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  1. wilf789

    philosophy thread

    I got the munchies really bad in my Philosophy of Religion exam quite recently, having vaped beforehand (weed really helps you understand this stuff!), and then being asked whether or not one is able to hold properly basic belief in the 'Great Pumpkin'. (...
  2. wilf789

    Fooootball, Soccer, whatever........

    Yeah you guys seemed to start off every game with the other team scoring, but always showed a fair bit of passion to get back into it. Our players didn't do arse on the other hand. The god Becks seems to have befriended Kobe and co. since he joined LA Galaxy and that seems to have helped too...
  3. wilf789

    more blasphemy - rolling papers?

    It's hard for a vape to compete with the simple joy of rolling a nice joint. Because there's not really much preparation involved and it's a bit surgical, vapes lack some of the satisfaction you get from joints. Growing up seeing everyone rolling, practicing for hours yourself until you can...
  4. wilf789

    Fooootball, Soccer, whatever........

    Uh I think you'll find every single Englishman in the world is calling for video-tech today, and we have done for a while. The SWISS president of Fifa Sepp Blatter has always opposed it. Just because we invented the game doesn't mean we still somehow control it all! Personally I'd be fine with...
  5. wilf789

    more blasphemy - rolling papers?

    Those cellulose papers are supposed to be less harmful, but depending on how much you've already smoked, you may well not like them. A lot of rollers don't like the way they feel and generally smoke/taste. I used to use RAW papers, which advertise themselves as being free from most of the...
  6. wilf789

    Mr. Nice film trailer (Howard Marks)

    Cannot wait for this! Totally agree with caseball, the book is one of the best autobiographical tales ever written. Marks is so charming and intelligent, combined with an unfaltering passion for weed, which makes for a very entertaining read and I hope a film which does it justice.
  7. wilf789

    Best vape for an elderly user

    Thank you so, so much, you're all fantastically helpful! I'm sure she'd appreciate the kind regards and advice very much. Agree with the comments about the ease-of-use of the Volcano, but convincing someone who's spent pennies on weed her whole life (living in the Welsh countryside where it's...
  8. wilf789

    Best vape for an elderly user

    Hello everyone. A friend of mine, knowing I know a little about vapourisers having had an SSV for a few months now, asked me to ask you wise folk to recommend a vape for her Grandma. Lovingly known as 'Nana Puff', due to how much she blazes, apparently she's been asking her grandaughter to find...
  9. wilf789

    Best use for small amount of ABV?

    I know most people don't still combust and if you do it probably isn't in joints, but I've found that if I ever feel like a little smoke then ABV can be used instead of tobacco (if you use it) in the spliff. Figure it'll be less harmful and if anything enhance the stone!
  10. wilf789

    2010 Worldwide Marijuana March

    Heading to this in Manchester, should be a fun day!
  11. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Hey mate. Well from and using the FC discount fee it cost $294.52 plus an extra 28 for customs, VAT and delivery in England. Hopefully yours will be delivered in working order!
  12. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    After waiting for over 3 weeks my SSV finally arrived through customs, on 4/20 of all days! Unfortunately though the heater cover was smashed into pieces already upon my opening the package. There was no FRAGILE on the box so perhaps someone along the way was a bit rough with it and it broke...
  13. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    This sounds like a great idea! I haven't yet got to use my SSV, but the only thing I was worried about with it was where to put the wand inbetween hits, if you still have bud left in the bowl? A snap on/off cap would be a brilliant addition I think. If the bud was not to stick to the underside...
  14. wilf789

    Studying & Vaping

    Since I started my tolerance break a month and a half ago I've actually missed more lectures, and have probably done less good work too, than when I was blazing all day every day. Now that may well have something to do with a large increase in how much I've been drinking ('cause being sober is...
  15. wilf789

    Cell phones and loss of proper etiquette

    Us youngsters are great at multi-tasking you see! And can text a lot quicker than you fogies so we don't miss the film. ;) Haha j/k. Agree this is very rude especially in a public cinema, but can understand it a little more if it's at home... Also, coming from a country where it's been illegal...
  16. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Ta very much. Coming from a heavy combustion background I reckon I'll be looking to hit the higher temps once I get the hang of it to achieve similar effects. Also completely empathise with what you were saying about smudges and fingerprints, need to keep it shining! Gonna be hard work keeping...
  17. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Mate that is absolutely bloody gorgeous looking! I've got the exact same colour on the way to me, hopefully arriving tomorrow (although tolerance break means I can't use it till 4/20, very annoying) so can't wait now having seen how lovely it is. As it'll be my first vape, I too would be very...
  18. wilf789

    How to handle the inevitable dry spells

    Not sure what that site's like for the US/Canadian cities, but had a quick read of the London and Manchester pages and the advice it gives is a bit laughable! Very out of date on the laws in the UK too, and gives some pretty dodgy tips about how to pick up, and about what you'll be getting and...
  19. wilf789

    Herb Grinders

    I've usually found that most metal crystal-catchers have too large holes and the herb falls thourgh a bit bigger than I want it. I'm sure it's not the case with all of them, just IME. Now obviously they don't collect the trichomes, but a well-built plastic one has always been superior in turning...
  20. wilf789

    Portugals Drug Policy

    IMO it's one of the greatest shames and frustrations about modern politics (especially with such a trigger-happy, misery-obsessed media) that any talk of drug decriminalisation or legalisation is pretty much political suicide. Especially here in England where even medical marijuana isn't a...
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