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  1. wilf789


    Been wanting to see them for years now! They rarely play in the UK unfortunately. Always loved their albums, although as with pretty much every band their earlier few ones are better than their later efforts. Definitely see where you're coming from about them being good to vape to; the music...
  2. wilf789

    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    Haha well Man-flu is restricted to males firstly, and it's not real flu, just a cold with a whole lot of bite I suppose. Edit: see - Thanks very much for the well-wishes and the firecracker recipe, I'd read the posts on them with interest already but...
  3. wilf789

    Anyone starting to hate young people?

    Everyone's generation always talks about "today's youth" being wilder, ruder, generally less civilised than their own used to be. I think you'll find your grandparents very likely said the same about you. As a student of History I can state that this seems to be a cyclical occurrence, having...
  4. wilf789

    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    I'm about to try this method for the first time and was wondering if it's possible with smaller amounts of AVB? I see that most people have been using about 25g + of the stuff, and unfortunately I only have about 5g of it, to which I can add another few gs of un-vaped skunk, totalling just under...
  5. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Yeah I have done a number of times and I'm told each time that it should be shipped within a few days or something. I'm happy to wait more patiently for what I hope will be some pretty nice pieces plus I've learnt not to get annoyed about these types of things anymore, but yeah it would be good...
  6. wilf789

    Best new (or just really great) strains for spring?

    Wow my mouth is almost watering :| Sounds like it'd be great to grow as well considering the short-ish flowering time and resin heavy colas.
  7. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I ordered a custom glass mouthpiece and a temperature knob back in December and I'm still waiting... Was 'supposed' to have been finished about a month ago now.
  8. wilf789

    Retailer Discussion & Discounts

    Must second the above opinion about Vapeworld. I know they're tried and tested already as a reputable company, but this time I ordered they accidentally shipped my items to my old address (which is very nearby and has similar wording - thus an easy mistake to make for a stoned employee!) This...
  9. wilf789

    My Stash

    I've got Neville's Haze each time I visit Amsterdam and it never fails to disappoint. To be honest I can't give a very full description as by the time I buy it it's usually just meshed into the variety of other strains already affecting my body by that point. However like your dispensary says...
  10. wilf789

    Amsterdam --- Coffee shop and others...

    I've used that same map each time I've been as well and have never once got lost in the Dam while using it. With its canals and fairly long straight roads (in comparison to London anyway) the city is fairly easy to navigate, especially if you're from a grid-oriented American city. As far as...
  11. wilf789

    Cannabis Use Age

    11 years old with my older brother. 2 years before I had my first cigarette as well. He had the belief that I would inevitably do it some day and he would rather I was in his safe hands for my first few experiences than with anyone else. It was the same with other substances when I got older...
  12. wilf789

    My Stash

    Yeah it's one of those strains that'll turn you into a bit of a zombie for a while that's for sure! Thankfully just came into some old-school AK47 which balances it out nicely. Gotta agree those are some lovely photos. That cheese looks as sticky as mine feels! Breaking it up for the SSV (in...
  13. wilf789

    Weed and Munchies.

    I remember reading this a while back on the THC wikipedia page, thinking it at least sounded reasonable enough considering the latest research, and then also heard the same theory proffered on a recent BBC documentary on Marijuana From wiki: "The mechanism for [cannabis-induced] appetite...
  14. wilf789

    Da Buddha

    Having said that - my broken mini-whip has forced a return to the standard wand and I was worried at first about efficiency. But instead of loading a small amount in I loaded double, almost to the top of the wand, and the standard was literally hitting the same bowl all day, barely ever needing...
  15. wilf789

    My Stash

    Finding Super Lemon here is like finding a needle in a massive stack of needles... Mainly just Cheese, Cheese, Cheese which is a very tasty strain (the UK version of Diesel I would suggest) but is a bit too Indica-dominant for everyday consumption. The ability to choose between not only strains...
  16. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Seems like a very sensible addition as getting particles of AVB flying into your mouth is the only real downside I experience with the SSV - and I don't have all the fancy glass pieces some use to counteract this. These screens for the mouthpiece, the Arizer dome-screens for the whip, glass...
  17. wilf789

    My Stash

    A 'good read' for you = a heartwrenchingly painful read for others! Wow that's such a tasty looking list it almost makes me want to cry. Then I realise I have Blue Cheese, Strawberry Kush, The Ultimate, and a load of Super Lemon Haze (probably the tastiest bud I have ever tried, certainly...
  18. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Thanks very much! Will buy one from Vape World's ebay seeing as it seems cheaper than any UK based sites - apart from Vapor Wellness but you need to have a minimum 50 purchase on there. Does it hit for as long as the mini-whip? I'm guessing not quite as long seeing as there's less herb. I do...
  19. wilf789

    Best of Da Buddha thread

    Another SSV user lurking... See you've been talking about the mini-whip. I was turned on to it a few months after getting my SSV and I've barely used my standard wand since, at least not for solo sessions. You get a greater amount of thicker hits off small amounts than you do with the standard...
  20. wilf789

    Da Buddha

    Another SSV user lurking... See you've been talking about the mini-whip. I was turned on to it a few months after getting my SSV and I've barely used my standard wand since, at least not for solo sessions. You get a greater amount of thicker hits off small amounts than you do with the standard...
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