not fair to well here or at any pro-cannabis site.
JDSupreme said:"There is no sound scientific evidence that smoked marijuana can be used safely and effectively as medicine"
haha ya I stopped after reading this.....but I dont "smoke"
Vicki said:lwien said:If we really look at this objectively, I'm not quite sure what to believe, realizing full well that my thoughts on this may not fair to well here or at any pro-cannabis site.
What do you mean?
AGBeer said:A
I dont disagree with *some* of the points that the DEA pointed out in that paper, but like has been stated before, the side effects and health effects of consuming cannabis (smoked or not) pale in comparison to what the effects of prohibition are.
lwien said:Vicki said:lwien said:If we really look at this objectively, I'm not quite sure what to believe, realizing full well that my thoughts on this may not fair to well here or at any pro-cannabis site.
What do you mean?
I don't know how to reword that but I'll try.
I would think that most users of cannabis would dismiss the DEA report in whole just because it painted cannabis in a negative light without any regard to the possibilites that some of those studies, may in fact, be correct.
They would then counter with reports that showed that cannabis was totally innocuous.
If we take off our pro-cannabis glasses and looked at the issue totally objectively, we may not totally dismiss everything that the DEA has stated, nor would we fall, hook line and sinker, for all those reports that say that cannabis poses no health issues what so ever.
Fuck, just look at all of those things that at one time, the scientific community said was good for us, and they now state that it's bad for us............and.............visa versa.
Vicki said:I use cannabis as medicine, and I believe the side effects of OTC and RX meds are a lot worse for my liver and stomach.
lwien said:Vicki said:I use cannabis as medicine, and I believe the side effects of OTC and RX meds are a lot worse for my liver and stomach.
I believe that also, but that surely doesn't mean that cannabis is TOTALLY safe. It just means that it's "safer" and if there is anything that I take issue with regarding that DEA report, it's that EVERY drug and medication has negative side effects and that one has to weigh the risk/reward ratio, regardless what medication we are taking, and that included cannabis. Hell, did ya ever hear the disclaimers on the television ads on Ambian/Lunestia? Are those risks really worth a good nights sleep? Maybe for some, but wow........
you are right(however I don't know about fox etc, no expert on american tv-channels), but I do believe the truth is more towards weed is harmlesslwien said:For every study that shows that cannabis "can" be harmful, there are opposing studies that show just the opposite.
If we really look at this objectively, I'm not quite sure what to believe, realizing full well that my thoughts on this may not fair to well here or at any pro-cannabis site.
I know that all of us would like to believe that MJ is totally innocuous, and we can all point to studies to back up that thought, but like I said, there are also studies that show just the opposite.
It's kinda like the news outlets. Right wing conservatives watch Fox News exclusively because it supports their point of view. Left wing liberals may like to watch, CNBC for the exact same reason. Is the news on CNBC anymore valid than the news on Fox? In my mind, they're both full of shit. Like most things, the accurate news falls somewhere in the middle, and the same thing could be said here also in regards to the dangers or non-dangers of cannabis.
An April 2007 article published by the
Harm Reduction Journal,
and funded by the pro-legalization Marijuana Policy Project,
argues that the use of a vaporizer has the potential to reduce the danger of cannabis as far as respiratory symptoms are concerned. While these claims remain scientifically unproven, serious negative consequences still remain. For example, driving skills are still impaired, heavy adolescent use may create deviant brain structure, and 9-12 percent of cannabis users develop symptoms of dependence. A vaporizer offers no protection against these consequences.
thedeserttortoise said:Money moves everything now days... .