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  1. Fogoff

    Dynavap VapCap

    Jyarz are the best i used them since 4 years. Smellproof and nice quality. Very convenient with the m
  2. Fogoff

    Discontinued Healthy Rips FIERCE

    Already got a few power bank That was not my point. Charging time is long. Like 1A. Maybe a bit less. Well i’ll think about this
  3. Fogoff

    Discontinued Healthy Rips FIERCE

    Lets say the battery life of the Fury is too short for you Would u get a second Fury 2 or a Fierce ?
  4. Fogoff

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    I received the Fury today after a few dry burn / full charge I tried it @200°c this lil things rips ! it remind me of the Arizer solo but with a ton of airflow and better form factor great vape I'm not disappointed :)
  5. Fogoff

    Mighty or Fierce?

    Thanks for the feedback guysv
  6. Fogoff

    VapoShop - Europe's #1 Vaporizer Store

    @VapoShop yeah we want the Fierce :mmmm:
  7. Fogoff

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    Yeah Fierce looks good, more likely to replace a mighty imho. As OF point out, Fierce is not available in EU so far. I'd also like to wait for some users feedback - review before pulling the trigger on it .
  8. Fogoff

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    Hi all, Went through 80% of the thread, thanks for your reviews, the hype is real My good old Mighty definilty needs some back up, F2 ordered ! The waiting games begins :)
  9. Fogoff

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    On the mighty u set it by clicking two times on the on/off button. Then once done double click put the boost mode on
  10. Fogoff

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Hi, recently received a warranty replacement mighty. And it seems like its an updated version. With a boost as the crafty, faster heating and maybe something else that i cant remember right now.. Its pretty neat, and gives some fresh to the device. I'm bored of keeping the topcap cleans, its a...
  11. Fogoff

    Vapes on Planes - Traveling With Vaporizers

    Im still carrying my vapes on plane, dosmetic and international. Its beem 5 years. Never had a single issue. I try to keep devices clean and with a nice smell proof bag but it happened that i jad no iso to clean before flight or train and everything went ok. sometimes my carry bag is cheked...
  12. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    small decarb ring with teflon core is the way i go with mine :)
  13. Fogoff

    TOPSTONE Concentrate Vaporizer

    it's looking good ... price is a bit wtf but i'm looking forward that device
  14. Fogoff

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    thoses stand looks cool and very useful especially when using a water tool with the mighty, goona cop one asap :)
  15. Fogoff

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    hi, i was using the minivap since 3 years now, but the battery went down and then i was lasy spending money into it again.. then 3 month ago i bought a mighty it's a damn good device, pretty sturdy (mine has been drop several times) . imho minivap got slightly better taste because 100%...
  16. Fogoff

    Arizer Solo II

    wait and see :)
  17. Fogoff

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    i'm looking for quartz rod, small length 0,8mm and 2/3mm diameter i can't find anywhere, does someone know to source them?
  18. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    hello guys just to say i'm enjoying bho and cotton in minivap at red temp setting Big clouds and flavor max !!! delicieux !
  19. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    :hmm: I did not try to contact them since last year, but they were pretty reactive, it took a week to upgrade my mv at the time... After some thinking and reading over there, i will stick with my teflon unit It's working flawlessly, got timer set to 20mn which is ideal for the way i'm using...
  20. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    oops it's good news ;)
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