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  1. Fogoff

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    Hello, what a nice thread ! On my side i'am using a genesis atomizer I ran it with a little bit of ejuice to avoid dry hit I use 2,5mm 7x7 Ss rope with a wrap of 325 mesh with 3 wrap of khantal o.25 It gives me a 0.9 ohm resistance. That's what I use for my ejuice. I just dab on along the...
  2. Fogoff

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    What a mess:doh:.. I never owned DV and I won't !
  3. Fogoff

    Discontinued The Sublimator

    I did not read all the subject, sorry if it has been already talk about Does any of you have burn themselves while sublimating as it gets very hot?
  4. Fogoff

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    Colie Glass Cirq to Cirq
  5. Fogoff

    How Long Have You Been?

    Since I quit smoking cig for ecigs I never had to combust anything anymore. Cigarette were the only thing that relate me with combustion
  6. Fogoff

    How Long Have You Been?

    Reading you i feel so young!! Smoking since 96 vapist for 1 years and a half....
  7. Fogoff

    Any selvage/raw denim fans on FC?

    APC are the best denim on earth ! I wore them without washing at least for 6 month. And it's the best stone wash jean
  8. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Yes ppn You can do that no problem That's what I did !
  9. Fogoff

    Vapes on Planes - Traveling With Vaporizers

    I've take my solo in my carry bag at least 20 Times stop getting worry guys !!
  10. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Thanks jcat! I'am going to take care of myself a little bit more and get a scale !!!
  11. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Hi everybody, Could someone tell me how much is 0.1 ? for example with dry stuff; full basket ? i know there is a lot of parameter. But not having a scale I just want to know.
  12. Fogoff

    Amsterdam Coffee Shops - Which Have Vaporizers To Use?

    Dampkring is my fave one. Also I remember. Barney's got some volcano. ;)
  13. Fogoff

    Portable Vapes With ABSOLUTELY ZERO combustion

    You should try the minivap It's high quality portable vape
  14. Fogoff

    Vapes on Planes - Traveling With Vaporizers

    I took the solo with me in my back pack next to computer iPad and other electronic stuff I clean with alcohol (don't have ISo in france) What is good to cover odors is plain coffe bean.
  15. Fogoff

    Vapes on Planes - Traveling With Vaporizers

    It's not an advice It's just my experience, just sharing. Besides i'am talking about very small quantities like 1g I would not recommend to anyone. Stupid, yes I agree in retrospect too. Edit: sorry for 4x post. I was writing while thinking..
  16. Fogoff

    Vapes on Planes - Traveling With Vaporizers

    I travel a lot, all around the world. My arizer solo is always with me. It's no problem to take it with me in the plane. I pass throughout multiple security check. They even don't notice it. For sure I always clean it before the trip and separate stems from the solo itself. It even happens i...
  17. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    tests are going on ....:science: i find out i got better clouds throug water with this set up
  18. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

  19. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    hi guys back in the bubbler attachment for mv: i found that the 14mm pvhes gong adapter with small piece of the ssv hose inside fits perfectly with the silicone cone it gives a snug fit to the basket i'll post a pic later on
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